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Pmitali996 Asked March 2021

Grandma got a spinal implant. Is this normal?

My granny is 73 year old and she had spinal implant .. she can’t walk, she can not sit, she can only lay down..she had 37 stitches in her back but after having the operation, after 3-4 days her diabetes level goes down and suddenly then she behaves like she is mad; she just starts screaming, getting up, hurting herself, crying. After sometime she goes back to normal and after few hours she does the same things again.

AlvaDeer Mar 2021
Discuss with the doctor. Where is she now with rehab and is any planned? When did she have her sugery? Is her mental status changed from what it was prior to surgery? Often there are changes due to anesthesia, as funkygrandma suggests. But the point here is that only her doctors can guess at what is happening now, and discuss with Grandmother's POA. Make a list of your questions.
Really we can have utterly zero idea what is happening with your grandmother and this is something now to discuss with her MD as to what procedure was done, what the plan is for rehab and recovery and what her prognosis is. Sure do wish you the best.

funkygrandma59 Mar 2021
It could be a negative reaction to the anesthesia that she received during her surgery, or like Geaton777 said, it could also be a UTI. You definitely want to let her Dr know and see what they suggest. Good luck.


Geaton777 Mar 2021
Her doctor needs to be informed of this, it may or may not be her diabetes, it could be a UTI if she was catheterized during her procedure, could be pain medication related, or something else. Don't spend any more time on this forum, call her doctor. Her doctor will probably tell you what to do next: maybe If she can be mobile take her to Urgent Care or the ER if she cooperates. If you can't get in contact with her doctor and she does have another episode, call 911 and have them take her back to the hospital where she had her operation. You or another adult should go with her, especially if English is not her first language. I hope everything turns out alright!


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