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needtowashhair Asked July 2019

The endless poop. How do people deal with fecal incontinence?

This is a follow on to my liquid poop thread. The good news is there is no more liquid poop. The bad news is that it's been replaced by a continuous solid poop. It's been going on for about 36 hours now. Where is it all coming from? She's still on a basically liquid diet. It's averaging about an inch of output an hour.

I think the problem is that her external anal sphincter is too lax. So it's classic fecal incontinence. Invasive things like surgery and implants are not an option. I live in the US and anal plugs are not approved for use here. I can't communicate to her how to exercise and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. So that leaves medication as the only treatment option. Other than loperamide hcl and topical phenylephrine gel to improve sphincter tone, is there anything else that can be done? Or is cleaning up an endless poop the only option? How do people deal with fecal incontinence?

cwillie Jul 2019
My mom's poop was never hard either, it just didn't come out - I think her strokes or her maybe parkinson's (never a firm diagnosis) screwed up the part of the brain that made her colon work. Your grandmother's huge amount of feces must have been just hanging out in her gut until something got it moving. Hopefully she can expel it all and this is the end of the liquid poop too.
needtowashhair Jul 2019
Good news! The long poop has ended. I found the last solid finale at the midnight diaper change. More good news! The liquid poop is back! Found a little of that at the 4am diaper change. Found a lot of that at the next diaper change. How is liquid poop good news? I never thought I would ever say anything like this, but I much prefer the liquid poop over the solid poop. It's much easier to clean up and grandma can't grab a fistful of it and fling it on the floor.
earlybird Jul 2019
Give the doctor a call and let he/she know about your concerns.


cwillie Jul 2019
A liquid diet doesn't necessarily equal liquid bowel movements, it just doesn't work that way, although fewer solids would mean lower volume.
My mom had slow transit constipation (my diagnosis), things would back up for days and days and by day 7 I'd be ready to do anything to see some movement, I seriously thought one day she would die from a massive impaction. The thing is it never really bothered her, my efforts to get things moving probably caused her a lot more discomfort. And all the fussing I had been doing wasn't continued by the NH, and she seemed none the worse for it.
needtowashhair Jul 2019
I don't stress out about not pooping for 7 days. That was her norm for years and years. Even 2 weeks didn't really freak me out. But we solved that by switching to a no fiber as possible diet. Then it was the mother of all poops. For the last year or two, she's been pretty regular with a poop a day. Until now.

My comment about the liquid diet is in regards to the current output. She's been on a pretty much liquid diet for closing in on 2 weeks. Where's all this current mass coming from? Unlike something that's been backed up for 2 weeks, it's not rock hard but is pretty mushy. Like firm mash potatoes. So it can't have been in her intestines for very long or the water would have been drawn out. She's not eating much solid food. So where is all the poop coming from?


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