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greekgal60 Asked June 2013

Can anyone tell me the early signs of dementia?

My mom(86), normally very caring has begun to argue with me over anything/nothing just to get a rise out of me. Refuses to cook, clean up after herself, sarcastic, says things to hurt me and doesn't care. I live with her, take care of ALL her needs and nothing makes her happy. She wants to be entertained constantly but never appreciates the effort. HELP!

AgingCareCM Jul 2013
Hello greekgal60,

Captain gave a great description. We also have an article on the site that you may find helpful.

We wish you the best,
Melissa R. Team

anonymous158299 Jun 2013
a dementia patient usually starts having trouble retrieving nouns. the problem is short term memory loss. sometimes a nurse will give a patient a couple of pills to take then ask them 5 minutes later if theyve taken any pills. in my experience the elder starts saying a lot of stuff that isnt so.



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