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CindyLo Posted March 2021

Thank you Caregivers!

My journey is over. My father passed away on March 12. We held hands, said I love you, and just like that. He was gone. I was really expecting to do this for a few years. It was only 9 months. In my mind, he just went back to Florida to live. I haven't started packing up his room. I'm sure when I do, I will have a full range of emotions. I just want to send my appreciation to all of you Caregivers. Even though I wasn't on this site for very long, it helped me so much. I have a wonderful husband and family that helped me also, but nothing like the people on this site. For those of you that are still in the thick of it, I admire everything you do. I can not stress that enough. I pray for strength and peace for all of you.

NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2021
So very sorry for your loss. May he Rest In Peace.

funkygrandma59 Mar 2021
How very blessed you were to not only be able to care for your father when he needed you most, but that you were able to be with him as he transitioned from this life to the next. What a gift indeed. Please take your time to grieve properly, and take extra care of yourself now too, as you deserve it. God bless you.


Momheal1 Mar 2021
So sorry for your loss. Glad you were able to be with him and hold his hand.
When you do sit down and go through his room - give yourself time and do it in a moment that you can cry happy tears with all the beautiful memories flooding back like an old movie. 🙏🏼 My sympathy and prayers.

Daughterof1930 Mar 2021
Cindy, sorry for the loss of your dad. I hope the comfort that comes with good memories will surround you. I’m sure your dad knew and appreciated your care and love

JoAnn29 Mar 2021
So sorry for your loss.

earlybird Mar 2021
Dear Cindy, I am tearing up as I am reading your heartfelt post. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. May God give you strength as you move on to a new journey in your life. Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and wish you the very best. Big hug.

Geaton777 Mar 2021
So happy to hear he was with you when he passed. Peace to you also, and wish you healing in your spirit from this loss.


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