Doctor Hilfiker may be entering a cognitive impairment stage, but based on his superb written communication skill, my inexpert opinion is that currently he simply has senior moments just like the rest of us old folks.

David, thank you for your article. I know I need to stop panicking any time I can't do something quickly like I could in the past.... I need to realize that I am 70 years old and with that comes some slowness in doing things. Plus my primary doctor said much of this, in my case, is due to stress of me trying to bring common sense into the minds of my 90+ year old parents who were very stubborn.

Math takes me much longer now, and trying to untangle coat hangers more of a challenge :P Now, why did I walk into this room?

I am an 88 year old caregiver to my husband and frustrated in trying to get him to accept that he has a disease. I have backed away from even using the term. He gets so upset with himself mainly but also with me and I don't always react appropriately either. Now I am just going to keep using the line This is not your fault, it's the disease. Thank you

Oh Wow. David's summary of prevailing attitudes "There's always some way out, and it's their job to figure it out" seems so simple yet is really so profound. Whenever misfortune visits us in life, be it disease, a financial crisis or a troubled relationship, the "pick yourself up by the bootstraps and soldier on" attitude of friends and strangers alike can really make us feel like we just aren't trying hard enough. Recently someone on the forum asked why caregivers feel guilt... this is exactly why.

This is wonderful. I struggle mightily with the 'just try harder' message, both in relation to my mother and myself. Learning to be gracious (in an often ungracious world) can be lonely work. Thank you, David, for accompanying us on the journey and helping us to see the way.

David! A big thank you for sharing, I am experiencing very similar circumstances and although I am sorry you have to experience the un-feeling times it has helped me to understand my own lack of ability in some areas. Terry

Thanks for sharing this information.

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