JohnL, you can find ashwagandha on the Douglas Labs website if you search for "ayur-ashwagandha." It is called "Indian Ginseng." Douglas Labs says the following about it, "Withania somnifera, also known as ashwaganda, is a traditional herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used as a general tonic, to support energy production and improve mental and physical performance. The active ingredients in ashwaganda, withanolides, are thought to have calming properties that can support the body during times of emotional and physical stress." John, I am curious why you take ashwagandha. Does it have anything to do with its effect on the brain and mental functioning?

This article leaves out a lot of good information about turmeric. Rural India has some of the lowest rates of Alzheimers in the world. And guess what? They're vegetarians and consume turmeric regularly.

Check out these videos for more information about preventing and treating Alzheimers (with the substantiating studies):

I looked for ashwagandha on the Douglas Lab site. It wasn't there

Professor Kieran Clarke with the Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics at the University of Oxford was working on developing a ketone ester that was far more potent than that found in coconut oil. I know funding was an issue since it was not something she felt the drug companies could make large profits from. Are you aware of any developments along these lines? I was interested in using coconut oil for my mother, but it is difficult to find ways to get her to consume it. I will add that I am a retail pharmacist who is skeptical, but open to natural therapies. I also am very wary of Dr. Oz, as he sends many patients to pharmacies seeking things that are either of no help to them or that conflict with what they already take. Dr. Oz does not instill in his viewers any sense of caution, or emphasize that their own physicians should be involved before they go seeking alternative treatments.

So what people are really looking for is hope. Each week there are multiple new things that will cure or prevent Alzheimer's. This false hope is only going to get worse as snake-oil salesmen including the media start to learn about Alzheimer's. Last week, it was cannabis (marijuana). While we all need hope, we must be strong and understand that there won't be a miracle potion.

I am most interested in what you have to say. I have my own issues with Dr. Oz & the information he make available to people. I guess it is a take what you wish & leave the rest behind.??
Being an R.N. who works in the field for 50+ years now, I question EVERYTHING.
I will be watching & following you & am thankful for your all you do & say.

The Longvida form of coated turmeric claims to be much more effectively absorbed in the intestines and also to cross the blood-brain barrier.

There is a drug being tested in called Caprospinol (for Altzheimer patients) how can we get the drug to be put in use soon?

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