What a wonderful article you've written here, Mr. Hilfiker. Thank you for sharing your experience.

What a moving experience. It has the feeling of by embracing the limitations we go deeper - and in that deeper place we and others are more open to the paradise of here and now. My mother has dementia, and its quite advanced, and also she in many ways is at her best these days - with a few tendencies - I think directly linked to the memory loss - that together we are both working with to move towards the healthy - and so we spend much of the day in the light and beauty that surrounds us (I've rented a house in a forest) And at 93 she says nearly every day - this is the best day of my life. It sounds like you're developing the kind of spirit and trust that can walk though hell and see a garden - and showing this possibility to others. Leading them from a fear based relationship and a state of disease to wellness. I've started to produce videos of my Mum in her humor, wisdom and joy - to share that possibility as well. Isn't that the basis of any mystical quest? Looking forward to following and reading your other articles! And creating the way by walking it ;-)

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