I find it extremely annoying that my siblings literally will not help with any "hands-on" caregiving, and very rarely visit our folks even though they live locally, but are extremely interested in "what they will get" as far as the inheritance is concerned. It is arrogance beyond belief. In addition, one of my sisters said to me recently: these are her words in quotes: "I hate being around old people". Well, guess what sister, you too will be old someday!

i find it difficult to be constantly confined and dealing with his hard of hearing when he won't use his hearing aids and forgets to take his meds .i have to wake him up to take them or he will wake me up in the middle of the night, and it is hard for me to get to sleep. i am 85 myself and have a hard time taking care of my needs.

I really like this article.
As caregivers most of us know deep down that we are doing the "right" thing. It's the day to day challenges, the lack of sibling support, the loss of your own time, people not having a clue as to what you are really doing, which really gets difficult. I've found too that people don't really want to know what the job entails and yes you do find who your friends are.

I think the biggest challenge with care giving is the accusations and avoiding. My siblings are ok with me being the caregiver, they may not help much, but they do not give me a hard time about it.

My mom's siblings were where my challenge can lay. One of my mom's siblings and her grandchildren accused my caring and traveling with my mom the reason her broken leg would not heal. The doctor has no issue with the traveling, but they certainly did and that is what they believe. They believe that I was to sit around home with mom and take her to visit them frequently yet they cannot call or come visit her. This is the type of stress we do not need, so I ignore them and do not speak to them.

In response to OmgWhatNow, women's baseball was tough for the woman playing the game. These women left their homes and families to make money playing a sport that was said to be a man's game. Just like many that believe loved ones should be put in a nursing home. In the US most people believe that the aging should go to a nursing home where they can be forgotten about. If you look at other countries they have far less nursing homes. I was in Belize last year and they only have 1 nursing home with people that have no family. The reason is becaue they believe in caring for family. So the ladies of baseball were being abandoned. You do not see women's baseball now, so I can see a comparison for a tough situation for changing roles. Just as care givers we change our roles to help our loved ones and take a lot of crap.

Why compare this to baseball? I feel this undermines what we really go through as caregivers.

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