I have COPD. I can walk miles, cut fire wood and out do a lot of the younger ones. I do have to avoid younger children as they have baby virus, that old bodies can not handle. My lungs do not make enough oxygen sometimes and if the oxygen blood level gets below 90, I can get into trouble. The last time I almost had pneumonia that would have been the next stage. I has a white frothy mucus. One shot of antibiotics and one of steroids and I could get air again. But was held in the hospital because my blood oxygen level was below 90. That's per drop of blood or what ever. You can buy a meter in most stores like wal mart cost about $30. that clip on your finger.

The best way to avoid contracting influenza or cold is to keep yourself warm and drink plenty of fluids. Liquids like tea can also reduce mucus thickness. You can also use a humidifier at home as warm moist air causes the bronchial tubes to relax and it loosens up mucus, however, care should be taken to clean out the humidifier regularly to avoid bacteria or fungi propagating in it. If managing a humidifier is problematic, breathing in steam from boiling water can soften mucus while adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil has enhance the effect of steam therapy as the oil contains antibacterial properties which can heal burning sensation in the throat. Still, there are some other natural foods for bronchitis treatment like: honey has antiviral as well as antibacterial properties and eating a tablespoon daily be useful to treat bronchitis as it helps soothes the throat and build an strong immune system. Oregano oil and salt water tends to lessen throat soreness and a few drops of oregano oil or gargling salt water are enough to cure severe or uneasy breathing. Garlic and turmeric has antiviral and antibiotic properties while turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder or some freshly chopped garlic cloves in a glass of milk, boil it for some time and drink. Orange and lemon juice are rich in vitamin C and have antioxidant properties. Drink lots of orange juice to build immune properties in the body. Or boil a cup of water and add a few drops of lemon juice in it and drink to relieve throat soreness. Ginger has immune building and anti-inflammatory properties. Add half a teaspoon of ground ginger and cinnamon to hot water and drink the mixture. In addition drink plenty of water as it is necessary to keep your body hydrated during cold and influenza bouts to avoid your throat from getting dry, which can make coughing painful.

After the diagnosis of acute bronchitis, you should start the treatment which will last for 2 to 3 weeks depending on the nature of the bronchitis. As acute bronchitis is not caused by bacteria, antibiotics do not have any effect on the viruses and taking antibiotics during this period may just strengthen bacteria needlessly. However in only rare conditions is acute bronchitis caused by bacteria and in only this case will your doctor prescribe you some antibiotics. Acute bronchitis continues as long as the symptoms lasts. To relieve the symptoms doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids and rest and to avoid inhaling any kind of lung irritants. A mask is effective if you live or work in an industrial area where smoke is always in the air. If the symptoms persist, your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever to lessen body pain or an expectorant to help the mucus in the bronchial tubes from being detached, so it can more easily be coughed up. Some other medications that can relieve bronchitis are Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen and cough syrups which are protussives and antitussives. If the cough is creating discomfort antitussives are prescribed which prevent or control coughs to clear and avoid strain on the bronchial tubes and includes antihistamines, hydrocodone and codeine. Protussives focus on making the cough more effective for proper and through removal of mucus. Protussives which are effective include terbutaline, amiloride and hypertonic saline aerosols. According to doctors, the usage of bronchodilators is also suitable in instances of complicated cases of acute bronchitis. Although experts opinions are divided when it comes to oral or inhaled beta agonists, it has been found that patients who used bronchodilators like albuterol metered-dose inhaler showed reduced symptoms of bronchitis. If bronchitis is problematic and slows you down every few months it may be better to get a yearly vaccination shot against influenza virus or bacterial pneumonia. One dose of pneumonia vaccine, PPSV23, will help protect you from pneumonia until the age of 65. A booster may be need if you have other medical problems.

I've had my symptoms for a week starting with two days of no voice but otherwise feeling well. Then I developed chest congestion with coughing and thick phlem and feeling generally punk. Doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis and gave me a c-pac. I'm wondering where I picked this up and hoping it will be gone in a few days.

Thank you for this information about chronic bronchitis. It gave me a better understanding of my mother's condition. My mother has recently needed to have 4 breathing treatments per day. She is having more difficulty swallowing and needs to be reminded to hold the food in her mouth and not to swallow until she tips her head down. The Speech Therapist was very helpful in showing both of us the necessity of doing the above and it has been a big help.

I appreciate your site in that it has been very helpful these past two years--both in the information you give as well as the opportunity to read and share with other caregivers.

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