Wow, dealing with this with my loved one now. Although has normal pressure hydrocephalus as well. Which also causing urinary incontinence, and memory loss. Thank you for pointing this out as Mom's on Zocor.

My mom had been on ditropan/oxybutinin for many years, and when I noticed her Sx were not what were shown on the TV commercials for bladder control drugs, I asked doctor if we could try going without for awhile to see what happened. Not only did her bladder control (just light leaking) seem fine, but after a few weeks, I noticed she had more mental alertness and was more with it. I kept observing and finally asked her if she noticed any change in herself. When she said "yes, I have actually, a week or so ago..." HOLD THAT THOUGHT! I grabbed my nearby camera and filmed her coming out of her dementia state. AMAZING.

Unfortunately, a few weeks later, her doctor changed her cholesterol Rx Lovastatin to Zocor, and within a few weeks, she'd sunk back mentally. We tried OFF then on then OFF then On then finally OFF. With mental acuity coming and going. Unfortunately, she never regained the level shown in this video, but I always thought...I have been caregiving for 7 years because of a drug side effect?! Benefits outweigh the risks? Hardly!

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