
I would like to hear from someone who has had cataract surgery. My mom (finally) had her first eye done two days ago. She's still in the hospital, because her doctor and the nurses refused to deal with her back pain (she'd been complaining about her back for ages and the antics worsened last week, but she wouldn't go to the doc), and he "had no time" to discuss post-op care or the right-eye scheduling, with her or me. Neither did the nurses in outpatient. And I refused to take her home weak and dizzy, unable to sit up or stand up. So far in Emergency she's been diagnosed with a broken vertebra in her lower back, terribly anemic, and a UTI. But back to my original question. Mom said something yesterday that has been bothering me. When she went off into the surgery room, her entire head was covered with a plastic bag and she felt whacked in the face. She came out with bruises at the edge of her eyepatch, and one on her jaw, and a big one on her foot only discovered in Emergecy.. The recovery nurse said this was normal. None of the other patients were bruised to this extent. Is this a normal sensation? This does not match my bf's cataract experience, where the eye to be operated on was exposed and there was no pain of anykind. Because the doc wouldn't tell us what to expect, my bf went into amazing precise detail. "Oh they do things differently in the States," claims mom. Just want to know if I should add this to the official complaint I am writing up. I am thoroughly disgusted by the "service" Mom received. Being treated like a third-class citizen due to language is one thing -- but what I've had to deal with recently is just beyond words. My classmate the Syrian refugee says the hospitals in Syria, right now, are better than this.

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I know someone who was dropped on the floor off the operating table. My brother was terribly scarred when he was accidentally burned during brain surgery. Sometimes things can go wrong, if her blood work is fine you may want to ask for a further investigation.
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Bruising easily suggests her platelets are not functioning properly or the counts are very low. This is well beyond the expertise of an eye doctor. You need an orthopedic for the back, a urologist for the UTI and a hematologist for the bruising problem. In my opinion, she should never have been cleared for surgery by her primary MD without proper lab work.
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