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Help yourself too, while helping "yourelf". Laughter, the best medicine.
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Agree with cmagnum that in your case, it could help to stop explaining and reporting to others. What about a therapist right now, not waiting until you move out?
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We had the meeting and told again that I needed to move on. My parents and brother...I don't think anyone trully heard what I need, everyone kind of talked. We all talked. But parents would over talk me and I have to reverse it so I can be heard. In the end no one said and anything and my brother got on my about raising my voice at my parents. I just want to be heard. Is there anything wrong with wanting to be heard? I know this is not the place, but please listen to what your children are really trying to say sometimes. It means a lot to us to know we are trully heard and understood. I need to get my things finalized so I can finally move out. If i could legally get them off my birth records I would. But I have to move on on my own two feet, strong, and head held high to this next level.

To finalize, my brother will be here taking care of my parents, they don't want outside help, and I'm preparing to leave this karmic disaster behind and make good memories.

I'll probably do another update eventually, but i'll stop by now and then to read.
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SlaterVixenCare you have to make a plan and stay with it. Your parents have needs but so do you!

You need a councilor or therapist for you and will need someone when you do help you through the doubts and depression that may kick in...years of trauma do not go away over night.

Have you talked with your PCP about depression? make sure you have back up and a plan for yourself. A local support group? etc.

Best for a calmer life with good memories! Find some new friends at a local senior center or house of worship.
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What do your parents say about entering a facility? They would both receive the care they need, it would be easier on them and they would have medical oversite 24 hrs. per day. When was their last full medical workup? Maybe there is something medical happening other than the obvious. It likely can be some dementia, depression or other mental health issue. The AoA can give you information on the options that are available to them in their community. Married couples have a right to share a room if they want to share a room. If they are able now, they should complete advance directives before they become mentally incapable of doing so. This will ensure their wishes for medical treatment will be honored and takes the pressure off of you and the family when it comes time to make medical decisions. The AoA can give you information on advance directives and caregiver services that could benefit you. Dealing with aging parents sometimes can be very difficult, especially if there is dementia involved. I see many people not doing for themselves so this isn't just something that's happening to your father. There are many reasons for not helping oneself and it is frustrating. Good luck.
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Hello all.

Glasshalful, I think the therapist would be quite wise. My energy levels have slowly bottom out at times, but I'm continuing to persevere. And because of that, I think I will do a search for a therapist in the new location who can do skype sessions. That way I would have one less thing to do when I arrive.

My doctor knows of my depression, but not that it's as strong as it is. I have some reservations about telling the severity it reaches, and have withheld so I can see a therapist about it when setup. She had given me a name and number of a Psych about 1hr away from where I am some years ago, but I had not been able to go there for reasons I won't mention here.

Terry parents are adamant about not being placed. I wish they would go, but even I have concerns about nursing care in this current exact location. The quality of things in this city aren't exactly stupendous, and the nursing facilities look abit worse for wear on their exteriors. If they ever wanted to go, it would have to be in a different city which has a good reputation for nursing care, hospital care, etc. For now they are at a no, and I'm too tired to push that further. It is what it is currently.

I'm quite sure my parents are internally petrified, and in denial of all that's happening to them, if they are still deeply aware. They are normal most days, but you can tell a difference if you've been around them along time like I. My brother doesn't seem to see it yet, but leaving the responsibility to him, he'll recognize trully what I've been dealing with, and not just the surface stuff. He may even do better than I since he has a lady friend who has no qualms about helping. I'm just praying for the best on this end while I continue on.
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