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lets see here kaz . you can get turkish hash , i can get celery seed . hmmm
kidding ( try me ) . im sure it was celery seed . the cole slaw was downright zippy and i dont remember using horseradish .
id like to get prepared and jack someone for some end of garden vegs in late summer . this variety of whatevers left is bitchin in your favorite pickling brine and canned up .

Thats a great tip "celery seeds" i had mayo in a cafe recently with these seeds they are great i must buy them but there are not easy to find here.

Captain you can get "coffee flavoured smoke in halers"!! save a fortune on coffee and tobacco LOL

my breakfast takes little preperation -- coffee / tobacco . been thinking about throwing a cigarette worth of tobacco in the percolator . nicotene buzz , less inhaled tobacco . thats how far outside the box i am . how people have always done things doesnt interest me in the least . ill let you know when i try it . might be some good tasting coffee . ya dont know unless you try ..

Tonight is one of my freezer meal nights - lasagna that I made about a month ago and put in freezer containers. Add a little side salad and we have an easy, no fuss, no muss meal.

Tonight's dinner is chicken breasts marinated in Lime Chipotle. Saute on low heat until done.

Every Friday at work, we have foodie Friday where something is cooked with products from our grocery store. Yesterday was this chicken in the lime chipotle marinade. The employees get to try it and we get a free bottle of the marinade....then we sample it out to customers. This is so good...little prep time involved.

Captain I've left a good portion of the back end to go wild for a future poultry house and run(s) so I'll have to mow less next year. Even then it takes about 3 hours with the tractor. Assand I can't face food for a few hours after I wake up, just coffee - there's no life before coffee!

Ashlynne I'd be eating it for breakfast..

i live in the sticks and thats why im NOT mowing anything , ash ..
might mow the little orchard once but thats it .
its just more airborne trash than i care to breathe for something so purely cosmetic .

Dinner last night was chicken, baked potato and corn. I was up at 5 a.m. and spent most of the day mowing and gardening. All that sun, wind and fresh air knocked me out so I skipped dinner (I'll eat it tonight) and went to bed early. I've been living in the country for 18 months and now I know why country folk go to bed early.

Yeh susan here was my day........ got up got mum up made her breakfast got her dressed (or waited two hours for her to get dressed) brought her into town to pay off her loan in full at the Credit Place there was a huge line but mum was insistant that she go to the teller she spoke with last month? I tried to explain that you have to go to the one thats free but she started shouting and demanding she see this particular teller i was just mortified and was close to leaving her there in her madness and go home alone but i couldnt then she proceeded to buy not a plant but a HUGE jungle of a thing that i had to carry around to do the shopping then coffee and moaned that i had a cake (and told me im getting too fat) THEN home SWEET home to non-stop telling me to go and get the neighbours gardener to cut down her tree WHILE im cooking dinner then i went next door to shut her up and he wasnt home so she waited by the window for at least two hours and ordered me again to go and get him then i came in and went on this site to calm down? and shes at me for attention and something else she wants me to do!
A bad day? I think i will demand to see a shrink and beg him to lock me up because i must be "NUTS" to have such patience!
"a day in the life of a carer eh?"

ive made some great cole slaw in years past . im trying to remember what it was that gave it an almost tongue burning zing . im thinking celery seed .
yea kaz , some nut jobs around here make it in a sweet / sour style . its f**king horrid..

Kazaaa - you've got me chuckling over here. I'd be in a flat-out laughing fit if Mom wasn't sleeping 5 feet away.

"Well its better than "shut the .....up im doing it already".

That SO describes how I'm feeling today.

LOL captain you crack me up "you sure do love your beans". AND i never put vinegar in coleslaw? is that an american thing? i put mayonnise but then i think mayo has a bit of vinegar in it unless you make your own?

I have to say back in the seventies when i was a kid a californian woman came to town and opened an all american cafe WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW her coleslaw was to die for she died with that recipe, love or money could not get that "gal" to give us it. I think that she may have put a bit of cream in it but it was to die for i still can taste it! And it was my first hamburger experience they were awesome then that crappy Mcdo came along and ruined real food!!

love creamy cole slaw . never did really get that vineagar crap . kaz, obsessive behaviour warps my mind quicker than anything . just someone who operates out of habit is bad enough .
i got into the charles atlas grade heavy lifting again today -- worked up an appetite . i had strawberry rice AND beans tonight . who says you cant have it all ?

I made enough chicken soup for 4 days.. Mom's favorite..

I have made Quiche lorraine with green salad and coleslaw and am off now for a second helping WHY? because mums in one of her obsessing moods and i just gotta eat to control my stress!
Well its better than "shut the .....up im doing it already".

im still on the strawberry rice . it got better after 2 days in the fridge . while im wacking it the beans oughtta be getting better .
the cornbread just plain sucked -- probly because im too cheap to buy eggs .
itll get eaten ..

today I am cooking a whole turkey breast with stuffing. Yum!!

" spambox " and " fistface " ..

havent heard a peep out of blunt man . bet hes still dusting himself off from the last time he bounced off my chest and bit the dirt .. i noticed hes sneaked up here and siphoned my trike dry . he aint 6 yrs old anymore and that isnt funny anymore , its going to get him a fist to the face . the nickname " bluntman " has served its purpose , time to move forward . i think ill start calling him " fistface " ..

sposed to meet my oldest son this am. hes going from chicago to fla to pick up his kids for the summer so i offered him a little fuel money to help out. we have had a strained relationship for years . to pursue his carrear he was willing to stick his kids in the gary IN school system. he considers himself educated and quite above the likes of beard clip and his druggie mother. im saying hes thick between the ears and doesnt " get " empathy, its all about him..
ill say of his new attempts to mend relationships with me the same thing i said of my youngest when phsyc asked me tue if youngest caused me stress . na , we'll slam heads as long as i live -- ill see to it . i say this because in his frenzy to collect up his kids and spend the summer with them i still havent heard of any arrangements for grandpa to have quality time with the grandkids . mending fences with me requires more than a sappy e mail , its going to require he get his head out of his a** and have consideration for people around him a bit -- or we'll end up with email blocks on each other again . i have my finger on the button already , lol ..

The chicken livers were great!! I said to hubby you didn'makmaking doggie treatst vagrant chicken livers...he Said is that what that was? I tried one but thought you were experimenting making foggiest treats, roflmao!!

psteg! i have no idea what OBX is but i am coming to your house for dinner after reading that i now have to go out and make something and its after 1am here! Note to self do not read these posts!
I have 2 months to get my cholesterol down or doc insists on statins i just havnt got the motivation as im tired and drained and under so much stress but i will have to start eating healthy or ill get ill.
I just need a kick up the a** to get out and get motivated its so hard when your world is upside down its hard to get exicted about salad and veg!! COOOL just realised ive got 2 squares of swiss choc left thought id finished it what a buzz to find this!!!!!!! LOL

OBX shore dinner, shrimp, clams, boiled up with fresh corn and smoked kielbasa and baby red potatoes. And a portion of fresh tuna steak, seared to perfection. For dessert, home made strawberry-rhubarb pie. I did the pie and my nephew is doing the rest. :-)

Decided to cook the fish anyway.

Smelling the fish w/wine cooking...takes me back to the days when I was cooking at The Mill. The heady scent of evaporating white wine mixed with dill, butter and lemon...the heat of the big convection oven...the ding of the service bell at the counter as the wait staff brought in yet another order...the faint rattle of dishes and cutlery in the dishroom...laughing to myself as I cooked and listened to Lynn, the big, raw-boned head cook bellow the lyrics to "There's a Tear in my Beer" as she waltzed herself around the cavernous kitchen in that huge, historical building...I miss those days.

Odd dinner tonight for me. Mom had leftover chicken and veggies. I snagged a nice bunch of asaparagus the other day and steamed that tonight - and ate almost all of it myself. (Mom hates the stuff, so it's all mine.) I took out some cod fillets to cook with white wine, butter, lemon and dill, but haven't cooked it yet. Too full from the asparagus! I shouldn't have eaten so much of it, but it was so good!

meh , im takin edna some beans and cornbread , them moderators cant be far off my tail by now.
cornbread smells good with a dash of garlic powder in it ..

Into a bunch of new recipes again. It's a chicken dish with green beans and asparagus as the asparagus is in full swing production in my garden. serving with rice instead of polenta as I didn't have that on my grocery list.
Though dad will eat basically anything which is a good way to get rid of leftovers.

HAHAHAHA!!! Did the phsyc know you were focused on eating mules and dogs? I think perhaps not... la de da

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