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That is all. ;-)

Went and got potato chips and real chocolate feel like crap now but did enjoy them!

Cap "milk thistle" you can get it in any health food store is very good for liver helps it detox!

Oh the book is by Barry Groves! he thinks we can cure all by cutting out the bad carbs?

Cap im reading a book now and its called "trick and treat" this guy dosnt beleive in good and bad cholesterol he thinks we can eat as much protein as we want just avoid the bad carbs ie wheat,prosessed foods sugar etc... I find it hard to believe that chicken livers can be bad for you?
Anyway maybe check this book out its interesting stuff as im off wheat i do feel better so will be interesting to see if my chol is down when i get my bloods done again. Then stress can up your chol so we are stuffed either way!! Yeh avoid stress? and negative people HA! LOL

Bob, I will have it checked out soon. Both brothers are on vacay and I don't want to bother them, if I can help it. I pulled it out today to vacuum the back vents. One side was very clean. The left was caked with dust and grease. I realized I had it pushed too far against the left wall and I don't think the air was circulating. I centered it better leaving 2 inches on BOTH sides. I sure hope that was it. It's a very nice one and only 6 yrs old.

liver doc sed my chicken livers are extremely high cholesterol -- but , on treatment i went from 174 lbs to 161 . where the f is this cholesterol supposed to live ? i have bones and muscles , not much else . my thyroid might have been injured during treatment but a hormone supplement for the rest of my life still sounds a lot better than liver cancer ..
theyre all still smiling . if attitude could beat this virus i had it whipped from day one ..
ive been thru some s*it in 15 years . i planned to stomp this virus ' guts out this time ..
if i can make some money ill jam back to chicaggy and see those grandkids again .
i just heard ike in the garage twitching .. he he
fought an electrical snafu all the way home last week . must have stopped 30 times . NEVER got exited . by eliminating one crappy connection at a time i finally found it -- a loose sta - kon on the ignition ballast resistor . then ike blew an old brake line . meh , better luck next time karma . smashed a brake line off and came home with one brake .. made right turns a breeze . lol

Baked cod with tomato salsa and angry i forgot to buy some dark chocolate hope i dont crack as while i was out mum made scones she does make good scones but god only knows whats in them as i wasnt here to supervise? maybe her teeth are in one!! LOL

fridge has a timer that shuts down the cycle and even fires up a heating element in the freezer section for coil defrosting . dont be surprised when it screws up again , boni .

Gazpacho! Super easy with an immersion blender.

My refrigerator miraculously came back to life. Thank goodness! Of course, I had finished the Ice Cream by then!

FYI-My Mothers false teeth are old and terrible. And she doesn't want to eat vegetables any more. Broasting them on a cookie sheet ( all kinds). Makes them soft and so sweet. Changes the taste completely. Use parchment paper underneath. And wrap red beets separate in foil. Takes about 40 min. 350

Jeanne, that’s how I used the salt when I was suppose to use it for the chops. I was too scared to pour it on the meat like my mom used to do. Instead, I poured it into my hand and sprinkled on the meat. Hence, it wasn’t salted enough. It sure looked a lot on my palm. Thanks for the tip.

Captain, I have instant reaction to MSG. My sensitivity seems to be getting worse quickly. Before, it was 15 minutes after the meal. Now, I get it while eating. Very bad throbbing pounding headache that sleep and pills won’t stop the pain. I was eating out with my niece/hubby at a Japanese restaurant when I felt the pounding headache suddenly. I did’t have my Tylenol (useless against this pain). The only pill I had was an allergy pill (shrimp). I can’t believe. After I took it, the headache ceased!

Boni, that always happens here. I was worried when I buy 2 boxes of ice cream. What if the power goes out? What a waste!!!

Dinner - I just lost my favorite local restaurant at the mall. I always drop by and pick up a large cup of beef soup - what the Filipinos call Sinagong (sure I'm spelling it wrong). I take it home and add more water since this soup is very salty and very sour but lots of veggies like okra, etc... So, I got a strawberry chicken salad at Wendy's. I cut up thin slices of avocados and threw it into the salad.

Jeanne-it is amazing what we can measure out with our hand with practice. I can easily weigh out 1 lb, 1/2lb, and 1/4 lb of sliced lunch Keats at work...just by the feel.

Dinner was cheerio's for both of us just too darn hot for anything else.

I've been thinking of the choco-mayo cake my mom used to make, and discussing it with my sister. We both remember a dark rich chocolate cake made with mayo, and we remember a dark moist cake with maraschino cherries. We can't agree on whether those were two different cakes, or if the cherry cake was made with mayo. We can't remember if it was a doctored cake mix (very popular in the late fifties) or from-scratch.

In looking for recipes to try I came across one in a fund-raiser book from 1986 for "Wisconsin's Finest Chocolate Beer Cake." Now that is not the recipe Mom used, but only because she never saw it. It is something she would have tried. So I tried it tonight. (I took an extra half dose of insulin.)

Its liquids are beer, maraschino cherry juice, and buttermilk. Barb and I agreed it is pretty good. (Hope Pat agrees, because I used his last bottle of beer to make it.) In color and texture and taste it reminded both of us of German chocolate cake, which is odd considering I used bitter-sweet chocolate.

I'm still in search of a recipe to match a 55 year old memory, but this wasn't bad in the meantime.

I made my standard chocolate buttercream. I HATE measuring powdered sugar, so all my recipes have been converted to use a 2-pound bag of powdered sugar. That makes 5 to 6 cups of frosting, way more than needed for small sheet cake. So now I have buttercream in the freezer for the next experiment.

Oh you guys only in america!!! BACON? that will hit here soon i guess we are a bit slow on the dark chocolate!
The best is "greene and black" but you have to win the lotto to eat this every night!! i will treat myself to this once a week maybe but it is good AND with a glass of red wine is supposed to clear the arteries! WIN WIN!! Ok so i guess a bottle of wine and a whole bar of dark choccy is super healthy RIGHT?????

Kazz, Bacon dark chocolate is really good too :)

Most of mums family died young in thier 60s dads family are all still alive in thier 80s ALL heart problems so i aint worried im gonna go with a "bang". We just dont know do we? i know i havnt started living yet so im going nowhere ill be travelling around at 90yrs and still drinking and smoking! its the processed foods that get you in the end and sugar. Avoid all that and you will live forever!!

My uncle stopped drinking years ago and he never smoked? He was a detective in London caught alot of baddies! he was a great cop! now hes fed up with getting old but hes funny youd like him he has a great sense of humour! He said you gotta be made of strong sh*t to handle getting old!!! guess hes right!

it doesnt make sense kaz . nealy all of my dads brothers died at 70 - ish except for uncle bill out in texas . hes 81 and i assure you he has a beer in one hand and a camel cigarette in the other tonight .

Well i suppose JB it is dangerous i had vertigo just watching him climb up there he climbed it like a monkey!! Im off to bed potatoe pancakes with bacon and maple syrup THEN chocolate cake thats just torture! I had an apple and some boring dark chocolate BUT tomorrow i am getting some really good dark choc with "chilli" HA! cant wait. Whod have thought chilli and chocolate? ive heard some people put this in chilli con carne? could work may try it! All this healthy food im eating is so boring why is crappy food so d*mn good?

Cap where do you live did you say "indiana". Also id love to visit Niagra falls sis was there said it was lovely! My uncle in Texas was in a AL but had to leave because a few women were "stalking him" HA! hes now got his own apt in Fortworth! Hes 79 good health but the ladies were always chasing him so i guess hes still got it!! LOL

breaks interstate park in virginia is pretty nice too . from one particular roadside pulloff its a 9000 ft drop to the canyon below .
ike was young back then . hadnt even grown a third wheel yet .
on the south side of the smokies is a hundred mile stretch of mountain road alongside fontana lake . crotch rockets race on it . theyre on radio with each other , pay them no mind . the 100 mile stretch only covers about 50 miles as the crow flies if that tells you anything ..

ive been up to niagra falls . * crammed ike over the top and into the froth . the smoky mountains are so far my favorite r & r destination . those truck sized rocks down the creek beds make my day .

* author may be a lying sack of crap .

Captain, come see Niagara Falls and ride the Maid of the Mist. She is a tugboat that gets up close and personal at the base of the falls. Feel the mist and the thundering water and listen to the engines fight the currents.

ive heard international flights are dirt cheap right now . i haveta get this d*mn pill felony fixed . my freakin pills , my everclear , not driving , it doesnt make sense ..
theres nothing in the states to see . the buildings are utiltarian , jails adorn the city entrances , the southwest is so hostile the plants grow claws . chicaggy is depicted in mailonline today with lightning striking three skyscrapers at once . theres 6 churches per square mile .
its a wonderful country to live in but lacks the charm of the old world .
america , drive it like you stole it ..

We had potato pancakes, syrup, and bacon for dinner -- a meal neither my cardiologist nor my endocrinologist would approve. In my defense we had pickled beets to drag in another vegetable. :)

I'm fixing to mix up a batch of chocolate buttercream for the cake that just came out of the oven, so we did limit our portions at dinner ...

Curses on whoever made that "man V food" programme i cant stop watching it and "diners,drive-in and dives".

D*mn this post i am starving and have been very good i have 11 days to get into a bikini? Ok ill have some more tuna salad yawn! Would KILL for a pulled pork sandwich with barbecue sauce now im really drooling bet ill be dreaming about this all night! Pulled pork sandwich on ciabatta with coleslaw and barbecue sauce! YUMMY!

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