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i know the houses your talking about kaz . old multi story dumps on e washington street . if you have google street view check out the stonework on the front of 1040 e washington . read it and fn weep , old world ..

They are pink and lovely, Ka. Promise!

Pickled turnips are you kidding me???

Cap been checking out martinsville there are not alot of places to eat there? but i would make my first stop to Rubys diner i love the american diners seems like a nice town though apart from some very creepy houses!!! they look worse than the one in "psycho". oooh wouldnt catch me staying in them creepy and huge!!! may have nightmares tonight after looking at them houses!!

-- at the motorcars and lorries below --

im going to chicago tomorrow kaz . ill still be checkin in here while im there .
i think americans call a turnip a fn turnip . man these differences run deep . we dont eat the ghastly things tho , we throw them from overpasses .

Not that i'm cooking any of this stuff right now (I've grilled some eggplant with basil and olive oil, going to stir fry with greens, soy sauce and rice wine vinegar over rice for vaguely Thai), but turnips and rutebagas, boiled with while potatoes and mashed with roasted garlic and either olive oil or butter is divine. also pickled turnips are lovely, especially in falafel sandwiches. Have a lovely evening ladies and gents~

Ash i like most veg but SWEDE nah sorry it tastes like medicine or something awful swede and turnip YUK YUK YUK! mum loves these wierd veg i can smell that swede now UGH and i cant be around the smell of turnip i dont know what the americans call turnip? ruttebagii???

Well Ash ive read that they are laced with vit c? and much lower in fat than the usual spud! (spud means potato here) I will try making sweet potato fries i had them out one night they were nice d*mn hard to cut though i nearly lost a finger earlier!

Chicken (again), spinach, leftover swede (rutabaga) and new potatoes fried over with onions and red pepper.

Kazz you are too funny! I love sweet potatoes. Wrap them in wax paper and nuke. When cold slice and fry with garlic powder. Going to try to grow some next year. Living in the middle of nowhere I tend to only buy (especially in winter) russet and sweet potatoes as they keep for ages in the pantry.

Having food tests done tomorrow to see if im allergic or intolerant to wheat and dairy AND great news is that i HAVE TO eat wheat and dairy today so chocolate tonight in fact im going to have a big chocolate sandwich!! then chocolate pancakes with cream then chocolate biscuits with tea then.........chocolate toothpaste going to brush my teeth with chocolate! hell im going to have a chocolate bath!

cap what you doing online? thought you were in Chicaggy? thought wed have some peace here for a few days a girlie weekend!!!!

Cupboard luck dinner!!!! Its sunday so usually not much food left so thinking i was just going to have a boring dinner...........i started looking around to see what i could make? i fried some parsley,thyme and oregano,butter,garlic and lemon juice in the pan threw in some chicken breasts a dash of cream and hey presto turned out to be a yummy dinner afterall! dont you just love when that happens when you create a new dish from nothing really! also roasted some sweet potatoes had no reaction so looks ok for me to eat these as i cant digest normal potatoes! i roasted them with some brown sugar they were nice and good for you!

poor junior , junior . aint gonna be able to uncover his ears till hes 20 yrs old .

if your recipe gave me priapism , then id go to the er .
na , id put on some baggy pants and smuggle that sob into town . he he

Must be a marathon. It's one episode after another... the Mystery Diner. Have you ever watched that reality show that has to do with helping a drowning bar establishment? I learned something from one of its episode. If you own a bar, you want to keep customers there, drinking and eating those finger food. As a bar owner, you should not use fluorescent lightbulb. Something about it (forgot why) tends to make people Not to want to stay long. I mentioned this to my nephew. And what we did was we both checked out my rooms that had the fluorescent bulb and the normal ones. Yep, it sure does make a difference! Not that I ever want to own a bar. But it made me realize that those bulbs are so great as they all make it out to be...aside from the mercury in it.

Cap, you also watch that reality show: Sex sent me to the ER? That's one very funny show. I usually watch it tonight but at the moment I'm watching: Mystery Diner in the Food Network.

dang, book .
the vienna sausage recipe bout gave me an erection -- cept for the vienna sausages . little brown n serve breakfast links sound better for it .

I cooked the last 2 pork chops for lunch. This time I tried using basil leaves and garlic powder. Put too much leaves in it. Overpowering. I want to try using the different seasoning so that I can learn what I like and don't like. I will admit that I prefer plain tasting food. But, I want to expand my taste buds. I left the 2nd chops for sis. When I told her what I did with it, she headed straight for the fridge. She had leftovers.

Well... dinner will be back to our regular way of cooking. I'll just cook the left over vienna sausages with lots of onions, then throw in the 'juice' that it came in from the can. That was the way mom used to cook the vienna. I usually prefer to cut the small viennas into 3 pieces, throw in 2 small cans in the pot, brown it with the onions, then throw in water, can of tomato, mushrooms, corn and olives. That usually lasts us for lunch, dinner and still have leftovers for the next day. Being lazy tonight - keeping it simple.

Dinner was easy tonight. Grilled salmon frozen for such a use, leftover roasted potatoes, fresh mushrooms needing to be used, mini sweet peppers, tossed together in the wok for salmon hash. Garnished with deli olives and Costco's awesome pickled beets. A slice of Celtic tea bread I also had in the freezer, on the side. Fast, all ingredients on hand, and delicious.

Didn't get bfast nor lunch; made up for it at dinner time: feast fit/unfit for publication - lol: Refried beans with salsa n shredded cheese. Then strawberry yogourt, Followed by ~ baby snackables dill pickles - and i just started snacking on white cheddar-cheese flavored popcorn. No wonder my tummy aches!

hahahaha...captain...I could not have described what I made any better...a doorstop....I don't make bread much these days so I guess I have lost my knack...looking back at that recipe I should have known it would not be time I will go back to my usual time consuming recipe...but it is one that actually works...but for now got the breadmaking bug out of my system and after that piece of bread tonight can't imagine desiring to go there again for a while....

youve made in breadmaking terms whats called a doorstop , hope .
on another subject ;
the whine thread has caught up to the food thread in number of comments so rapidly that it makes me wonder if people would rather b*tch than eat ? thats scary .
hope , i think i learned about french bread mostly from the joy of cooking . little things like dusting the baking sheet with cornmeal for crunchy bread bottoms and such . sweet milk brushed over top when done to soften it .
i tell my son the liquid you start with is ; warm water , greasy , sweet , salty , yeast . season to taste . begin .

ugh ugh ugh....easy does NOT equal yummy.....I consider myself a pretty darn good cook, but this was the worst bread I ever made...very heavy, and way too salty ....blech........heck...what am I going to eat now? I guess it's black bean chili disappointing.....headed to delete that recipe from my Pinterest......

fudge ecstasy cookies..yummo..heck I didn't make dessert...guess I'll be digging in the freezer for the chocolate ice cream here...

" uncover them ears kid , this is a GOOD thing "

me1000, I usually don't use our breadmachine... I didn't use it today either..this is a new recipe one of my friends sent me and has no egg in it, so I"m anxious to give it a try. I have it in the oven now as we speak. Bread making does take about three hours total but nothing quite like the taste of hot homemade bread with some good old butter....I could make a meal off it....I made some black bean chili last night so I think I'll have a bowl of that with some bread on the side...weird combo maybe...chili and french bread...ha but sounds good to me.....

I buy the generic stuff all the time...LOVE Great Value products...have also found a lot of Clover Valley products to be good too..

me and little ff junior , junior there are going to bake the fudge ecstacy cookies again . its an equality thing . women have half the money and all the vagina so men need to learn to cook to keep things balanced out . when the womens empowerment thing hits full steam , women are going to be fixing my car to get in MY pants .
you never seen it coming did you ?

hope ya dont mind me taking a shot at the breadmaker question . i personally dont use a machine . even if the bread were lighter the family process of breadbaking would disappear . breadmaking is an event . a 3 hour process where the family screws around , each doing their thing , an occasional bread related comment , and anticipation . we just done breadbaking in chicago a few weeks ago with the g - kids and the little girl picked up on the " event " part of it . upon being told i was coming back she wants to bake bread . probably the aromas are what ' got ' her .

No worries I try to save money too, my grandfather swears everything has to be name brand!!! HA!!! OMG I buy Great Value Ice cream..or well, whatever it is!!! Im gonna have to try that now, so when I get some my yard is going to attract all sorts of creatures!! Heck I buy Great Value almost everything...

Reminds me about all the talk on Twinkies!!!

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