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I made salmon a few nights ago with corn on the cob and rice. While we were eating, my husband told me that it was good, but he was getting tired of salmon. The last time we got it was about 2 weeks ago! So I asked him what he wanted and he said, I don't know, something different!
I used to go out of town at least once a month back when I was working before Mom came to live with us. Every time I came back he really appreciated me. I think I need to go out of town, but would never leave Mom with him by herself.
Anyway his big response when pressed more was fried pork chops with onions (which I made last week) and crockpot. I told him what do you want in the crockpot.. He answered pot roast. We had that three weeks ago!
Yesterday, I went shopping and made the fried pork chops, with fried onions, fried potatoes, and corn on the cob. Today I mad cheese tortolini with meat sauce topped with melted mozzarella. I would have made garlic bread but no oven. He just was a bit reluctant to try this but he did and was very happy. He wants stuff that is different but not really. Tomorrow is Pot maybe he will be happy.

OMG I love eggs, perfect little balls of low cal protien! And cheese too.. I don;t drink milk so cheese is my go to milk, along with the occasional yogurt

Hope, going vegan may be a good thing for the future, because how else would that Lion be able to lie down with the lamb???

I am trying really hard to go vegan...really hard...but my biggest foil is cheese...I love cheese....I think I could live off of fruit and cheese and bread....but I know that to have it you have to have dairy.....also...what do we do about our pets...because I have been told pets MUST have meat....all of this is very confusing ....

I hate to be a downer about the free range eggs, but that probably doesn't mean the hens are out pecking in the yard like the chickens you remember ros, it just means they have the run of the barn and are not caged.
My mom's neurologist still insists that eggs should be eliminated from the food chain, but then he has spent his career trying to prove a link between diet and arterial plaques and would like us all to be vegan.

Well, they say that we need protein. My favorite meat is chicken. And then pork chop. I figured the egg is a better choice of protein than peanut butter sandwich, which triggers my sinus/allergies.

Bookluvr - meant to say free range eggs are not only delicious but cruelty free!
My parents kept chickens and I remember the eggs were so much better then.

I too dont like breakfast but great idea to eat boiled egg, There was something about eggs recently in a newspaper report "scientists find that eggs are a superfood" ! . One or two scrambled for breakfast keeps your appetite down and helps to tackle obesity they said. I am going to try it now I have found a local farm that sells free range eggs. They taste so much better than the ones from the supermarket.

rsomarin, I saw the same news. I don't eat breakfast, just drink my small can of ice coffee. All these years, I've been told that we Must eat breakfast. In college, I asked my nutritionist professor if it was wrong that I don't eat breakfast. She asked me if this is my norm. I said yes. Then, she said it's not wrong. But for years, they said that if you skip breakfast, you will gain weight. That same news that said it's not the fat but the carbohydrates - also said that skipping breakfast does not cause one to gain weight. In actuality, the breakfast skippers were the ones losing weight. However, if you want a sharp mind for work, I'd recommend eating breakfast. Recently, as in this year, I force myself to eat one hard boiled egg for breakfast. Even that, my stomach gets queasy. It's just not used to food so early in the morning.

Today will be leftovers - take out soup that sis brought yesterday for lunch. There's enough meat on it that I can just add more water to make it last for both lunch and dinner today. My favorite soup.

Sis gave me 2 cans of Poppycock Orville almond,pecan popcorn clusters. That thing is addictive! Lastnight, I ate half of the 10.5 oz can....

The news just stated that fat is not the problem but carbohydrates - that is too much bread pasta sugar etc. It seems good fats like butter and olive oil are OK in moderation. Husband addicted to salt since he had to stop smoking and drinking. Italian food is my favourite - I am going to make vegetarian lasagne and make it last two days. Husband likes this so he wont have so much junk food like pork pies - I hope!

I think something made with crushed Fitos would have to be yummy, but there are some recipes I just won't even try anymore because they are so overloaded with salt or butter or other high calorie ingredients. My sister was reminiscing about how good my grandmother's tuna casserole was, no wonder as it included a bag of potato chips!

What do you do if you have just burned the rice? You call your dish Paella.
Cook the rice, about 1 1/2 cup of rice for two nights meals. (Dinner for two X two-three meals, or lots of food).
Saute onions, garlic, in large frying pan withvolive oil, then continue in same frying pan: carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, yellow squash, mushrooms, about 6 minutes. Add the burned rice but do not scrape off any burned, leave it in the pan, keep the good part. Let it sit over the vegetables as they finish, then add some butter, stir rice turning it into the vegetables, add a very little soy sauce, seasonings, top with cheese, turn off stove, cover 3 minutes. Total time under 15 minutes. A one pan recipe. If you need measurements, this is not your recipe. We liked it, could have fed 4 people tonight. Froze about 4 cups of paella casserole. (In cooking paella, the idea is to slightly brown the rice).

I thought of several changes I would make to the potato soup recipe and then I slapped my forehead. Without turning on the computer I'll bet I have at least 60 recipes for potato soup right here in my house. If I do a computer search I can have several kabillion. Why start from a recipe I didn't like? :)

Tonight was leftovers. I had stir-fried pork with hoisan sauce. This weekend I'm making again one of the hot dishes from my sister's book -- the one with crushed Fritos as the base. Loved it!

Tonight was leftovers. Hubby had barbecue and mom and I had quesadillas with the leftover chicken and Monterey Jack and cheddar cheese.

Thanks jeannegibbs! Sounds delicious! Love caraway seeds. I just remembered an Irish dish called colcannon with mashed potato onion and shredded cooked cabbage would be healthy too.

Every time I open this thread it starts with the uncooked sheperds pie... tonight was my mess up!! I made stuffed pepper casserole, one to eat and one to freeze. Something didn't look right but I was doing 5 things at once and just kept on going. As I went to put something away ( and peppers are in the oven) I noticed the box of rice. Yep... forgot to mix in the rice... slapping my head here! So I made it as a side, and mixed 1/2 of it with some salsa and spooned that on the freezer one. Fingers crossed... mexican stuffed peppers anyone? Mom made fried green tomatoes too.. yummy!

Jeanne, one of the best prizes I found in this house is a recipe book type thing that belonged to my grandmother. It looks like it was a "Town" get together recipe book. The only way I can "date" it is from the local advertisements in it. Example; Speed Queen full size electric washing machine with the rollers for the rinse part, transmission machine gears and yes, round porcelain tub, all yours for $49.50 plus there's a Kelvinator fridge, a Montgomery Wards ad and my favorite, the Hershey's Chocolate for health ad, saying it's the "perfect" food due to all the concentrated nutrients! So yeah, there's a recipe for "Pastrami" in there along with homemade sauerkraut that I'm gonna try out. Tonight though I think I will try Juddabudda's squash pizza!

I love cooking!

Potato soup: more butter, more onions, garlic, and milk or cream. It depends on the recipe. Get your own recipes back from sister. lol.

Dinner tonight will be cheddar wurst with mashed potatoes and whatever vegetable I can interest my husband in. It is hard to find veggies he will eat. I may open a small can of sauerkraut and bake it with an apple and some brown sugar. It is autumn comfort food to me although fall in Sacramento is in the high 60's - not exactly what most of the rest of the country thinks of as Fall!!!

My father has asking me to cook one of his childhood favorites. Corned Beef, Mash Potatoes and Mixed Vegetables.

Potato soup needs lots of seasoning - black pepper sea salt dash of paprika and or ginger! Whatever you fancy . Watercress and potato soup tastes great!

What can go wrong with something as simple as potato soup? Good cook that you are, I'm sure you will find a way to schmecks it up a little! (That means make it taste better lol)

Made the potato soup from the cookbook my sister loaned me. Um ... not so good. But if you are open to trying new things you gotta expect that they won't all be your new favorites. :)

Spaghetti Squash Pizza Pie! My invention tonight. Easy peasy. Cut a spaghetti squash in quarters. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Place face down in a casserole dish with about an inch of water in oven and bake for one hour at 350.
Take out and let cool til you can handle it. Scrape into a bowl. dump a jar of Brushetta from Trader Joe's (or your own tomato sauce), add fresh basil or frozen fresh basil, scallions or onions, fresh garlic clove, grated parmasean, and toss together.
Grease a pie plate with coconut oil, butter, or olive oil. Pour in squash mixture.
Grate some block cheese on top. Put back in over til hot and cheese starts to get golden. Cut in sections like a pizza. Delicious!

Green saladé.

My oldest sister and I are both dedicated Foodies with extensive cookbook collections. We are now on a project to exchange cookbooks, two at a time, and try making a few things out of each book before returning them. We live an hour apart so we don't casually drop in on each other. We both visit our mother weekly and that has been our drop-off point so far.

This is really fun!

From one of her books I've made in the last week a wonderful Eclair Dessert, a Chili Relleno Casserole, something called Pasta Genovese, and a hot dish called Chili Strata that I LOVED (with a base of Fritos soaked in egg). I'm also going to make Fainting Priest (eggplant dish), potato soup, and a pumpkin dessert from that cookbook before I move on to the other book she loaned me.

One of the books I loaned her is of Mexican cuisine and she is planning to use three recipes this weekend.

rosmarin, I did a new recipe for cabbage this week. I don't know WHY we don't have cabbage more often. It is inexpensive, very healthy, and we all like it.

The new recipe is simple but a nice variation:

Shred the cabbage. I used 1/2 a medium head. Put it in a kettle with milk and simmer until the cabbage is done as you like it. (1/2 cup of milk worked for that amount of cabbage.) When the cabbage is almost done, add golden raisins and caraway seeds. Add salt and pepper as desired.

I had some leftover cabbage tonight. Just as good reheated.

Another way I love fresh cabbage is in fish tacos!

I told you before, I can't eat with the turkey ghost staring at me.
Glad is so hungry, she stuck her avatar in the sand.
Jeanette can't eat because the spiders have been poisoned and all she has left are scorpio spider friends.
Gershun, don't remember what she's having for dinner, but an elephant never forgets.
But, there is always HOPE! What's for dinner Hope?

Jacket potatoes oven baked for an hour or so served with delicious cheese butter and coleslaw from the deli. Very quick when exhausted as I am! Soup could be served as a starter. Homemade of course. Love it !!!!!!!!!!!! Husband with poor appetite ate it all.
Does anyone know how to make cabbage appetising?

Shara, you are doing great without a working stove!

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