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Eggplant parmigiana tonite!

Send raspberries on cottage cheese sounds good, I had canned mandarin oranges on mine.

Grab a quesadilla on the way home, buying a salad for later, I just cannot cook.
But finally went to the grocery on Friday night-there is nothing I want to prepare, I really can't even force myself. So tomorrow is raspberries on cottage cheese, and Lactaid.

Mom wanted to go to Knott's berry farm for chicken dinner - one of her favorite things to do
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, Cabbage,rhubarb, biscuits and boysenberry jam

Taco said
Sometimes I fall apart 🌮🌮

I've been eating mostly delivery from local inexpensive "Mexican" (that's in quotes because they have all kinds of food...) restaurant just a quarter mile away from new place. I have yet to go grocery shopping and the kitchen's still mostly a mess so I don't want to make my own food here yet. Spinach salad, Greek salad, chopped salad, gyro, hot dog and fries, super nachos, al pastor tortas, gyros... That's most of what I've been eating lately. Oh, and the eggs with jalapeños, onion, tomato, with side of rice and beans. Not bad stuff. It's a little indulgent to have them making all my food lately, not too mention unnecessary calories, but it's not pricey and it's one less thing I have to do. This way, I'll get my faves picked out for future ordering, too. ;-) The Greek salad and nachos are already on the NOPE list but everything else has been pretty good.  Portions are a good size for not much money.  

Madge ~ "EAT ME" ? lol

What did the taco say?

Was happy to see chef Guy Fieri was out making comfort food for the victims of the devastating wildfires in California wine country

Most of those that lost their lives were elderly

Charles Schulz' (Snoopy) homestead was lost too

Last night a quarter pounder BLT w/o the bun, cheese, or sauce, and a order of fries. I don't have fast food often so I enjoyed it thoroughly. I have some chicken thighs marinating in lemon and olive oil so that will be dinner today.

I'm back from visiting family and even though it is still morning and dinner is a long way off I am contemplating the downside of abdicating the responsibility of hosting the holiday feast.... no leftovers :'(

To all the Canadians on this board. Happy Thanksgiving! Going for a turkey dinner tonight.


Spaghetti, green beans and garlic bread

I need some mint chip ice cream now

LOL, I'm with you guys pancakes sound good anytime. It was Vietnamese noodles tonight with spring rolls and beef. I didn't have it in me to make my beef tacos, maybe tomorrow.

Cause pancakes at IHop are always good. If you don't mind waiting I'll hop on a jet and be there in a few hours. :)

Why does pancakes at IHop sound good right now?

I want stew and dumplings reminds me off my dad :)

Baked haddock in bite size pieces last night for Fish tacos, didn't even know it was Taco day?

Finally over the cold! Had half an Italian sandwich for dinner, chicken and provolone cheese. It was good. But I have a craving for Mexican, so maybe it will be taco Thursday for me.

I can understand why everyone wants to live at TG's house, if I only knew his address I could be parked on his doorstep in time for dinner tomorrow...😁😁

Send, the sautéed onions and mushrooms were all around the sautéed chickpeas, so it all held together well enough. Plus it was trapped inside a rolled up tortilla.

Tgengine, love this chicken recipe. I like easy, tasty, one-dish meals.

Made chicken corn soup with leftover roasted chicken from Sunday. Big ole pot of it. Will go well in the cooler nights. Made some chicken in a white wine sauce, so easy and quick. Slice chicken breast thinly, tenderize, season flour, dredge the chicken in the flour put in a saute pan, once cooked add some butter then white wine to d-glaze and thicken, add some capers and put over rice. So fast and easy. One pan meal (2 with the rice). We added some frozen peas to it right before serving to get some veggies in it.

No dinner for me tonight as I worked late and now my stomach is growling - 1:00 am and mom's caregiver just texted that her new roomie is up packing and ready to leave 🙄

Do you mash or squish the garbonzo beans at all? Seems like they would be rolling around a bit otherwise?

Going to make 4 chocolate chip cookies from a refrigerator package, getting up after midnight is going to be productive for me. That double-double and fries was too filling for dessert earlier. Have to make some for hubs, in case I disturb him.

MsMadge, Glad you are eating well! Keep your strength up, your stress low.

4 each.

I was feeling like a tasty, hot meal, but didn't have any meat. I sautéed mushrooms, onions, and canned garbanzos/chickpeas in a skillet, then put them on a whole wheat flour tortilla with a sprinkle of feta cheese and rolled it up and ate it. It was tasty! I'd make it again. And it was super easy to make.

I'd rather have In N Out. :-( People in Chicago are calling for In N Out to get a store here lol. It would probably be packed all day and night, like some of the more desirable hot dog joints here are, too.

In ' n Out and a slice of cherry pie

Garden Artist,
Checked on the fall arrivals of your cranberry and orange relish at
trader joes.
It is coming in closer to thanksgiving, a temporary seasonal favorite-don't miss it!

Lemon water, Yes CDN! Everyone should try building their immunity for the coming flu season.

Ate the pumpkin and pecan oatmeal yesterday. Would prefer some pumpkin pie, my favorite at costco.

I'm hungry and I want something good to eat but I better go give mom that slice of pumpkin pie and whipped cream I promised her
Gotta love Sprout's $4.99 pies

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