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Diner burger and fries

I didn’t eat the bun to save carbs 😂

I can't decide
I'm tired of Hawaiian takeout Sundays but it is soft to chew and I don't go back to the dentist til the middle of January

So sorry that happened to you. You just did not need that.
Take care.

Had a hospital tray. Really not bad. Salad, fruit, piece of baked chicken and some green beans. Could have been worse. I’ll be glad to go home tomorrow afternoon.

We had BBQ chicken, baked potatoes and a salad while watching the Saints game earlier. Wasn’t hungry for anything later on.


Wow! Glad you’re okay. What an ordeal to go through. Yikes!

Send, Freak accident at Walmart. Lady who didn’t speak English asked me for something. I don’t know what. I turned and walked away. She grabbed my arm, pulled and it tore up my dialysis port. It started squirting blood everywhere. Had to go to ER and have it closed. Have to have a new port put in tomorrow. Using alternate access for dialysis. I’m fine. Just a nuisance accident.

Thai with husband, daughter and son. Back home watching the Sixers at Miami. { Sixers not doing so awesome right now . . . }. No matter - so o o o happy to have my kiddos home!

Burger while watching LSU play. Geaux Tigers! Go Joe Burrow, Heisman winner!!!

Fried chicken with potatoes wedges and coleslaw. And chocolate cheesecake for desert.😛

"... but sinful, gin-full, rum-soaked men
drink deep for three score years and ten;
and some of them (a very few)
stay pickled 'til they're ninety-two."

It's from Verse & Worse, about how the other animals are abstemious and die young while humans keep going on booze; can't remember the author's name, sorry.

i dont have a shed and if i did im sure there wouldnt be any turnips in it . ( bike carbs maybe )

just read the obit of a local man last night . he died at 84 . that dont seem unusual until you consider that he was the hardest drinking of the hardest drinking .

he didnt go out admonished as a worthless drunk . he went out admired for his artistry and inovativeness as a master sign maker and progressive businessperson .

i found him to be fascinating myself .

When I made some dressing, there was lots of celery and onions, almost 1/2 of the ingredients with fresh mushrooms. Butter was the key to the taste. Instead of "chicken broth",
I used the liquid from chicken noodle soup.

One could add a finely chopped rhutabega/turnip to dressing if they happened to have one in their shed.

time to go make the cornbread . i had a hard work week and im a bit tired but im all about this gd ham stuffing .

those at the forestry have been too cheap to give me a 20 cent an hour helper . ( freedom challenged ) .

do they really think this will work ?

explains the absurd employee turnover ..

cappy aint civil on the best day .. stop the gd presses on one of the worst ones ..

if its even friggin mushrooms . im in a state of mind today to think ' japanese knotweed ' or something .

i suck , but im going to have some awesome ham dressing before this day is over . i'll suck in my own suckyness by my sucking self ..

attitude , man . the difference between hating life and throwing sht back at it ..

yea , cwillie

i dont think anyone ever died from a deprivation of mushroom stems and pieces .

Cap I have to want something really bad to pay full price for it, I'm always willing to do without until there is a sale. Unfortunately my little town only has two grocery stores and one of them is geared toward people with more money than sense so some of their sale prices are still higher than I'm willing to pay, especially when I can easily compare them to prices available in the next town. The gas money is worth it if you are saving $20 or more.

i read a ' cracked magazine ' article this am about the horrid farce that IS what we eat . its all corn syrup .
pink dyed - tank raised salmon , glued together beef products , plumped chickens , glued together fish byproducts , " honey " from china ( do you need an explanation of that " ? , completely fake spices , bread that can contain up to 70 % fibre ( think shredded , clearcut trees ) , and lots of soybeans . i live in central indiana . i can take a drive and all i see is people , corn , and soybeans . i think our supermarkets are filled with at least two of those items . oh , and i guess you can still buy sardines from the inchon bay in korea ( think human sht runoff ) ..

it isnt funny and recently the FDA decided that even less disclosure is needed . our government should be held to a higher standard . i cant get antibiotics for the flu because we are overusing them , but the meat producers can feed them by the semi load .

actually im in a pretty good mood today but this subject is scary even on a ' best ' day .

the savalot manager dont hate me but he dont like me either . i come in weekly for the one sale item -- and a bunch of it .

so ham was .79 a lb ?

milk crammed up to 3 . 39 , coffee is in cans too small to even see , etc , etc . the friggin chicken eggs look like they came from doves , and so on . the gd bread is suddenly 1.29 and frankly it wasnt worth the price when it was . 89 ..

i dont like games but if i have to play , im playing to win .

well , at least i aint playing to lose .. he can win one every now and then ..

" i aintt'a payin it " .

eh ,
ya know how things dont always go as planned ?

yea , there are no more cheap ranges over there but it isnt going to stop me from making ham / cornbread dressing . im pressure cooking a whole shank ham because whatever i do with it -- its still not cooked to near tender .

im gonna put a can of whole kernel corn in the dressing . even the lady who wrote this particular recipe admitted that ' recipes are lame ' but for the people who think they need one -- heres the gist of it ...

imo -- celery seed . thats where the flavor is at . mushroom bits wouldnt have hurt it but im still boycotting the . 69 cent per can . they can put on a rubber glove and cram em -- one bit at a time .

im gonna go over to the salvage place and see if they have any more of the rangetops like i previously bought . theyre little 2 burner apartment units and were only 20 bucks each . then i plan to come home and make ham / cornbread dressing . the recipe i read said its a main course , dont need anything else .

i got too much water in my stovetop switches and fried them . they burn but dont regulate . total bummer .

Turkey and stuffing sounds so good. I can’t remember the last decent meal I cooked, but I don’t remember things these days. I think spaghetti and meatballs. Good enough.

We will want to know who what why at the ER. Are you okay?

Had a tray at the ER. Actually wasn’t bad. Turkey sandwich and cup of veggie soup. Apple alices.

Tomorrow is my hubs birthday.
I am so nervous about forgetting on the actual day, that e v e r y d a y has to be special.
Today, I finally cooked the turkey dinner.
Turkey breast. dressing, cranberry sauce, and squash.

Write to remind me, somebody, please!

Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas! I haven't been back in a while but happy to see so many familiar names still.  I want to express my deep appreciation to all the kind messages I received when I was grieving for my dad. So grateful for this community.

Looking forward to having turkey and stuffing and any and all sides.:-)

Take care all! All the best for 2020!

Merry Christmas John from Cork! My late mom was from Londonderry. I spent a month in Ireland. I loved it!

Today Christmas Day I wish all Members of a very happy & peaceful and a Holy Christmas, with Health & Luck for 2020. Today in Ireland Families will enjoy turkey stuffed with Potatoe mash & ham, brussel sprouts and potatoes & gravy with beautiful spring water to drink, or wine, and some
opt for beer. Me I prefer milk but it's a day for You to choose. I love early morning Mass on Christmas morning with a visit to the crib at Our local Presentation Convent where sadly We have got only eight very elderly Presentation Sisters left. Few will ever acknowledge the great work that these
great Nuns have done in Nursing, and Teaching, and in the Mission Fields far across the World and We will miss Them when they are gone from Us. Have a lovely day y'all and take great care.

NY strips and roasted potatoes. Easy & filling.

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