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That is possible Send, but the oven is over 30 YO, a magic Chef and they made beasts back in the day! My dishwasher is original to the house too. and still runs like a charm. So hubs is searching out new double ovens now. My lips are from the dental work I am sure, she and the tech were in my mouth for almost 3 hours, and this has happened to me before,, ended up in an urgent care the first time! He did open the door to the kitchen in our balmy 30 degree day to air it out, I am sure you are right some of the fumes smelled "cleaner like" . I tried to warn him it didn't go well last time we "self cleaned".. LOL But what do I know?

This is possible....
When using oven cleaner on a self cleaning oven (they heat way up and any food is turned into ashes?), then someone comes along to use the self-cleaning function and the toxins left from the oven cleaner (even though you had rinsed it out) are released into the house, you may get a reaction, including swollen lips. I think using oven cleaner on a self-cleaning oven is not recommended.

Hope you have aired out the house anyway.

Yeah but, anyway, since your oven is old, stop using the self cleaning option.
See this:

Stuff Salem with baked potatoes and fresh veggies. It is time to go back to eating healthy again!

Well, I will be buying a new double oven.. it still works but is definitely on its last leg,, and I bake a lot. Just what I need now on top of my dental bills.. sigh

I was hereby myself so I did no dinner. I ordered a lobster roll from local place and picked it up.

Nope on the dime Becky,, with my luck one of us would choke on it.. LOL Hubs decided to clean the oven today,, its old and I remembered that the last time we tried that it didn't go well, so I have been using oven cleaner. Nope he used the self cleaning system,, and its still locked.. so he just recently put the pork and sauerkraut in the bottom oven,, so I guess we will be eating late. And I have spent the day trying to pack mom for a visit to Aunts tomorrow,, has been interesting to say the least.. I did get a few Christmas things paced back up, mainly a wasted day. And my lips have swollen up like I had botox,, some sort of allergic reaction to all the meds at the dentist. So I am itchy and bumpy and not happy...

Becky, you act as if that is not a big deal. Glad you are okay. I hope that woman realizes she shouldn't be pulling strangers' arms. My dad had a port put in for cancer treatments. I couldn't even touch him on that side. It hurt him too much.

Enjoy your pizza, Beatty. Happy New Year 🎆!!!

Happy New Year! Hope the rest is better than today ;)

Happy New Year Everyone!! Jolly jolly.

Anyway, trying to figure out what's for dinner tonight, I went to grocery store and purchased some stuff, thinking perhaps I would cook... Nope. Ordered pizza and buffalo wings..

While at store, my cats and dog needed food. I picked up cans of cat food, and a bag of dog food. Got home and read the label of the Grocery Brand Cat Food:


So, why would I trust that my pets would be okay in digesting this? Think I am going to waste a few minutes tomorrow to return this product.

Seriously? I purchased a can of cat food that may be dangerous if I do not wash my hands after feeding it to my pets, and then I store the remainder in my refrigerator? YIKES....

The other brand cat food has no such warning on its label. I guess I will read all generic/grocery brand labels.. Didn't realize there was such a warning on canned pet food. Maybe this pertains to the grocery's dry pet food too.

This situation tells me, there actually may be a difference in quality of grocery brand vs name brand products of all things found in a grocery store.

Pizza ordered at 1st place open - bit hungry after 6 hours in ER with daughter & her # wrist.

All good now & pizza's ready!

AB wanted to buy us dinner so I wouldn't have to cook. How sweet.
We had Chinese take out.

I ate some vegetable lo mein and vegetable fried rice, lots of brocolli(YUM) all smothered with general tsao sauce. And some spanakopita(if I spelled correctly)Spinach,cream cheese, feta(super delicious)

I didn't eat until this meal as I anticipated it all day and new I would eat too much, which I did. :(
But I am riding it off now. :)

Grilled shrimp cocktail, roast, new potatoes grilled and brussel sprouts with bacon and onions.

Had burger at restaurant.

Becky,your guest could have swallowed that dime too~
I swallowed a nickle that was hidden in my sloppy joe in grade school and ended up in the ER with my Dad.The doctor told me it would pass and my Dad explained it to me later.My poor Mom had to look for that nickle for days too,because I wanted THAT nickle.We never played that game again at the school lunch table.

Pam, We always have pork tenderloin, saukerkraut and mashed potatoes. Do you cook a lucky dime in your sauerkraut? We used to until a guest got choked on the dime.

Got some Sees candy, especially selected 1 lb. for hubs and I,
for New Years Eve.

Happy New Year!

Leftover chocolate Santa's were 50% off. (=$3,00).

They must be closed by now....

Went out for an early dinner. Husband had beef tenderloin and I flounder. So good! Happy New Year to everyone! I feel good that this question was asked. Took me off my problems for a moment....Thank you! HUGS.....

Tomorrow is Pork and sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.. It a german thing I guess but we have had it all my life. Hopefully DD will not be too hung over to come.. LOL She is going to a friends for nye, and the friends hubs is a cop who will take all the gals home,, he is a blessing! Her chihuahua Bella loves some sauerkraut!

we are having salmon patties and mac and cheese, plus some apps my SIL sent to mom for her Christmas present. I am on a soft food diet,, so I was craving salmon patties!

We are eating seafood tonight and staying in. Shrimp, clams, scallops, and fish. Happy New Year Everyone!!

Not cooking today. Whole Foods can cook for us today. Ordered a veggie pizza to pick up.

Tenderloin steak, BBQ ribs and twice baked potatoes. Yumm. Those turkey roll ups MsMage mentioned sound really good

I’m off to brave Costco and see if they have any shrimp 🍤 platters and turkey roll ups left


are there families or elders in your mobile park that might appreciate a home cooked meal ?

I am hosting a Big Family New Year's Eve party tonight (about 75, people!) we have 3 families here from Wales, UK and each one of my 5 siblings plus many of our grown kids gave also hosted holiday events and parties these past 2 weeks, but mine is by far the biggest! Somehow I picked the shortstraw, lol, but we have a Big Clubhouse available to us in our Mobile home park we bought into earlier this year, which is so beautifully decorated that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to put it to good use!

Our's will be a Potluck and BYOB, and from history of this family, there will be a huge amount of food leftover, which is what I am afraid of, what am I going to do with it all? I am now looking into a charity or foodbank that I can take the leftovers to, but most of it will be home prepared food, casseroles salads and desserts, so does anyone have any suggestions?

I am pressed for time getting prepared at the moment, but I will check back if I anyone has any good ideas, thanks guys, and.......

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVERYONE! Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers now and especially going into this New Year! You all are an inspiration to me and have been such a Wonderful and Supportive part of my life these past few years, and although I am no longer a hands on Caregiver, I still read and give imput and updates now and again. I hope and pray that 2020 brings you all Peace and Love to you and your families,

I am a wannabe Italian! I married a handsome Italian man. I make a killer lasagna. I have to freeze it. With only two of us we simply can’t eat it all. Happy New Year to all of you.

One cannot have too much of LASAGNE!

I have been extra hungry too.

Happy New Year!

Lasagne freezes really well, CW. When I make one, I make a family sized one, eat one helping (often a generous helping I admit :) - and freeze the rest in single portions. Home-cooked dinner in minutes! and it does survive microwave defrosting in reasonably good shape, too.

Just take the food but don't get into any competitive monitoring of whose lasagne dish is empty first.

I expect sister did tell BIL what the plans were but he failed to curb his enthusiasm perhaps?

If you're the rustling-up type, can you rustle up a potato salad to cheer the turkey up a bit?

I have just eaten six digestive biscuits for breakfast/lunch. It's been a busy morning. I wish someone round here had made too much proper food!

My family is getting together tomorrow at sisters house. My original menu was based on appetizers, but due to b*tching expanded into a meal at or near noon. Fine then, we'll provide the meatballs, a store bought cheese and veg lasagna (it's really good!), salad, veggies & dip and guests are bringing scalloped potatoes and a pie. This a.m. I'm finalizing things with sister and discover BIL has bought a ham, made 3 (3!!!) lasagna and he roasted a turkey breast yesterday. WTF. Aside from totally screwing up my menu we have 4X the amount of food we need🤯. Grr I hate this f'ed up dysfunctional sh*t.......

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