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Thank you Glad. You sure did your homework! LOL🤪

That's right Bridger, they do own Turkey Hill, which make a great lemonade. ☺

Anything with mint is refreshing. I love mint tea.

Kroger also owns the brand Turkey Hill. They have peppermint ice cream.

Veggie soup and salad.



Bluebell does do seasonal flavors. I could look at theirs.

We have Baskin Robbins too.

16 brands in the Kroger chain.

City Market
Food 4 Less
Foods Co
Fred Meyer
Harris Teeter
King Soopers
Jay C Food Store
Pay-Less Super Markets
Smith’s Food and Drug

You probably do have a Kroger store it would be under a different name. Kroger's has about 7 to 8 different stores names across the U.S. Look up Kroger's and see if you can find the list of all their names.

Maybe later I can find the list on my Kroger bag.

Now is no time to be losing it, Dr. Jack Grenan.

Have you had your dinner yet?

Need: If you have access to a Baskin Robbins store, they should sell the seasonal Peppermint Ice Cream.

Send: You're very welcome.

No such thing as NORMAL, that is a cycle on a dishwasher! Use typical! Reason, what is the opposite of NORMAL...ABNORMAL. What happens if a parent asks , Is it normal that my 14 month child is NOT walking or making sounds yet? If you say hmmm that seems abnormal!OH MY GOD NOT MY CHILD >>>OH NO! PANIC & WORRY!

IT DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING IS WRONG!!! I say well typically a baby walks around 10-12 months and coos then as well BUT EACH CHILD HAS THERE OWN PACE! Take the baby to your pediatrician if you are concerned!

We don’t have a Kroger’s store so I guess I would have to crush the candy into vanilla ice cream if I can’t find peppermint ice cream anywhere.

LOL, Golden. I know, tins and tins and more tins of cookies. We made so many starting right after thanksgiving. Mom always had open houses during the season and so many very impressed with the amount and variety of cookies served on a gorgeous rosmaling tray.

My favorites were krunkake and sandbakkles. I never had the siripsnipper, though. Mom did used to make an anise drop cookie that when baked would develop a Penney size dot on top of ingredients that combined that way during cooking. Kransekake very hard here because of altitude.

But, one of my faves is gjetost! On rye crackers.


My mom was the snickerdoodles fan, my dad the gingersnaps fan and I loved the big chewy type cookies.

Ah, yes Kroger is probably where I saw the peppermint stick ice cream. At least your mom sounded creative by smashing candy canes and adding it to the Breyer's vanilla ice cream. Chocolate in anything is so good!

I just thought besides the taste of the peppermint ice cream, that it was such a pretty and festive bright pink. I pretty much love "mint" in general - Junior Mint candies, Andes Mints, York Peppermint Patties, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream even one of our coffee houses that has Mint Chocolate Chip Frappuccino's.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

I love snickerdoodles and gingersnaps, as well as those big chewy spice cookies, and I just wanted something that felt like Christmas.
I’m in luck because Kroger started carrying peppermint stick ice cream year round (it’s a house brand!) a few years ago.
I think Friendly’s used to carry it in the winter. Poor Friendly’s. They closed this Fall I think. Before that my mom used to smush candy canes in a baggie and add it to Breyer’s vanilla. Am completely on board with the fudge sauce on it!

Have a great day, everyone. I am going to start on my veggie soup!

Our Norwegian Christmas was always marked by serious cookie baking in the weeks before. Mother told me that a woman wasn't considered a good cook unless she had enough cookies to last till Easter. We had tins and tins of them. The shortbreads were the melt in your mouth kind. My favourite next to the shortbreads were the brunesnipper (sirupsnipper) and the kransekake. We always had home made marzipan - my job to grind the almonds. Good memories.

Cheese omelet with Pigs Fly rye toast and blueberry coffee.

I love shortbread cookies too. Mom and I make shortbread Christmas cookies every year for Christmas Eve. I would like to bake them ahead and put them in the freezer but I tried that and we ate them frozen.


Shortbread cookies are so yummy!

Gingersnaps were my grandpa’s favorite cookies.

I only bake cookies at this time of year.

My great niece would eat every single one if I let her.

She’s teeny tiny, doesn’t eat any meat. Her mom is vegetarian.

Oh my gosh, she tries to get me to let her have all the candy, cookies and ice cream that she wants.

My godson gives me strict instructions every time she sleeps over so I have to limit her treats.

I don’t have grandchildren and it’s a treat when my great nieces and nephews visit our house.

No visits this year due to COVID.

cm - it sounds wonderful!!! I threw away half a tub of chocolate truffle ice cream the other day. I hadn't been buying any, but gave in, bought some, and, of course, ate some. It doesn't do to have it handy. 😜

cw - that's why I don't bake cookies - I only eat them. 🤔


Step away from the pie recipe CM!!
I pulled some shortbread cookies out of the deep freeze that had been hiding there since last Christmas and ate the whole lot in one day (sigh).


Recipe in the weekend's colour supplement - Dark Chocolate and Maple Pecan Pie.

Yum yum?
"You will eat it all and be sick and all your teeth will ache."?

Can't decide.

More and more salad,
less room on the plate, leaving none for non salad.

Alas, it is the only way.

Thanks Llama and Jodi. Of course, I will be sending you a cyber piece once my liquor license gets approved. 🍩 In the meantime, here's a donut.

Send: Happy Special Day to your husband.


I love Peppermint ice cream! It's been a tradition every year in December to go to our local "Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors Ice Cream Shop" and get a scoop. Since I'm always bad when I go there, I get a second scoop of some sort of chocolate ice cream like Rocky Road to go with it. It was always a bummer when the holidays were over because they didn't carry it after the holidays. The last couple years though, they've had it through January.

Now, I think you can get it in some stores and I like to put chocolate syrup or hot fudge on it.

My dad would have loved the homemade gingersnap cookies to go with his cup of coffee - great for the holidays!


Peppermint ice cream sounds yummy. I love making peppermint bark this time of year.

Is that a seasonal thing? I have never had peppermint ice cream.

Potato leek soup with bacon crumbles, a side salad, and peppermint ice cream with homemade gingersnap cookies.

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