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im still pretty upset about my aunt being held captive at nh . if you cant leave -- its jail . i think time is on my side . cuz isnt very healthy and she dont understand changing her engine oil . i think she'll need a favor from me long before i need one from her . she doesnt have edns ss to supplement her own now that nh gets ednas ss check . i think shed sell her soul for a couple new tires pretty soon . i would have already had this fixed but edna is no longer under the care of her old doc . shes been transferred to nh doc . old doc wanted her out of nh on occasion for the sake of her mental health . pia refused to allow edna to go to the dementia wing without even touring the wing . this is so ignorant that even nh staff have expressed their displeasure about it to me -- even skirting confidentiality laws to do so . pia is an idiot . idiots eventually screw up ..

Hey there hope!! Glad to see you posting again!! Keep up updated on YOUR doc appt. So happy you finally decided to go!

Autumn seems to bring a lot more than pretty leaves and cool weather. Seems to me it brings on serious dread/depression of the long months ahead. People here in the PNW pretend to have this "OH YAY" attitude as if they love 5 months of dark dreary and cold rainy foggy days on end. Personally, I don't believe them!!

I am loading up on Vitamin D and a good all around Vitamin supplement. You know, this is my 3rd winter here, each one I say I simply can't make another one without dying... yet, here I am, watching mom do her 5 mile, 3 hour trek around the house...

Jesse.... I so love your posts and way of thinking :) I'm finding my enrichment in my big pittie I rescued 9 months ago. Since she's a teenager compared to my other 3 geriatrics :D she makes me want to take her for long hikes along the river. Besides, winter steelhead are one the way up and I need an easily accessible place to land one. Such a tasty fish! I only get 3 hours 3 times a week and damn sure I will not waste those precious hours!!

SusanA...thanks... I am still hanging, although I really didn't think the time change would affect her like it did :/ boy oh boy.... it really brought out the not so good in her. Since I changed every light in this house to "daylight" lights, I sorta kinda helps...sorta....kinda... sigh. As hard as it is at times, I don't think I could bad talk about my mother. She wasn't always this way and one day she no longer will be this way either. One day I may be that way and I surely hope I am not talked about like a crazed person while sitting there listening.

hehe, so glad I missed the "cleaning" day posts!! Our house is clean, but it's not spotless. There is no rush to clean dishes... my OCD is the floors/carpet. The day y'all was talking cleaning, I was shampooing the carpets again. I do this monthly... geriatric dog and mom whom occasionally takes a whiz wherever. well.... Invest in a nice shampooer ;)

Countrymouse... I shall never look annoyingly at something else again without "laying my ears" back!! Too funny!! ( yes, I can move my ears)!

Feeeeeeeding time!

Captain, too bad that your Aunt was sleeping, it seems she always has a way of making you smile :)

I am still smiling about you having your nails painted. There was an article in our local newspaper where this columnist took her 9 and 12 year sons to the nail place where she was having her nails painted.... the sons decided to have their toe nail done, and they didn't care what anyone thought about it. The nail salon used navy polish. Any negative remarks the boys got from friends or relatives, they just shrugged their shoulders and said "who cares". Good for them. They even got one of their friends to get his toe nails painted. Next time they plan to get the colors of their favorite football team :)

I don't have a problem driving in California obviously, but I hate the dark at 5pm.
Its depressing.

Pamz, I use to dislike winter driving until I got my first Jeep back in 1991... wow, what a huge difference.... no more white knuckling it.... no more slipping and sliding... and I never been stuck once [knock on wood]. Also, we don't need to shovel our driveway even if there is a foot of snow.... my sig other also has a Jeep :) The down side of this is that our places of employment expect us to be at work :P

I hate driving in winter... and I am not loving this dark at 5pm stuff

eh , were probably all dreading winter . i have to get out and work in that crap so no wonder i dread it so much .

Hope, I agree with JessieBelle. You surely are a sensitive , spiritual person. I regard myself that way...we tend to hurt the most. I am 57 and nothing I wanted to do in life has ever come to fruition. I get down in the dumps a lot, too much so I believe. Keep hoping something grand will happen, you know? In the meantime, I keep plodding along. I love your name.

freakin depression is stomping me right now . its the aftereffects of those colonoscopy meds -- happens every time . prior to the procedure i was knocking down one cool project after another around here . right now nothing could make me smile . 5 yrs from now im gonna ask em to go easy on the meds . it isnt that unpleasant of a procedure, i think the meds just expedite things for them .
edna was sleeping this afternoon and i dont wake her up so even that bit of comraderie didnt transpire . dam'nt ..

This topic rings a bell with me. Spent my adult life yearning for children and wondering why not. Now I am divorced, retired and taking care of my down syndrome brother with alz. This was the PLAN for me that I wasnt aware of. I feel thankful that I have been given this opportunity to care for this very special brother. It is lonely and isolating at times but I wouldnt trade it for the world.

@ Susan - apparently anesthesia kills brain cells in the elderly, or so I've recently read. I saw a steady decline when my mom had open heart, knee surgery, etc., during her eighties.

Well, got to the yard and enjoyed it. It was much cooler today so it was pretty and sunny and I had some much needed work in the flower beds ...namely old shrubs that needed uprooting so I got my pick ax and went to most of the upper yard raked too, then managed to get the blower cranked and got it all tidied up and then I put up my new wind chimes my brother gave me for my birthday along with a set of ones I had from my old home and so got a lot done in a little time and so proud of me. I came in frequently and checked on Mama and she is just sleeping, or she is awake and just looking at me...

When I work in the yard I can think clearly and I think my biggest issue is that I know I am going to lose her...only the good Lord knows when....I truly do not want it to be soon...I wish she would continue to live a long life as long as she is happy. Sometimes she seems to be happy, sometimes she looks like if she could raise her arms she would pinch my head off. And somewhere in the recesses of my mind I can still see her, the laughing, funny, loving Mama that was and is my best friend. I know I will live after she is gone because I will have to, but I just can't imagine how...and that is what is killing me...As I have said before, I literally cannot breathe at the very thought of her being gone. I don't want to think of it. I am not in denial at is all too real...but I want to be able to do all this with some form of grace ...the way she would do it...and I feel like I am failing so miserably....I try to entertain her, make her laugh...and all the things that used to crack her up she just looks at me....I never knew how much it would hurt.....until I guess that is what is wrong with me....It's not that I'm having to be's that I am dreading a life of not having to be here......

Well, this day ended better than I will get up tomorrow and make another go at it...and then another.....

Whether you believe in God or not, Cap, I feel there's a reason for everything. Even the bad things happen for a reason, whether we want to believe that or not.

3 years ago, I was working full time at a good job, with health insurance, benefits, retirement - the works. Suddenly, out of the blue, the economic downturn hit our industry, and my employer instituted the first layoffs they'd had in over 12 years. I found myself working 2 weeks, then unemployed for 2 weeks. What a nightmare. I had already been doing my Virtual Assistant work part time on the side, and my supervisor was well aware of it. So, I went to her and told her that with my next 2-week layoff period, I was going to see if I could build up my client list enough that I could work full time for myself. I did just that - I never went back. It was *not* an easy decision. I was like a cat being taken into the bathroom for a bath - I had all four limbs outstretched and hanging onto the doorframe of my old job, screeching, "Nooooo! I don't want to! It's SCARY!!" LOL But somewhere inside of me, there was a little voice saying, "Do it. Take the leap. Sh*t or get off the pot, already!" So I did. And I never looked back.

I didn't know why I felt so pushed to make that leap. Leaving a full time job with health insurance, retirement, etc - for an uncertain future as a freelancer with NO benefits at all, no health insurance, and questionable potential - it was really a frightening prospect. But I felt so strongly that I *needed* to do this, even if I didn't know why, that I finally just did it.

1.5 years after I made that leap, my father passed away, and I found myself moving in with Mom to take care of her. She would not have made it if I hadn't. She would have sunk into depression and quickly gone downhill.

Even when we don't know why, there's a reason for these things that happen to us.

Aunt Edna is so blessed to have you Captain...I always find much wisdom and comfort in your words..and agree with you.

I'm not proud when I allow the sadness and isolation to get to me...and firmly believe my Mama can sense all I can't afford to let this prevail...for her sake as well as mine. I don't understand much in life anymore. I thought the older I got I would develop some kind of aha moment where it all made seldom does BUT I do know an awful lot of things have happened, even in my life, that it cannot be coincidence....I have to believe there is a higher purpose and meaning behind all of it. I have been working towards getting out in the sunshine all morning and finally got to point where I can do so, so here I go. Mama is snoozing, has eaten well, is all freshened up and cozy and they have started playing that great soothing holiday music on one of my favorite going to let Mama drift off to dreamland and I am drifting to the yards..even though now it may be only for a couple of hours or so. I see my cats are waiting for it alawys makes me feel perkier to get out there and breathe....Have a fun outing with your aunt...I can just imagine how proud your Mom is of you....thanks for you always encouraging and motivational words Captain :)

im not a big believer in god and certainly not in the loose self serving manner that avid churchgoers profess , but i have to admit sometimes some strange circumstances put us into roles we'd have never imagined . 7 or so years ago an incredibly evil hepc treatment caused me to begin staying at my moms house . as big as this county is i somehow landed an extended residential stone job less than a half mile from her home . i honestly could not drive the big truck home after only a 4 - 5 hr workday . mom was rural , alone and didnt drive . the next 6 years wasnt a walk in the park . i felt every bit of the isolation and frustration that all of us do .
moms eventual death led me to spend the next year caring for my aunt . the poor girl hadnt left her couch at IL in 2 - 3 years . we spent the last year hanging out and doing , in her words , " whatever the hell we want " . this has all felt like either destiny or a blessing in disguise . i have no reason not to think that the next chapter might be the one where good things come home to me .
think ill go see my aunt right now . that good thing might be one of those hot looking women at nh . lol
eh . we dont control things that " just happen " but we can rise to the occasion and make positive experiences out of them .

Thanks to all of you...and Jessie, yes, so true...looking for things now that will help pull me out of this somehow. The "people" thing is pretty much not possible...there ARE no people like that here. I have one cousin who, sadly, only comes here when she wants to complain about her multitude of issues and most of hers are brought on by herself and so it is hard for me to help her. I try, but I have spent the past month trying to help her with something major and then she turned right around and went back to the person whom she has spent the past month complaining to me about...I love her, but I am not her only lifeline so right now I am going to put some distance there because she is only dragging me further down the well. And that is just her personality...she actually thrives on the gloom and doom and enjoys the gossip factor (which I can't take) and will do NOTHING to help herself...and so this past month of trying to help her was all for naught, has worn me out because I already am exhausted and didn't need all her issues too....I would not have minded but then to go back to the very one who put her in the mess to begin away...

Then, the neighbors dog was in heat, kept getting out of the fence...they are sweet people...BUT...could care less about whether the dog gets injured, picked up, etc....well, yes, I have gotten attached to her, so I have spent the last six weeks repairing their fence and finally just told them I would pay for her spay if they would take she is spayed thank God, but now she has pulled her lead out of the ground so I had to spend part of my morning getting her set back up (after I found her roaming the neighborhood again)...I don't one seems to feel any sense of responsibility ...not even for their own selves....

I know I am going to have to make myself focus somehow and get back to living. I enjoy being in the yard and so today will venture out there and see what I can do....looking so forward to my doctor's appointment this Friday that I don't know how to act...hoping and praying that he will put me back on the meds that used to help....

I am a huge animal rescuer and while there is not a lot I can do these days with some of that activity, I still remain active doing what I can there. I enjoy my cats and my music...and even though food is the last thing I need to be thinking of as I sit here I love cooking...and I found an applesauce bar recipe that I think may find it's way into the oven today...Most likely I will eat only one of them, but just the smell of apples baking in the oven is comforting to me for some reason....

I do a lot of balking...because I want to have something here to serve with coffee when people come...but they don't come...if I could just wrap them in some neat fashion and hop on a bicycle and sell my treats that would be fun...but I can't leave the house....but it gives me ideas...I love my I write...only to myself...I used to write to the children I would have one day...but the children never happened so I write to me now....

You know, I think back to all the years when I was much younger and I have always been a hard worker...not only mentally, but I physically did things that most dare I say none of my other female friends would or could do....I'm not sure now why I did all that...or why my parents let me do it...sawing trees down and hauling timber, digging up concrete slab with the pick axe, learning how to be totally self sufficient..but hey...surprise!!!! a good thing I guess I learned all that stuff because here I am...needing to be totally self I guess things do work out the way they're supposed to....

I always believed God prepares each of us for what He has put us here for.....Maybe I was always a caregiver in's funny...being outspoken has gotten me into a LOT of trouble throughout my life...not outspoken in a mean or arrogant way I don't think, just standing up and speaking out when no one else would do it...and I have always caught pure h*ll for doing it...until someone needed something to be done...then who are they gonna think I just feel worn out..and I know that we all feel that way so please don't think I feel like the lone ranger ....thank you all

Hugs to everyone this morning. Wish I had an answer, just know there are a bunch of us out there, who at least sort of get it, even if we're not experiencing exactly what you're going through. We're thinking of you, and hoping things get better really soon.

hope, your message touched me, because I know the despair you are wrestling with. I have a feeling that you are a very sensitive, spiritual person, and it is why you feel these things so deeply. When you are spiritual, you look to people and things to revitalize yourself. When all the see are blank stares and sleeping bodies, it is very discouraging. And most of the people we know continue living their lives, embedded in their own world that no longer includes us. We're not much fun anymore with the ball & chain on our leg.

I personally think an answer to our feelings of estrangement is to find ways to feed our spirits that are starting to lag. How to do that differs from person to person. Some people find enrichment in horses. Other people in Nature. Others in religion. Another big one is volunteering for something important to us.

I am thankful you mentioned being in despair, because I am going down that road, too. It made me stop and think about what I needed to do to shake this foul mood and edginess that makes me want to hide in my room.

Something that really helps me is to find people who add to me, instead of taking away. There are certain people I am drawn to because I leave feeling better about me. They don't compliment or do things like that. It is more of a spiritual enrichment thing. I think I need to find a few of those people about right now.

Oh for sure, I am a donkey...because when the sad day arrives that my Mama is not here, I will be turning my face to the sun and leaving all of them behind. I don't even know them anymore....You can make new friends. I have a new friend ...on social media...but she is more supportive that all of the so called family and friends I thought I had.

I don't worry so much about my monetary future. I have always been an always will be a survivor...I find a way to make it...because I am a fighter and I know that is the only reason I am still hanging in here....but what sucks the life out of me is the abandonment because I was raised in such a loving home and this is so foreign to me...I don't even recognize these people...ah well, it is what it depressed and disgusted as I am at them, they are to be's not fun right now, but I'd still rather be me than them.

Hope I wish I could give you a big hug and make it all feel better. But all the things Capt said are true. We all wish things were different but there is a reason for everything. You still have your soul. unless you sell it to the devil it is yours for ever.
Capt has his own religeon but even then there is a purpose in everything. Capt has been cured of his hep c why was that he has not led an exemplery life. But he took care of his Mom and now has been spared to bring some joy to the end of Edna's life. He has had excellent care from the VA unlike some others. Why was that? There has to be a reason. Capt is helping himself not sitting on his ass collecting SSDI, he is being rewarded for his effort. He has a roof over his head by his own efforts. he is storing away all the free food or almost free food he can lay his hands on so he will be well fed over the winter. Does not concern him if it is not his favorite it is fuel for his body by his own effort.
Hope there is a future for you but it is not based on dreams it has to be based on action and helping yourself. Sadly Mama will not be with you for much longer and that will be a great loss. But what are your plans Hope,not dreams, plans?
What can you do now to prepare for the future? I realize you are tied to the house but you are on the computer. Should you be studying for something if you have spare time. You can tell Mama what you are doing, she will enjoy your sharing, she knows what is in her future but she must worry about you. there are so many things you can learn even if it is only a new hobby that you can become expert at.
You are in the deep well right now but remember the donkey who fell down the well and the farmer decided that as he was old and useless so he would just burry him in the well and save himself a lot of trouble. The farmer and his friends start shovelling dirt on to the donkeys back. The donkey is very sad and realizes what is happening and is ready to give up but with an another shovellful hitting his back he gets mad and shrugs the dirt off his back and climbs up on top of the pile. he keeps doing that untill the exhausted farmer and his friends throw on the last shovel and are ready to walk away. The donkey pops up his head,climbs out of the well gives a loud bray and trots off never to return. Are you a donkey or a farmer Hope?

im 56 yrs old and when i look back on life it seems it was a series of smackdowns . i wish i knew how to encourage you a bit . my life is boring as s*it right now and seems to lack purpose but i guess no one ever promised me exitement or stimulation . winter is staring me in the face and im getting rather old for the kind of work i do . the best i have for the future is the hope that something purposeful will come along. i guess im saying that even the uncertainty of dementia care for my mother gave me more of a purpose than i seem to have right now .
one doesnt have to read very much international news to see that we have life pretty good in the usa tho . were not embroiled in a civil war and starving . maybe we have it too good . without the struggle there is little to overcome ..
sorry . not much consolation but my intentions are good .

Ipapagno. haven't seen you before. are you new to Alz care? It is the worst phucking job in the world but one trick may help. Next time mom says she has fed the cat. Just go along with it and say you are glad she did and do you need to buy another bag of food for the kitty. she will go on to something just as rediculous but you may stay sane.

My mother out of the blue swears she feed the cat yesterday and I didn't know how to get out of the conversation and told her we had the cat put to sleep 4 years ago and now she's mad at me for trying to play games with her so I lashed out and said it's her freaking mind that's playing games. SOB I f@#king hate Alzheimer's.

meant to say had I known then what I know now..I think I would have pulled the trigger a long long time ago.....I made it through a physically abusive relationship where I almost died, I made it through one of my best friends betrayals, I made it through all that, because I knew I was strong, I knew I had something better waiting on I know...there is nothing and no one waiting on me...and now, on top of it all, i feel I have lost my soul as's not a good feeling.

Peeping in....hope everyone is well...I haven't been here in a while...I haven't been anywhere for a while...I feel numb and lost. and trying to make Mama laugh and all she does is stare at me..that cold, almost hateful one gets it do they....I know you all understand, but these other folks who make their little calls and pop ins and toss out the occasional "oh you're doing such a good job"....they just don't get it...I don't remember who I am anymore...the funny me is gone...the lighthearted me...gone....the one who had dreams and plans...gone....and after all that has happened and is happening...there won't be any coming back from it because I thought I knew and trusted I know now are not who I thought they were...they are simply people who have come and gone from my life...they truly never knew me or really cared ...otherwise how could they just go away like they did. I didn't need them to help clean up, didn't ask for financial assistance...didn't want anything from any of them other than to just not forget about me....but they did's like I died and they just buried me and moved on....I don't know this person anymore...I look horrid, I feel worse, and I don't care...I do but I don't. I don't feel well enough to care. I hope and I pray that when I finally, after three years of waiting ...make it to the doctor this coming Friday he will prescribe some kind of drug that will make me not care anymore about all of it....None of the folks in my life are acting any better...and even so even that does not matter because I gave up on all of them a very long time ago....had I only known back in my early years when I was dreaming my dreams, and making my plans and thinking of a life that would never be...that that indeed would never be..all that planning and doing and working was for nothing more than to constantly change beds and soiled pants and try to be a comedian and encouragement only to be stared back at in silence...and yet somehow at the same time see that woman who used to be so much fun, so lively and wish so much of the time I had moved back a long long time ago and then at least I could have enjoyed more of the good moments....a life now of seeminly only regret....and as I have said before..I feel like I already died and am just watching everyone else living their lives....the family I will never have, the career I will never have...I guess it's feeling sorry for myself...and if so I am ashamed...again......but I keep trying to climb out of this hole and it is deeper and darker and just gets more and more so and there is no escape, the faster I climb the deeper I go and if I was on something it might explain the almost frantic psychotic state I am feeling but I am sober as a judge...maybe that's my problem....I hate the feeling when it hurts so much you can't feel anything anymore....pure hell...absolute pure h*ll

I was about to match you with my mother, capn, until the part about wanting a boozer. My mother is a t-totaler. Sorry, it would never work. (sigh :)

i was married to an ocd house keeper for 18 yrs and i never plan to get into such a situation again . an ocd person doesnt even have disgression enough to select which tasks are necessary its just balls to the wall obsessive cleaning all the time . then after 18 years she ran me off and had the nerve to send a letter stating she was tired of being my slave . its silly . she was a slave to her obssessions . i wanted a partner , not a cleaning bot . if i ever find another partner i want a lazy woman who would rather lay around and rest on our days off as opposed to a phsyco human scrub brush .
i envy my oldest son . his GF is a paramedic on the streets of gary indiana -- hes an obssessive housekeeper . she says good for him . if it was up to her shed be trashed on booze by noon every day on her days off . my kind of girl . lol

I was reading in today's paper about a study of 2500 people started in 1979 at Cardiff University. They were all given the standard five rules - don't smoke, don't drink to excess, exercise, keep your weight down, eat healthily - and followed up this year to see what had happened. Well, nothing very remarkable had happened, certainly nothing to tell us anything we didn't know about lifestyle impacts - they were looking at rates of cancer, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and dementia. But what the researchers *did* find remarkable was that only 1% of the subjects had kept to all five rules, in spite of all the information they'd been given over time.

Presumably they recruited these people among the student body; the article doesn't say. It's written by a doctor-columnist who's essentially grumbling about wasting his breath. But then again who knows how unhealthy they'd all have got if they hadn't been nagged regularly? Perhaps they wouldn't even be around to be consulted!

See, that's exactly what I've said about my mom for a while now, Jessie - she has pretty much done this to herself. Once she started letting things go, she started letting *everything* go. She made my dad do all the dishes and cleaning, and he was wheelchair-bound. (That's a long story, but I suspect much of that was her resentment of him and regret that she stayed with him as long as she did in light of things that happened in the past - so she got all passive-aggressive about it and took it out on him by not doing *anything* around the house, and making him do it all the best he could.)

If Mom would have stayed active instead of settling into this rut of not doing anything at all unless she absolutely has to, she would be in far better shape now - but now it's too late to change much. I am working with her on eating somewhat healthier, and she has started to lose some weight, but I have to be realistic about the fact that no matter how much weight she loses, the damage is already done. The "use it or lose it" rationale doesn't work on her, either.

My mother has always been the world's worst about cleaning. She used to clean house on Mondays. I remember waking on Monday mornings in the summer with that sense of awful dread when I heard the washing machine. It was going to be a bad day with the dragon lady. Ooo, she hated cleaning. She used to get us kids to help. She would let the boys go after they did a little, but had me helping her most of the day, chewing my butt all day. She was always mad on Mondays.

After we kids left home, she stopped cleaning altogether except doing superficial things in the main rooms. Instead of throwing things out or donating, she would stick them in the empty bedrooms. Soon the house was stacked with useless stuff. It is why I mention that one thing that causes hoarding is laziness. It is easier to set something somewhere than it is to discard or donate it.

My mother could still have many good years left, but she is lazying herself out of existence. I encourage her to do things, and tell her to use it or lose it, but my words fall on deaf ears.

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