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Freqflyer, check your font size. When you make the words bigger, it forces the Money & Legal off the side of the page. Maybe that is what is happening.

It came out today that Windows 10 will be free to everyone upgrading from Win 7 or later. Windows is falling by the wayside in this mobile age. MS wants to encourage people to stick with Windows on their computers and phones by offering the software for free. It is enhanced for use with mobile devices.

the web is flaking out 7 pages out of ten . i think microsoft wants everyone to run out and buy windows 10 . 9 was sure a piece of dung . cost me 15 yrs of personal and business photos .

Mine is, FF? Has it fallen off the right hand edge on your page, maybe?

I just noticed up on the blue bar near the top of the page that the *Money & Legal* is no longer there :(

kidding up till now but when i was caregiving for my dying mother it wasnt so funny . i was isolated and knee deep in crazy . after crack - y let me down another woman i met online who was going to help me with mom in exchange for automobile repair . after repairing the car she demanded 12 bucks an hour for help with mom . even 12 bucks is fair enough but this idiot couldnt even slow down her motormouth enough for normal people to comprehend her , she had no experience with the elderly . it doesnt make me upset with women , only upset with myself for counting on such losers . my closest female friend wouldnt even take my mom for a sandwich and some girl companionship . shes a joke / history lesson . heather isnt a bad worker but has a lifelong habit of taking from men without any sense of fair trade . i wont put up with it . in my world youre only as good as your word . thats why i only do business by email -- ill send your words back to you .

n - YAR

Get yourself some ear rings to match and you"ll be all set. Thought you were going to kneecap him with the old blunderbus.

i repaired her car 3 times - respite 0 . employees and family employees always try to climb on top of your head . occasionally you have to remind them who works for whom . i like the painted nails , think ill get myself something outlandish and use it in the future.

i finally done it . i stopped at nh an it was nail salon day . the girls had a ball painting my nails ' german hor on coupon day ' blue , but edna hauled outta the room like the gospel noise polluters were playing or something . we all had a good laugh . when i caught up with edna a few minutes later she was trying to get used to the idea . she said " well , everybody else is doing it " . poor girl . 91 yrs on this planet and come to find out she HASNT seen everything . lol
i just wanted to make her laugh but ill settle for giving her something to tell her great great grandkids about .
i took crack - y home after work yesterday and after dropping her by multiple places to take care of business , on the last stop she came out carrying a 13 inch tv set . when she tried to put the antiquated sob in the back of the truck her young daughter asked her if she should ask for my help . crack - y said she shouldnt HAVE to ask . i dont do sarcasm or shaming into submission well . instead of picking her up from work today i left her with instructions to call someone who gives a fk . i had a ct scan at the va today . went to the trouble to arrange some work for crack - y but it seems that aint enough . evidently i owe her something in addition to good wages .
this is the old hospice aid who i repaired her car twice in trade for some respite time with mom but both times i asked she was too busy to accomodate me . if your going to screw over a guy dont screw over a guy with royal blue fingernails . that cat aint very manageable and he holds a grudge where fair trading is concerned .

Thank you !!!! It is so exciting!!! I have missed her so much...That sounds strange I know because she has been here...but for soooo long she has pretty much just been non responsive...she occasionally would smile a bit but for the most part just looked so far away....I was almost speechless when she first started talking...but I know God answered my prayer and I am going to enjoy every second!! :)

Hope22, I am so happy to hear this!! It is always great to hear good news!! Thanks for sharing, and enjoy this day!!!

Blessings to you Hope for these precious moments.

Katie, I LOVE that Vermont Country Store website...they have the greatest items and a lot of things from way back when ...their products are really top quality too. Thanks for reminding me about them, I had almost forgotten, and this morning I went on there and found some stuff I really want to order . :)

I am so excited to share that Mama is alert and talking and laughing today....!!!!! I cannot contain myself. I have not gotten to hear that laugh in so long...and she is really perky and happy...she has been laughing at my jokes again, is talking about her cats, and just looks so much better and relaxed!!!! I am so thankful to God for this miracle...This morning I was saying my prayers and just wanted so much to be able to hear her voice and laugh with her felt like it had just been so long and I feared I would never be able to do that again...I have been given a miracle...again....thank you God for this miracle!!!!

Bless you too Katie for taking care of Mom I assume she does not have dementia as she can enjoy a good catalog. Does she have a laptop. She could get into all kinds of mischief with that to keep her occupied. Doesn't matter if she is not computer savvy once she gets used to it and finds there is nothing she can do with the key board to break it she will probably have a blast.

I have actually found some products that were on the market 20-30 years ago in the Vermont Country Store Catalog, anything from candy brands to toiletry products etc. Mom loves looking at the catalog too, which helps her from being bored as she is bedridden.
I am so tired....It is hard waking up in the middle of the night from strange dreams to realize I am living an even stranger one. Maybe in time I will get used to all this as my Mom has been bedridden in our home now for just 3 months. Finding this site and realizing that I am not alone has helped me cope.One day at a time. Bless all of You for what you do.

Lourdes, is her depression being treated?

Lourdes, is it one of your in-laws? I don't think I'd be able to tolerate this. I'd put her on the plane with the husband. :)

Frequent flyer, the Loft outlets carry lightweight cardigans with button down fronts in all colors and sizes. That where i get my MIL's csweaters all the time $ it's an outlet, peicw is right and you can go in store or on line!

She's 97. Healthy, no physical limitations. I have MS. She makes me repeat everything 3 or 4 times, not because She can't hear, but because of "my heavy spanish accent" Seriously, Spanish people don't realize i speak spanish. She's British, lonely, bitter and angry she's still breathing. My husband travels a lot. But she feels i am her 24 hour companion to entertain her. I am used to having my space. She's been with us 8 years. She rude, demanding, curt, and has No problem giving me a peace of her mind in public. My BIGGEST pet peeve. ....then 5 minutes later she wants me to sit and watch tv with her for 3 hours. Dealing with her my stress level increased to the point where i had a mild heart attack in 2011. I feel my stress reaching that level. I have told her I'm sorry she's so miserable, she says she sorry she's miserable too. She feels she should have stayed in England. I reminded her yesterday, misery loves company, and that's not a ride I'm going on.
Told you there's not enough room. I have tp leave thw house to get space....she doesn't think my bedroom should be ofd limits to her....wants to know what I'm hiding. Reasoning doesn't work. She doesn't care. Bottom line. Wow... sorry.....

Lourdes, I see you're caring for someone with hearing loss. I have a feeling that your list would fill cyberspace. It can be daunting.

I seriously don't think there's enough space....

Yip. It's definitely SPS. aka, Short Person Syndrome.

I can't count the number of hours I use to spend on hemming skirts, dresses and slacks. Yet my ex-husband and my sig other never needed any of their pants hemmed. Yes, discrimination when it comes to clothing.

I noticed in the past 10 years, there is no longer a standard when it comes to clothing. One catalog where I buy tops I can get a size small and it is quite roomy.... yet if I got to a store like Target, I have to get a size large. Go figure.

Knee socks, I love them for winter, so does Mom, but try to find a nice pair that are easy to put on. Manufacturers must think everyone's legs are shaped like Olive Oyl's. And here neither Mom nor I have heavy legs, can't find socks that we can get up past our ankles :P

My Mom loves button down cardigan sweaters, but try to any in the old fashioned knit that comes down to your waist. I know LLBean and LandsEnd have button down sweaters but they are those heavy fisherman knits... Mom, who weights 93 lbs wouldn't be able to stand up wearing one of those :P

Having lost a lot of weight I can now fit in a 12 petite and luckily have the skill to shorten my own if needed My problem comes with tops. I should now wear a Miss medium but still have to buy a large because the sleeves are too short and the bottom won't stay tucked in. I also like classic wool sweaters but no one has them anymore for women. I have solved the problem by buying a man's medium which still come in wool but now come in pretty feminine colors. (Apologies to the men on the forum)

The frustrating part to me, Jessie, is that the length of "short" or "petite" pants varies widely from one clothing manufacturer to another. One has a 28" inseam. Another has 29". Still another might consider 30" a "short" inseam, where others consider that "average". 3" makes a heck of a big difference when you're only 5'1" tall!!

Susan, I've never figured out why they think women can hem pants. Can you imagine how many pants men would buy if they had to hem them? When I buy the short ones, they come closest to fitting, but even they border on being too long. And I'm an average height. It is so irritating not to be able to buy pants that I can wear right away. Sex discrimination, I tell you! I would rather they have fewer colors and concentrate on offering more lengths.

Today has been a busy, busy day. Mom's new lift chair was delivered this morning, works well, will just take some adjustment on her part to get used to. I keep asking if she's comfortable, because she looks to me like she's sitting right on the edge of it (because the chair is a little higher than her old one, and with her short legs, she can't sit too far back or her feet will be swinging in the air)...she says she's comfortable and it's fine...just doesn't look that way to me. We've *never* been able to find a recliner that accommodates both her weight and her short height perfectly - the weight limit is too low or the seat is too deep from front to back. She's sitting there now with 2 bed pillows behind her back to take up the extra space behind her and support her back, and looking like she's about to slide out of the chair. Oh well. If she's happy with it....

Both of us had haircuts today - we have a family friend that does Mom's for free and she trimmed mine today as well, saving me time and money. She's also a seamstress, so she took 3 new pairs of jeans I bought myself to hem for me, and is bringing them back right now - the woman is Mom's age and is a dynamo of constant motion. Such a huge difference between her and Mom....wish Mom was still that active and vital! (I'm short like Mom, only a couple of inches taller than she is - I can't buy even the shortest jeans and have them fit - these new ones were 2.5" too long, dragging under my shoes when I put them on...grrr....)

I've been bouncing between working for my clients and prepping for the trip, making sure Mom has everything she needs and the caregiver has lists and info, neighbors have phone numbers, Mom has her list of phone numbers and tv channels, house is clean, laundry done, dog and cat bathed, van is packed, etc. All this for just a few days of driving and visiting. LOL I must be nuts.

FF haven't you realized by now that your 90+ parents don't want their money to run out before they die!!!!!!!!

Jessie there is a big old ugly racoon in my back yard you are welcome to any time.

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