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Susan, it sounds like your dog is having some pain. Do you have someone who can run him to the vet? It sounds like he's letting you know that something hurts.

Litldogtoo - I can identify with your pup's troubles. My 90-lb baby is aging, and it seems like since he hit age 9 in December, he's suddenly developed all the problems that go with it. They say dogs can get dementia, and I believe it. He has started whining at night, like there's something wrong. Then he starts panting (a sure sign of a problem, because he's not hot - so something's not right), then whines some more and then goes and gets his ball to bring to me to play. I don't think he *just* wants to play - I think it's something else. Not sure what. He's started eating his morning meal in 2 stages, which is also not normal. He eats a bit, then goes and gets his ball and wants treats, then goes back about an hour later to finish eating. Normally he would wolf his food down without stopping. And he just looks sad. :-(

Mom is in one of her "low" periods again, where she *really* doesn't want to shower, spends hours just staring at the tv without talking, and her memory takes another step further away. Several times this week, she has forgotten things that were said or done just a few minutes before. This morning, she took her morning pills (leaving her evening pills sitting on the pill holder, as we always do), and about 5 minutes later, she looked down and said, "Oh no! I forgot to take my evening pills last night!" I reminded her that she had *just* taken her morning pills, and that the ones sitting there were for *tonight*, not from last night. She looked befuddled and said, "Oh. Ok."
I put some of her knick-knacks up on the shelf I put up for her, and she said how much she liked them, and that we need to get more to go on the other shelf. She repeated that about 5 times already today, how she liked them and we need to get more for the other shelf.

Now she's laying in bed, restless as heck, feet rubbing together like a cricket. I finally told her she might as well get up and shower if she's going to walk to Boston in her bed.....

Mama's doing well...her lucidity is amazing me, but it is really odd, it seems like once 10 PM is here, that's it...suddenly she's back in that thing of not knowing where she is, who I am, sundowning, but that used to happen more around the time of dusk..does anyone else experience this later on in the evening... ???

Littledog...hoping your puppy is better soon. One of my furkits has that type of thing going on right now....the scabiness along her spine...she's never had allergies before but I think that is what this must be. She's indoors all the time, no fleas,'s weird...had tried the powder that usually helps that situation but while it does temporarily give her some reprieve, looks like it didn't fix it, so I've got to figure out how to get her to the vet now... and for the life of me I can't remember the name of that powder stuff that works wonders... I'll find it though and post later in case it might be of any help for you...

Litldogtoo - oh your poor puppy! Hope you find something to heal her soon. It's so hard when our furkids ail. Could it be food related?

Mom is driving me batty! Just woke me up again. Went in there and she starts asking nonsensical question after question. "What do I do with the cottage cheese?" Mom, i need some sleep, i have to get up in a couple of hours for work. Then she says "is that all you do is sleep?" Whoa...deep breath. No sleep and I have to go to work and catch up on yesterday's half day plus cover for coworker who's on vacation in the dominican. And worry about my van, late bills, and my chest discomfort/health.

Every time i fall asleep mom starts banging on her bed and hollering. Aaarrrrgh!

Oh, and that appointment I have tomorrow is with a vet because my little dog (yes, I have a little dog) has terrible allergies, her tummy is totally breaking out, there are scabs along her spine, her eyes are infected (she has an antibiotic for that) she's gnawing at her feet. She's been diagnosed as atopic. I've put it off and off because I've been visiting my mother. Finally I had a chance to get her to the vet for a cortisone shot and antibiotics. I've been bathing her, giving her benedryl for the itch and she's now laying on a warm towel for her tummy on which I've put some Neosporin. And she cries. It's the saddest thing. She was on a trial drug Apoquel that few vets around the country had access to. Apparently, this drug will hit the market in April/May because it was so successful. My vet ran out this past February.

I don't want to sound like I don't care about my mother here but I figure she's being taken care of re the doctor's appointment. It's time to get the dog back on track.


So, just when I think it's safe, I get a call from the 'skilled nursing facility'. The first time I see the ID so I think I'll let the answering machine get it..then there's this little click. Second time, same ID, answering machine, click. Third time, same thing. Now I'm thinking it's my mother who has probably learned how to use the phone next to her bed.

Phone rings again, I answer it. It's one of the assistants telling me my mother has a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and am I coming in....

Huh? Why do I have to come in? Now? It's late afternoon.

So, she hands the phone to the RN who tells me I HAVE TO COME IN TODAY to fill out the papers because my mother is going to the doctor's office tomorrow and THEY NEEEEEEEEEEED THE MEDICATION LIST, HER HISTORY, ETC., ETC. (And yes, it's a whine type voice I'm hearing). So I tell her there's no way I can come in today (mid afternoon) and I have an appointment tomorrow after which I'll be in. Oh, and BTW, why is my mother going to the doctor????!!!! Your just telling me this now! At 3:00 pm.

Oh, her legs hurt. Does she have a 'problem' with her legs. Well, yeah...they're swollen and it's because she's eating the carbohydrates you keep giving her because she wants them and she has 'rights' as a patient even though I fill out the menu telling them she can't have this, no to that...well, they tell me when the people at the table want something and she wants it too then it's kind of a lost cause. (No, I didn't say that, but I have in the past). Plus it's listed in that Big Black Notebook you have that she has a problem with blot clotting. Then I ask, Why is it you don't have her medication list there along with her history in that BIG BLACK NOTEBOOK WITH HER NAME ON IT!? I cannot tell you how many times I've given this info to these people. And why do I have to come in just to fill it out again? Okay, and yes, I know. Each doctor needs that damned financial form signed. That's the only thing I can think of, because they certainly don't need ME to give them a medication list they have right there in front of them.

At the end, it was solved by FAX. I suggested it. They said, Oh, that's a good idea.

And I left the financial form unsigned telling them it needs a witness and my mother can still sign her name. Can hardly wait for tomorrow when they call to find out why I didn't sign it. I also FAXED them the identical report with her medical history and an older medication list writing that I don't have the current doses, but they do.

57twin - I have some severe food allergies, and they aren't always to obvious things. Whenever I've gotten into something that I'm allergic to without my knowledge, I break out in itchy red bumps (hives) along my jawline. Benadryl is my best friend.

I don't see's a toast to her and hoping she is getting some well deserved R&R!!!!

twin, hope you feel better soon...a rash is a aggravating thing...stress brings them on for me.....sure hope it goes away and is nothing too hard to get rid of ..

dee, when it rains it pours doesn't it..I agree with Veronica...try a good tear jerker letter...and like you said, all of it will be true so won't be hard to write...a couple of years ago, we got a note from Mama's tax assessor saying she owed a huge amount of taxes...she had an exemption due to her age...someone had called the tax assessors office and told them Mama didn't live in the house anymore...I never have figured out who was behind it, but I had to go to the courthouse and by the time I took my paperwork with me, including my POA, and got through my story, I think they were about ready to pay ME to leave....long story short, they got it fixed...I think from what I have run into there is a LOT of stuff that goes on when it comes to our elderly and as crazy as some things sound I think none of it is something they haven';t heard before...amazing what folks will try ...I know I kind of wandered around there...but I guess what I'm saying is a good sob story goes a long way....

My husband had shingles but around waist and was very painful to the touch. Nothing new in diet I am going to watch what I am doing right before it acts up. I work at a bakery running the counter but thus is driving me crazy!!

Veronica, my question is what does a sea snail have to remember? Are there socially embarrassed sea snails who have terrible difficulty with other snails' names?

57twin, do you sit at a computer keyboard and put your left arm up cupping your face with your hand... chin is on the base of your hand and the fingers rolled onto your cheek?... I do that a lot.... it could be something as weird as newspaper ink.

57twin, I was told that sometimes allergies can appear in the form of a rash particularly around the hairline and jaw from something you are even eating, some sort of spices in food, medications or supplements. My Mom developed something like this after a trip to Florida and her doctor discovered she was having an allergic reaction to too much citrus. My parents had bought large bags of oranges and grapefruits and were consuming lots of citrus. Maybe you could keep a log of what you are eating or supplements you are taking and see if it coincides with the flair ups to try to figure out what may be causing it. I am not sure if shingles would come and go for so much of a time frame.

57 twin, Did you have Chicken Pox as a child?

I need some thoughts since the third week of January I have this rash appear off and on certain parts of my face. it's mainly jawline and now around left cheekbone and eye. Itchy and can burn but mainly itchy then red. I had a physical about 10 days after it first appeared and my doc said to use OTC Hydrocortisone cream and it diminished. But now it comes and goes. Monday acted up at work in the afternoon, yesterday nothing. Today at work itcHY again. No new cleaners, shampoo, lotions etc at home. As far as I know nothing different at work.
I want to contact doc for something stronger to make this go away for good!

Thanks, Veronica. The tears might just be real. Mom's asking nonstop questions and telling wild stories, on top of everything else. Is it bedtime yet?

Dee try writing a nice tear jerking letter to see if they will excuse the fine. I am afraid permanent means mom is entitled to have a disabled tag without reassessment BUT they do have to be renewed every five years. The temporary ones are issued for a period of months for example after a joint replacement while you recover. I do have one and it has an expiration date on it but with a form signed by my Dr it is renewable by my village clerk.

Well, sh*t. Took mom to endocrinologist for multi nodular goiter. She was refusing to go, stiffening out and pushing us away. Finally get her there. Further tests needed...of course. Got out to van and there's a $250.00 parking ticket. Apparently the parking placard expires even though it says "permanent" on it. Then i get to mom's and my van's running rough and the engine light is on. How am I going to pay to fix it? I had to take a few hours off work yesterday because the afternoon caregiver had to take her hubby in for skin cancer surgery (the surgeon got it all whew!). Then had to take half day today to take mom to doctor. And somehow I need to find time to get myself checked out by doctor. Maybe I should just put a sign on my forehead that says "out of order" and call it a day.

Boni, train that cat to help you around the house.... here's an interesting photo of a cat helping his/her owner. Google "How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?! - Imgur". Click on the one that has "cats" and "Imgur" in it's title.

One of my cats has learned how to turn on and off the lights using the wall switch... nothing like bright lights in the bedroom at 2 a.m. Another one learned how to use the door bell :P

Stopped by my parents house this afternoon to make a delivery. There was Dad [93] sitting on a short bench cleaning the rug with a carpet spray cleaner and rag, looked like something made a stain... I didn't want to ask.

Said carpet is in the dining room. What a mess. Stains and crumbs everywhere. I didn't volunteer to help clean because years ago I gifted to Mom a cleaning service and she was insulted plus she didn't want strangers in the house. I don't plan to be Hazel any time soon, as it was their choice to stay in that house, their responsibility for its care.

I asked Dad about their vacuum cleaner and he said it wasn't working correctly. I did volunteer to take it to the vacuum cleaner store... but the vacuum was upstairs. Dad said he only uses the stairs twice a day, coming down in the morning and going up at night. Then I said "why on earth are you and Mom in this 3 story house?". Then I left it at that.... [sigh].

Katie...glad you got some rest at last...praying all goes well for your Mom in the hospital...

Boni...yay!!!! a kitten!!!!! my cats do drive me nuts from time to time, but they are also such a huge comfort to me and to my Mama...I hear her talking to them a lot lately...this morning when the bathing aid was here, she was saying "sweet baby" talking to Madeline..the aid had never heard Mama talk much and it really touched her sure is nice hearing Mama talk and seeing her sweet smile....

Jeanette...I'm sure they will be along shortly...they were pretty much on time here, but I know sometimes they get tied up on another transport so that is probably the case...The next time it will be less "nerve wrecking" for with most things, when you finally go through them, you look back and wonder why you fussed so over them...the bad things we expect to go wrong 99.9% of the time do not ever happen...I will go back and reread this when I do it next... :) ....

I have been on a tear myself this morning..have been moving all the furniture and bed around in the den where Mama is, scrubbing the floors, floorboards and walls with some of that wonderfully scented Lysol product that is a peach blossom and peony scent...I love it...It smells so clean and fresh and has a "pretty" scent to it, but no overwhelminingly so.....It looks so much better in here about to start hauling furniture and see if I can cklear out a lot of htings...

My cousin is driving me insane about finding her a used vehicle...we have tons of cousins, none of whom it would inconvenience to help her...but guess what??? they won't help she's giving them a pass and driving me nuts because I'm the only one who does not give her grief over every little thing she does...I am somewhat dismayed at myself for agreeing to try to help her, but I know if my Daddy were here, he'd do it himself, so I'm telling myself I'm doing it in his memory because I think he'd want me to...or maybe he'd tell me stop offering to do this that make it hard on main issue is I don't want to leave Mama to do it..period...especially since now I have seen first hand that my cousin is really not able to care for her other than to just have eyeballs on her.....

One thing for certain, most troubles that come my way, I am definitely seeing I bring them on myself for trying to be too "helpful"......I guess it's just something I will never stop doing....and for sure others are happy to step aside and let you do it.... not a whine, one of my flaws....but just me I guess.

Boni, I am glad things are coming together! The kitten sounds like a good idea...pets are so wonderful to keep us company! The vacation sounds so nice!
Susan, Wow....sounds like you are really making progress in the house. Nothing like warmer temperatures to spur us on to get things done! I cleaned Mom's room from top to bottom this morning, must be the sunshine giving off some energy.
Jeanette, I hope you are getting much deserved rest! I myself slept 10 hours straight, haven't done that in a very very long time...), last night knowing that Mom is being well looked after in the hospital. She may be in for a couple days and I am still waiting to hear from doctors, etc. She seemed better today and getting lots of rest when I saw her this morning. Going back there in a few minutes.

Boni, that is awesome!! A Jacuzzi also? Plus a vacay?

Hope, yes I remember how frantic and scared you were.... my tummy is tied in knots waiting on the transport people. I thought we agreed for 10:00 a.m. pick-up?

Susan, WOW!! I am super impressed with your abilities, especially the walmount, I finally gave up on mine and had my brother do it

Glad the snow is finally leaving, but remember, with grass there is mowing! LOL I've mowed 3 time this winter.

I just need to find my energy, it's hiding somewhere, even sleep hasn't been able to find it.

Boni, sounds like you have things well in hand. I bet the kitten will be cute.
Jeanette - how's the respite coming?

I've been on a real tear through the house since last weekend, cleaning, re-arranging and generally putting things the way I want them. I always ask Mom's opinion, but she usually defers to me on it. She likes the changes I'm making because it's something new and different. The house has been the same since 1970 - dark paneling on the walls (and the kitchen cabinets - dad put it there too), dark red carpeting in the kitchen (yes, not kidding), worn out unvarnished floor in the living room...just dark, dark, dark looking. Very depressing. With the paneling off the walls, and the walls painted light colors, the carpeting taken up and the hardwood floors refinished, it's made the biggest difference in the house. It just seems happier and brighter. Still have to have the trim put back on the walls and re-do the cabinet doors (have the "open pantry" look right now) but those will be done this summer. I want very much to put a dishwasher in the kitchen, but the tub cut-down for Mom and the new roof on the house and garage needs to come first.

This weekend, I put the tv wall-mount on the wall (only to find it needed an adapter set to make it fit our tv, ordered that, putting it on today), brought in a gorgeous shabby old country cabinet with a big glass door on it to put mom's knick-knacks in, picked up another little cabinet for a microwave stand and got the microwave off the (very limited) countertop, put up the remaining shelf over the other window in the living room, put up a clothing rod over the washer/dryer for my clothes to hang on (no closet in my room), and am in the process of putting up metal hold-backs for my bedroom curtains and a new, curved shower-curtain rod in the bathroom, which will give a little more space in the shower.

I am woman - hear me roar! I think I must have spring fever. It's been in the 40s for the past few days, the snow is melting away at a fast clip and we're starting to finally see grass, even though it's still dead and brown at this point. Even the trees are starting to wake up and bud out.

I picked up a new client today, and for once, it was a client who respects and accepts that you get what you pay for - and she didn't balk a bit at my hourly rate or try to get me to lower it. What a refreshing change! I am hoping to get a significant amount of work from her at that rate - it will be a huge help with all I'm doing in the house.

Taking positive steps here to alleviate my "grief" over permanently placing Mom.
I am getting a kitten, named Fiona this weekend!
I also booked my Vacay to see my new grandson, when Cardiac rehab is finished (June) and YES I got the room with the Jacuzzi!
I'm seeing a therapist once a week and am enjoying the rehab....lots of nice people and it's not as hard as I expected. Things are finally looking up!

dee...I hope you are feeling better now......that is frightening...don't ignore something that needs to be checked out friend...Katie..I hope you are getting some rest too...

Another rainy day here, but not whining as Mama is in a happy mood ..she even spoke to the Hospice aid this morning and the nurse...they were shocked at how clear she seemed...Has been a happy morning for us here...amazing how NOT lonely I feel now that she is much more mentally thankful I have been given this blessing....

If I could just get all the clutter put away and cleared out...I think I will focus on doing just that today.....

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