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I have been following a thread off and on regarding hospice care and while I have had my ups and downs about hospice, I do know that I honestly do not think I could have continued to care for Mama as I have without them...especially now that I have found one who truly is what I think a hospice should do, provide comfort and support for end of life patients.

As most of you know, Mama has been on hospice now for over a year...14 months 2 weeks to be exact. She is totally bedfast, cannot eat anything other than her nutritional drinks, cannot move unless I lift her, and has advance AD...I would give anything to not have to have Mama on hospice...anything....but nonetheless I want to have her with me as long as possible, as long as she is happy and comfortable...

This morning someone on the thread eluded to the fact that they were shocked when they heard someone had been on hospice for two years...we are not there yet of course, but headed there God willing...they also commented regarding the necessity of testing, etc. by Medicare and implied that some families might want to be on hospice for free meds and help and it was not right....I am LIVID. Whether they were talking about my Mama or not...I would give anything to not have to have her in a hospice program, but I can damn well tell you that if anyone ever deserve any help they get from anyone it is my Mama....I best get off here.......I know a lot of people have had bad experiences with hospice...I did as well and that is why I was proactive in finding a better one..and did....I can assure you that we would not be in the program if we did not qualify....overly sensitive...yep....worn out...definitely...but why would anyone on here imply such a thing, Every now and then I wonder why I get on here......

What's going on hope?

OHHHH!!! Veronica!! LMAO!!!!!!

geeewhiz, this time I did have coffee and splattered the screen!!

Talk about whoooooosh, right over my head .... hehe, you are too funny!!

Oh, by the way. He only has ONE of those ;)

Wow.....just wow is all I have to say this morning.... :(

freqflyer, you can probably pick up an ear trumpet at that place where they sell helmets. :)

Jeanette, I'm so glad you're enjoying your time.

Dee take it from one who has A fib, they will never catch the episodes you have to go to the ER while you are fluttering and they will do an EKG then you will know. they should know if you have a mitral valve prolapse if they did an echo cardiogram. Has anyone heard a heart murmer? this really is serious and can be easily treated. Have any blood thiners been prescribed? You need to see a proper cardiologist not just your PCP. make sure it is someone board certified in cardiology. Unless you want your Mom to outlive you you need help at once not "when you get round to it"

Jeanette I was not talking about not feeding the ex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but what you get done to male doggies when you first get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeegads Veronica!! I did feed my ex!, tried to cuddle with him too!! LOL Oh... those canine boys, are actually girls.... cept the old fellow. No, I actually don't care, not anymore. Phhbbbtttt. The ex never did like hiking, fishing, swimming....huh?, why did I marry him?

Dee.... I know, my heart aches for my mom as well. The Lion King song, The Circle of Life, has been playing in my head for days now. Stopping most medications can cause some wicked side effects, add AD to the mix and you might get that banging all night long. I do hope she starts sleeping better. Hey, just take your garden hose and smoosh down that dog poop, fertilizer ya know?

How do you two know it's heart palpitations? Personally, I'd be worried and seriously working on my OWN doctor appointment. Please take care of yourselves. We didn't come this far to check out before our loved one. ps, didn't I warn everyone NOT to make morning appointments? Yikes!

Stopped by and visited mom today.... they have a lovely kitchen where I can make her a milkshake and a snack. She's been sleepy most of the day but was still a bit talkative. Held her hand and showed her pics of the fish they caught yesterday. Her comment was "I'll be damned"! ha... love that lady. Feeling a tad guilty since I mentioned to the nurse I might be back to have dinner with her....well, I didn't make it. She will be fine ... my head needs to realize this.

Fish fry time :)

Captain might think this is too girly but he should pick up one of those hot wax contraptions. It melts paraffin wax not too hot you dip your hand in it several times and then put on plastic gloves to retain the heat and it feels so good on your hands. Though I suppose one could google the instructions to make is it rice sewn into fabric heat in microwave for make some sort that looks like a glove and let the heat penetrate.
Too sad about the aging dog. My oldest cat is 10 which is not really old for a cat but he is such a skinny critter. My husband and I take walks around our property and three of the cats follow us like dogs!

(Put down coffee before reading Jeanette)

Oh dear Jeanette if you had done to hubby when you first got him what you did to canine boys he would never have strayed, as if you care!!!!!!!

Hi Jeanette - glad you're having some time with your brothers and you're having a great time! My back's finally better. Now still dealing with the chest discomfort. It's eased up a bit - seems to be following previous episodes. If I still feel bad in a day or two I'll get someone to watch Ma and get over to doctor. Hope - I've had heart palpitations a lot. I'm supposed to avoid caffeine. When it first started happening I went through a lot of tests - they could never catch the activity. Doctor says I may or may not have mitral valve prolapse - so much for a diagnosis, right? Still it's best to get it checked.

My mom's been depressed for a couple of days. She gave us such a hard time about going to the doc the other day, I tried to be stern with her, guilt trip her, etc. I'm so rotten. She finally gave in. Boy, was she a happy camper when she found out her thyroid can be treated and cancer is unlikely. The day after though, she was so depressed. We ran out of her antidepressant and pharmacy/doctor's office didn't manage to get together on refilling the prescription so I had to make a couple of calls to make it happen. I'm hoping her bad mood is from being off the anti-depressant for 3-4 days and that now she'll start feeling better - poor ma! She's sleeping better at night since I restarted it. Tomorrow's her eye doctor appointment - 9:30 a.m. - this should be interesting trying to get her up and moving that early. I have to get her up at 8:00 a.m. on weekdays since morning caregiver can't transfer her. But mom spends the day on the couch and can sleep when she gets tired. Morning appointments usually aren't a good idea, but it's hard to get a Saturday appointment and they close at noon. Her vision is so bad now. My heart aches for her. Lots to do this weekend - the yard is terrible with dog poop and cardboard boxes from the Depends shipments (I save them for the gardens). Ugh. Hope it's nice enough to get mom to sit outside for a while. Everyone have a great weekend!

Jeanette!!!! Yay! Sounds like you are getting to enjoy some down time...that fishing trip sounds like a lot of fun.. so happy for you.....yes, that old saying is a favorite of mine...I just can't be worried these days whether everything is not neat and tidy as it used to be when I don't feel well...Yesterday I kept pushing and was actually ready to hit the yard, even though it had been raining all day, the rain had paused a while so I decided to do what I could til it started up again.....I was ready to hit it, and then my heart started doing fluttery stuff...I didn't feel pain, just a lot of weird fluttering and my legs felt like I was wearing lead boots....I kep trying but then thought,,, why???? I looked at Mama and she looked so cozy and was snoozing away...and piled on her bed beside her little I just got comfortable and took a nap instead...woke up feeling a tinge of guilt....but not enough to make me lose any sleep over it....

If this rain doesn't let up I don't know what I'm going to look like...I have to be able to play in the yard and I am convinced the lack of sun is sending my head into a fog...

Yesterday took Mom to get her hearing aid which I had to take in couple weeks ago for repair [I think Dad got out his toolbox and was trying to fix it.. oops]. The audiologist tried to take out of Mom's ear some skin flakes but Mom kept saying what the lady was doing was hurting her too much... [sigh].... Mom has yet to learn that a minute of discomfort would help her hear much better. Those skin flakes are going into her ear canal and if one tiny flake gets on the hearing aid part that goes into her ear, the hearing aid won't work.

The saga continues after we are heading home, Mom is saying "this hearing aid still doesn't work", "the hearing aid must be someone's elses", "the hearing aid is a recycled hearing aid, not a new one", "let's try that new hearing store over in the mall".

Where can I buy an old fashioned ear trumpet? :P

Veronica, I've been wanting to switch to the Blue dog food. My two bigger dogs have started grazing like d*mn cattle, not to mention we all look like out of shape heifers after this long boring SNAIL like winter. Wait, my 80 lb pibble is more like a 90 lb hippo :p All 3 of us are going on a long hike today ( if I can manage to walk that far) ... of course I'm taking my fishing pole :) oh oh, I did go drifting down the river with both brothers yesterday. Tweedledumb caught his record steelhead trout. An 18 pounder! Ha! He didn't even want to go... other brother caught a 12 pounder, me? I was just enjoying the freedom and happy banter with them. I will eventually catch my steelhead, until then, I'm happy catching my 1 lb tasty trout. Wait, I got off track.... out of shape, OMG, if I ever get back to where I was a year ago, I will never let it get this bad again. Never! This is ridiculous.

Susan, don't give up on your big guy just yet, it could be something as simple as allergies. Bigger dogs do have shorter life spans, that it true, but... I know I will say a prayer for him cuz I SO understand that special bond especially going through tough times. Okay, you know your an animal lover if you've heard this from a spouse or SO before. "You love that dog more than you love me"! LOL ex husband "used" to say it all the time, well, he's working on wife #3 since our divorce and I still have the same 2 dogs we had together. HA! cheating bastard... dogs are loyal ;)

Hope, there is a saying I have always loved. Why do things today when you can do them tomorrow. :) it's been a favorite motto of mine since I heard so long ago. Oh speaking of the Chaplain... he's the only Hospice person I've yet to meet. He's called twice now but.... I'm not ready to bare my soul just yet. One day, just not yet. I can't even imagine the blubbering pile of tears I'd turn into. What is UP with the crying?

Dee, how's the back? Did you manage to get some sleep? Even though my mom's on her vacation for 5 days I still can't sleep. Gonna try some nyquil Z tonight after my adventure today and see if that helps. No sleep = no fun.

One more funny thing I've noticed. I think my son is on strike with me. Guess he's gonna SHOW me he can marry and move wherever he wants and guess SHE'S gonna show me she wins. Haha, no honey.... I WIN, he's now your child. Just don't call me to bail you out.... call and ask how we are doing and make small chit chat or just don't call.

endofrope, your suggestion for arthritis?.... LOVE IT, and I'm pretty sure Cap has tried that remedy a few times ;)

I hope all your pups are doing better tonight...I know how much I worry when my furtots are feeling puny...praying for all to have a good restful night... your profile pic endofrope...too cute!

LOL..funny Captain...even though you and I are on opposite ends of the universe regarding pets I suppose, your comment was comical...tough guy.....Jeanette, I meant to tell you earlier that I tend to cry at the drop of a hat, or a cat food commercial too these days...I will not even feel like I'm going to get emotional and someone will stop by and bring something up and I'm off like a herd of turtles...

I did it the other day when the Chaplain popped in...that may stop him from popping in on me again...ha...

I have been playing fetch with my of the cutest little things I've seen in a while...who knew cats could ...or would play fetch...she's a smart little thing...and she makes me smile....

I started a million things today and accomplished absolutely nothing...I hate it when that happens, but all in all a decent day nonetheless...I'm pretty sure it will all be here tomorrow...and the day after tomorrow....

Thanks for the concern for my pup. The odd thing is that all the panting and such has subsided tonight. Weird. Not sure if he just wasn't feeling well, had anxiety or what exactly his trouble was. I do plan to pay the extra to have the "elderly dog blood panel" run when he goes in to see the vet, just to rule out any cancers or other issues that those tests detect, as well as his annual heartworm check. He is very close to the higher end of his breed's lifespan, which makes me very sad. We've had him since he was a puppy, and he's been with me through thick and thin for the past 9 years. I strongly suspect the vet is going to tell me what he's going through is just part and parcel of the aging process.

LOL! I just went to the last page here and I will say that this is the most "interesting" bunch of posts I've seen on any thread. Captain, I'd suggest drugs or alcohol, but stay off of ladders. I'd be happy to prey for pets, but I imagine it would do about as much good as preying for a quick "resolution" to the never ending nuthouse saga that is my life.

sea snails all call each other ' bloop '
yea i still lurk around here a bit but when youall are praying for each others' pets n sh*t i go clear to the other end of the web to avoid conflict .
im researching what to do about my arthritic hands and worn out spine . easing up on hard work is just not on the table for consideration .

Sounds like a great place Jeanette! That should help alleviate most of your anxiety about the respite...we don't have anything like that around here as far as I know...but the NH Mama went to was very nice. I could actually envision myself being pretty content there some day (hopefully a long time down the road) but not the typical NH settling like most of us are used to glad you're at least starting to unwind a little.. enjoy that cruise down the river...that would be great for all of you...and I bet your Mom is going to enjoy her little vacation. Sometimes I think Mama enjoys when I do leave the house for a while and let my brother stay with her...probably a welcome break for her too.. lol

Cm I think the answer to why does a sea snail need to improve his memory comes under the heading of 'why does the chicken need to cross the road?"

Sorry Jeanette it was obviously Susan's pup I was posting about

Susan it sounds as though your pup could have heart problems with all the panting and not eating all his food at once. If that is the case the vet will be able to make him more comfortable. Animals are able to hide their illnesses for so long then they suddenly seem to crash.

Litldogtoo. my cat has food allergies and looses all the fur on her belly but it does not seem to bother her. vet said find food that does not have corn meal in the first three ingregients. The best one I have found is the Blue B****** brand insert very large animal for the* More are coming on the market with more natural ingredients.

Boni missed you permanently placing Mom. I am sure it is the right decision given your heart. you need a restful and stress free life from here in. Enjoy your vaccy. Don't spend too much time in the jacuzzi or you will look like a prune.

Note to aelf do not take 2 Benedyrl tablets moments after going to work. Was tired all day and could take a nap now! I tried two things today about the itching I did not take any clementines to work to eat and I wore a waist apron vs the apron that goes aroubd your neck. I did not touch any of the laundry that needed washing at work with my bare hands. So no itching all day.
Stopped to drop off jelly beans for dad must have gad a busy night moving stuff around!
I hope the furkids will feel better. I have 6 cats one usually has something going on.

Poor little doggy.
dee, I think you need to get some ear plugs and just let her holler and bang.
Might be physically impossible I understand. Dementia sounds like.
I think you HAVE to find someplace where you can't hear her and sleep all night.

Yes, pup is scheduled to go to the vet soon for his annual checkup anyway, so we're going to go over his various odd behaviors and see what the problem is. He's on heartworm preventative, but that doesn't mean anything, of course. I strongly suspect it's age-related decline, but I don't know - just seems like since he had his 9th birthday in December, he's been going downhill more. took a shower today, and I had noticed that horrid odor again last night, so I *knew* her skin folds were needing attention. She hasn't been taking care of them again, so I have to up my game with her a bit and start monitoring *every* single shower and bathroom visit to make sure she does it. I already follow her to the bathroom all the time and help her in and out of the shower, but she's not taking care of herself properly, so I have to step in a bit further. (WARNING: next statement is gross...stop reading if you're easily grossed out.) She went to get in the shower, and I noticed a trickle of liquid running down the front of her thigh. Obviously not urine - wrong spot for it - so I followed the path of the trickle and it was coming from under her skin fold. Lifted the skin fold and almost vomited right then and there. We are back to square one with this yet again. Just when we get on top of it, it starts back up again. She hasn't had this problem in months, but apparently I'm going to have to really keep on top of her with this, because she's not taking care of it. Her memory is getting worse and worse, so I'm sure that's just part of the deal. She doesn't remember to take care of it. So we're back to the anti-fungal barrier cream, white handkerchiefs tucked into the fold to prevent skin-on-skin contact, and changing them every time she goes into the bathroom. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Guess I better go out and buy more bleach....there's going to be an abundance of whites to wash.

Monitored her dressing activity after the shower - she took a washcloth out, but then didn't know why (didn't need it, but was confused and took it out), took clean underwear out of the drawer and sat them on the sink, then got another pair out - and when I asked why, she said the ones on the sink were dirty. She got out the white handkerchiefs to put into her skin folds, put the cream on and the handkerchiefs, got through that ok, but I had to remind her to get an incontinence pad to put into her undies. Once she reaches that point, I leave her in some privacy to finish dressing, because she's usually ok at that point. Not today. Clean clothing was right there in front of her, along with a clean nightgown for tonight. She came out in the nightgown. I asked why she didn't get dressed, because we have someone coming to the house today - she looked down as though surprised she wasn't dressed and said, "I don't know. I just didn't!".

Like I said before....another low time for her. Seems like when she gets this way, her memory takes one more step away from her....but it never quite makes it back.

Good morning!! Sorry to hear about the furbaby ailments! Spring brings around a lot more than flowers f or sure. Allergies are rampant in this part of the world. Susan, yes, see if you can get your big boy in to see the vet. How far is Dr. Pol? Bigger dogs tend to decline earlier in age than little ones. Dogs just want to please their mommies so it's hard to tell just how bad they may be hurting. Maybe it's a bit of arthritis? Daphne will get a neck crink and walk with her head tilted... my clue she needs some tylenol! I hope it's something simple ...for both dogs.

Hope, you know, we do tend to over worry and over think things before it happens. It was just so hard for me to see them lifting mom onto the gurney and put her in the van. Last time I witnessed something like that they were taking daddy away. We both got up early, well, I did then got her up, changed fed and .... even had a nice BM, her, not me :p She didn't complain, just gave the two guys her heart melting toofless smile. We even shared a few laughs before she left. My problem IS I am too sensitive. Maybe I need to up my antidepressant ? Seriously, it's getting annoying. I can barely talk at times without breaking down crying. Anyway, I followed the transport to Hospice House just to make sure mom was going to be ok. By the time I got there she was tucked in nicely, had lunch there and someone to assist her eating. This place is like a 4 star Hotel... the rooms are as big as our living room, with a couch, recliner, large flat screen tv and small fridge. Really? They even have a large golden retriever, her name is JJ. She goes from room to room with her toys entertaining the patients. The Nurse called me last night, mom was eating and doing great. Hmmm, could it be SHE needed the break as much as I did? Lisa, her part time carer, takes care of another lady in the town mom is in so she will go hang out with her for her normal 3 hours, this way I won't feeeeel the need to go there every day. There are people in life who truly do care.

My oldest brother just called and asked if I wanted to float down the river fishing for steelhead. YES YES YES! I do hope the other brother goes. I think they both realize that mom isn't the only one that was slowly dying in this house. Perhaps I too am realizing that everyone isn't my enemy and I need to relax a bit and slow those sad demons down inside my head. I can't change the outcome of what's happening to mom, I hope to change the outcome of what's happening to me. It's scary and forever losing both parents in a short time and the grief is so heavy at times that I really just want to hide from the world.

Hope, again it's so wonderful your mama is having great days! Treasure those and try not to worry about the nights so much. Sounds like what my mother would go through during her endless nights of pacing. Since your mother is bed bound and can't pace she's doing it, only lying down?

So, sigh.... I'm gonna go fix these dark roots in my hair and tame down some of the gray. Maybe shampoo the rug... or not :)

Susan..has your pup ever had an issue with heartworms? I hope it's not that, or anything major, but does sound like he has something going on. Praying for him..I know how much our furkids mean to those of us who have them...

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