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And in all honesty, right now it absolutely is about my Mama. ..that is why I'm here and she is what matters.

Honest to God, i don't believe anyone should be ok with someone inciting themselves into my home given the circumstances especially and then sit on their butt and let me wait on them. I doubt anyone out there would enjoy that kind of visit.

Oh God Jessie...while i do agree with the premise for the midst part. .you may not remember my previous visit from this person. No, it is not me on this one. She comes in the door complaining about everything, promptly sits down and does not move again until it is bedtime. She will not get her own drinks, coffee, does nothing to help, changes the channel on the tv that Mama is listening to, pikes Mama in the nose to make her holder. .no it is not me on this one. ...

I sure have had my chuckles for the evening. They were very much needed for two reasons, aide problems and sibling problems.
My sister use to have me kill the spiders she was so afraid of them. Once a spider I killed fell on her bed after I hit it and she couldn't sleep in her bed that night. A 6' neighbor of mine has a problem with spiders and small creatures and he usually points to them so I take care of them.
Judy, Gershun - I have seen many of the places you have talked the history book my mother bought and it has many colorful pictures too! I often think of someday moving to Germany or at least visiting to see if I would like to live there. Then Australia would be my next choice.
I hate txt msgs especially about something important like my mother's health. If someone wants to know something why can't they pick up the d!$* phone. I just don't know how to answer a question. I have to be extremely careful of what I say because my siblings pick apart every word I say or use it against me later. I have always had a problem with how I say things and they take advantage of it.

I've read most of the messages now and wanted to insert an opinion that I know won't be very welcome. Many, many times caregivers start to be avoidant when it comes to people. There's always something wrong with everyone, so they don't want to be around them. The best therapy for avoidant behaviors is to do the thing you've been avoiding. If you avoid leaving the house, make yourself leave it. If you avoid being around people, make yourself be around them. There is a very good chance that it is you and not them. It will be good therapy.

We don't have much company here and sometimes I dread them coming in. After they're here, though, I enjoy the visit and feel so much better. People can lift your spirits. I always feel better after going out to be with people, or even after a phone call. I am not just a caregiver, I'm a person who needs other people. It would be easy to start avoiding everyone, but that would just make me sick.

So goodness, welcome others into your house and lives. Your relationship with the person you care for is not the only thing in the world. Maybe a visit will take some of the focus off of caregiving for a while.

Well that's the odd thing because this person is someone who knows how i feel about this and the only radon i have not just told her not to come is because i feel sorry for her, she knows it and so she's going to take that and run with it. I am actually angry at myself for even Greybull to have sympathy for her but i will just get through it and know not to do it again. If it gets on my nerves too bad i plan on telling her that she needs to go on home that i am just not in a place right now where i can entertain company that long. It's my own d*mn fault for trying to reach out and help her. This is what is making me not want to be around people anymore. ..i find when i help folks *hey use it to be a green light to run wild. Well, enough of that i know. ..dang it. ..the lashes on me with a wet noodle. ..if it gets too bad yall know I'm not above mooning her

Hope unfortunately it sounds to me like people in your life know they can walk all over you so they will continue to.

I used to have that problem with my family members until I finally grew a backbone. They know now. I'm not suggesting you suddenly start telling them to go blank themselves but maybe ease into it. Start small.

I will quit whining promise, but she just sent me a text to not but anything special and i told her i want going to be buying anything because i didn't know she was planning on staying

But then this is the big thing that has kept me in trouble Wirth so many people because i usually end up telling them how rude i think it is to do it and so they don't like that and then i am a b*tch. To me they are the rude ones for just inciting themselves and then sitting on their fannies. I saw my Mama wait on lazy trails all my life and it did not sit well them and it is not sitting well now

Iagree...i had sent another post but i think i am so angry i must have deleted it instead. Please don't report me for foul language but i am so pissed right now because to me it is such a huge show off disrespect

Hope its so rude for people to invite themselves over. People need to respect our personal boundaries. My one sister used to always assume she would stay with me after my Mom went into the nursing home. I let her stay over twice but when my Mom was in the hospital dying I couldn't deal with the added stress of having her stay over so I suggested she ask one of my three other siblings who live here. Of course they never offered but I e-mailed them recently and told them the next time she visits they have to step up.

Well, i finally heard from my cousin and not only is she coming, she's planning on staying through most of the weekend...all age said was. .. "im planning on staying through Saturday if that's ok. I am so po'd i have not responded. Sorry i am just now letting you know. ..

OK...since i apparently lack the ability to flatten these rude folks what would you ladies have done or do. .she has had health issues so she will not be helping me do antibiotics. .if course she never helped before she had health problems either. .i am already on my last leg and had been talking to the nurse about respite because I'm ready to collapse. I truly don't like to be rude but i swear what i am doing is not working. So any helpful suggestions will be appreciated. ..the crazy part is i am not spineless but with folks i feel sorry for sure to their circumstances it is hard for me to be firm. In summation i am a moron

Ugh, Hope! That one is SO high on my list of pet peeves it isn't funny. I value my time off, especially now that I get so little of it. Years ago, when I was married and my elderly MIL lived with us, my SIL and her kids would just show up or would tell MIL they were coming, who would not tell me, and I would be expected to not only have enough food for 3 extra people, but also to provide entertainment for them as well, despite whatever plans I had made. I did it for a while - years, in fact - but towards the end of the marriage, I started just telling SIL and MIL that if she showed up for a weekend visit unnanounced, they were on their own and would be expected to buy their own food.

Well, i have sent two texts and my cousin who invited herself has not replied to either. If she comes she comes, i don't care. I'm going to do whatever i normally would have done and she can entertain herself. Is it just me or is this not rude? ?? Why does this crapola tic me off so badly

Jude, you probably have seen more of the States than most of us who were born and raised here... it's always the case the city you've spent the most time in you rarely see the sights. There is a ton of stuff here in Washington DC that I never seen, and I've been here [on and off] for over 40 years.... I guess we just take it for granted.

Hey Jude I live in Canada. Have you ever been? We spent time in Europe. We visited London, Paris, Munich, Zurich and spent a month in Ireland and visited County Tyrone where me Ma was born. My Dad was born In Russia and I would like to visit there one day. But since my Mom has just died I would love to go back to Ireland. Everyone there made us feel so at home when we were there.

In fact my hubby and I may move to Europe one day. The only thing that was keeping me here was my Mom.

My husband detests frogs and toads. Will not go outside in summer at night as a toad may cross his path. He once locked himself in the truck when I teased him with a toad. Had to hold hands out showing I was still carrying the road.

Ive dated a few rats, a couple of cockroaches and some real creeps. I guess I have been lucky in my earlier life. I always said when I was 40 that I had done more living before I was 40 than most people do in a life time. I travelled all over the world except Oz no desire to go there either so I havent missed anything. I do want to go to Russia jsut to see the beautiful buildings. I am going to my mecca next year for 4 days to Auschwitz where my forefathers ended their days in a horror that supercedes anything we can ever comprehend. But my main goal when all of this is done is to go back to the states. I have never been made to feel so welcome , met such nice people anywhere else in the world. Yes I have done Disney both of them but I adored Colorado and the rockies, (was fascinated by something that looked like a circus tent but was in fact Denver airport)I could have spent the rest of my days by lake Oahe. I got scared going up the space needle in Seattle, was staggered by the size of Mount Rushmore but I have a list as long as your arm of places I want to see in your beautiful country. And the best bit? For me the wide open spaces and huuuuuuuuge skies.. the worst bit? coming face to face with a rattle snake well ok 6 feet but thats a darn site closer than I wanted to be. the funniest? learning to shoot a gun and then falling for the can you hit a coke can and hitting the one that was closest and just 'happened to be full' I was drenched. The oddest? walking into an apache store and being greeted by utter silence until they realised I was not a Yank (is that rude to call American Yanks?) but a Brit. Happy happy days that I hope to relive. H*ll if I hired a big enough camper van I could visit you all well not all but some of you

My brothers and sisters used to get me to kill spiders when I was young but for some reason I am more afraid of them now. My dear Ma used to tell me "they are more afraid of you than you are of them" Well yeah they better be afraid, be very afraid cause if they are in my domain they better be prepared to kiss their a** good - bye. If they are outside no problem, thats their domain.

Jude, you have led such a colorful life, I tell ya. I once dated a guy who had a pet snake. That was too much for me. But a spider, no way. I've also dated a lot of snakes too, but thats another story.

Ah now vampire bat saliva is alleged to have some effect of protection against rabies which is wierd since bats transmit rabies too

paying not pating^^ duh!

Hubby is terrified of wasps so he comes screaming to me to kill them. He does deal with the bigger things though like rabid skunks.

Susan I am in stitches here the whole notion of you behaving like John McEnroe on centre court is just too too funny (yes I know John McEnroe played tennis but nevertheless it was the first thought that came into my head) In the UK Bats are a protected species and you're not allowed to get rid of them. I swear if ever I move to a place that has them I would be moving again yuk yuk yuk. I went up the Amazon years ago and you could hear the bats hitting the side of the ship as they swooped in for the moths...horrible. but not as horrible as the medicine man who used some form of pickled bat to make an infusion that sick people were pating to drink.....It was no wonder the hospital was almost on his doorstep I damned near needed from just watching them drink the stuff - VILE

Why is it that when I am so frightened of bugs people think I am silly? My mother used to pick up spiders and crane flies and BRING them to me to show me they were ok. I can remember screaming, I threw a cup of hot tea all over my brother once because he followed mums actions and let a crane fly go in front of me.. I DO KNOW they can't hurt me but it doesn't stop the fear. if it flies I am not keen unless it is bees wasps hornets - anything that can actually do me harm I am fine with! how daft is that?

But moths, said creepy crawlies and butterflies scare me to death, especially moths and spiders and crane flies. I once used up every glass in a house where I was babysitting. they had an almost white carpet and it was autumn I swear the spiders honed in because they knew I was there. When the parents came home I had placed a glass over each looked like an obstacle course for pets!

I now have conkers (dont know what you clal them but they come from the horse chestnut tree) in the corner of every room and now we dont have spiders! yippeee

Oh no...they were pets??? Well I'd have been gone anyway because i am not dating a man who raises spiders. ..i don't usually kill anything but i am NOT dating a man who raises spiders. ..eeeeek....Jude you're a mess

OH my gosh, Jude!! I'm dying laughing over here.

I once dispatched a very large, nasty spider - so big I could hear his feet making noise in the tub as he tried to climb out - that's what drew my attention to him as I walked through the bathroom. I sent him to his glory in a very shiny, lemon-scented state, as the only thing I had at hand was a can of Lemon Pledge furniture polish. I sprayed the beejesus out of him.

And then there was the few times I had to dispatch a bat that somehow found its way out of the attic and into the house I was living in at the time. I'd wake up at 3am, hearing flapflapflapflapflapflap over my head, and I'd leap into action, grabbing my trusty badminton racket and striking an attack pose in the living room. I'd wait for the winged vermin to start his figure-8 pattern of swooping through the long, narrow room, and as he hit the arc of his swoop over my head on one end of the room, I'd swing and THWACK! - I'd clobber him like an overgrown furry shuttlecock and send him careening into the opposite wall. I developed quite a technique for it over time. I had to - the landlord refused to get rid of the bats in the attic.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Susan now see I can clean up poo till it comes out of me ears well not literally like but creepy crawlies? Not in a million. Vaguely beetlish? Vaguely? I would be torn between ripping the place apart to find it and moving to a different room. it is a real phobia for me and I just can't bear them.

I guess now is a time to tell you a funny story. A long time ago when I was in my teens I had the sexiest boyfriend ever. he was gorgeous and after about two months he invited me back to his place (yeah I know 2 months but things were different then)

Well after a few coffees I needed the rest room especially as he was about to show me a portfolio of photos he had taken. (not of me ...I dont do pictures very often)

The toilet was in the bathroom and there in the bath were three humungous spiders, not tarantulas - we don't have those - but they were enormous and vile. Now it didnt stop me peeing, far from it, but I didnt take my eyes off them in case they were planning their attack!

I decided I would show dear sweet sexy man that I was the perfect housewife (well sort of) so I grabbed the bleach and doused them in it then flushed them down the plug hole with very very hot water. Oh I also helped them on their way with a loo brush so they were well decimated by the time they disappeared.

Now I apologise if you're a buddhist or just someone who likes spiders but like I said they have to be dead before I can cope with them and these were very dead.

I went back into the lounge and then came the crashing words. What do you think of these beauties? I have had them since they were really must have seen them in the bath. And there was his portfolio the growing life of three spiders in glorius technicolor........hmmm how to get out of this one?

I made an excuse left and never went back ...he never phoned but I somehow know he knew I had done the deed! Could have been the bleach smell!!

And as for being a therapists nightmare good on you woman they get paid too much anyway for doing very very little except expecting you to reach your own conclusions. Hell I dont even know the questions let alone the answers!

Gershun, al i want to do is sleep too. I am so completely exhausted and now it is that hot stinking humid southern cousin invited herself to come for a visit tomorrow. I have been putting her off but i finally knew i might as well let her come and as predicted, i now wish i had kept avoiding her. Her visits last the entire day and she never knows when to leave, sits on her butt all day and i end up having to wait on her hand and foot. God what was i thinking. When will i ever learn to put my own needs ahead of everyone else's. doomed because i doomed myself. is my own d*mn fault so no point whining and i know if

Looking for a lid for my slow cooker,look high n low but it was not found,went into the freezer to take out dinner ,well yes the.lid was inside the freezer. Whine whine and more whine

Dad mrMel lost his yeeth last month. My husband worked many extra hours to buy this new set last week. Dad is in the house...eating brownies at his table and turned to my lil boy...and said..i think my teeth are missing! Seriously is clean..since we cleaned ot out a mo.ago. im not whining now..more like crying mixed with b#tching.

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