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Needhelpwithmum how are you?

I am fed up with one of my colleagues who doesn't do her job properly so I have to check everything she does and correct her mistakes... I have to learn not to take other people's responsibility on my shoulders!

So sorry, Anche.

Many of us have dealt with this issue. It is so frustrating! It’s awful when people don’t do their jobs properly and you are carrying the heavy load. It certainly isn’t fair.

Take comfort in knowing that you are a competent worker. I sincerely hope that your hard work pays off in the end.

You know the truth and that is what matters the most. Unfortunately you cannot change how they feel. Of course you are fed up! Who wouldn’t be in your shoes?

Their opinion of you does not define who you are.

I've told my sister over and over again that nothing will ever change until you allow things to fail, your only responsibility is to do your job and to make sure that none of the fallout can blow back on you.

cwille and Anche,

Such wise words. It’s a tough lesson to learn but very important.

I suppose it depends on the circumstances. If a coworker’s lazy work habits are going to effect business, then we may have to pick up the slack.

In any case, it’s extremely frustrating. We have all worked with some people who hustle while others drag their feet.

I hope when it comes time for a promotion the hustlers are recognized and the those dragging their feet are left behind.

The problems never end. Years ago I was in that situation myself.

My boss promoted me and my coworker was expecting the promotion because she had worked there the longest. She was furious and went to our boss and said that she deserved the position over me.

My boss calmly told her that I deserved it and that he expected her to work well with me. Of course, she didn’t. I had the authority to fire her, which is exactly what I did!

It’s interesting, how things work out. Even this woman’s husband told her that she deserved to be fired and that I earned the promotion by working hard.

Thank you cwillie and needhelpwithmum!
Nhwm I am afraid my colleague is the friend/daughter or whatever of someone important for our company so I do not think it will change. I just hope she will get tired of this job an go away.

But tell me how you are, what happened with the hurricane?

It is 23.05 here in Italy... I am going to sleep as I get up at 6 a.m....
Read you tomorrow!
Un abbraccio


Sweet dreams! Hope you sleep well.

They have predicted a busy hurricane season and it certainly has been. The new one, ‘Delta’ is not supposed to be a direct hit. I’m hoping that it will not change course.

We will get lots of rain, most likely flooding. The good news is that this storm is fast moving which is good! The slower moving storms that intensify do a lot more damage.

I am allergic to dust. I took my antihistime today as usual and tackled changing over summer clothes to winter clothes. Can't stop sneezing.

I have a severe allergy to dust too! Feel better, Barb.

Barb, I also switched out my clothes yesterday,, which insures we will have a heat wave this next few weeks.. LOL And I packed up stuff to take to Goodwill,, as I am losing weight I give more away.. And I am getting cheaper as I get older,, ready to spend money on the house but not on clothes! I wear scrubs to work,,, and jeans and such otherwise. Don;t really go anywhere I dress up. But I do have a few nice slacks and dresses I now fit back into.


I find most people don’t dress up much anymore. Everyone is casually dressed so people don’t need as many ‘dressy’ clothes.

Dust mites & pollen are my twin evil nemesis 👿👿🤧.

After many trials, I found saline nasal & eye wash outs work for me. Cheap & simple remedy in high pollen season to get the evil out before my system goes into fight mode.

But dust is harder as it's everywhere! I use the antihistamines for bad days too.

Soldier on Barb, you have my sympathy!

No "Whine", just an update!
Had my two level cervical fusion a week ago. I had to be readmitted to the hospital because my throat was swollen closed due to trauma.
I was unable to swallow anything! No pain meds or even my own saliva. Ugh!!
3 days inpatient, with steroids and fluids did wonders!!
Discharged Saturday and doing great!!
Thank you all for your (((hugs))) and prayers !!

That must have been so scary, I'm glad you are now on the road to recovery!

Congrats on a successful surgery, and getting the aftercare you needed to feel better.

Hope it is a speedy recovery from here on out.

The allergies arrived here, and I have run out of Kleenex.

So, changing the clothes out of my closets too, there was some heavy dust on dH's pants. They are outside now, and I am still sneezing. Did not plan to wash that many clothes.

Jodi, strength & health to you:

I’m sitting in a long drive through covid testing line at the moment. I woke up with mild sore throat yesterday. It’s already gone but I figured I’d get a test, just to rule out covid. It’s far more likely I’m having a touch of my usual seasonal tonsillitis and sinusitis flare ups, but I had the time today and figured I’d get a test to be on the safe side.

I’ve been here about 35 minutes so far, looks like another 30 minutes to go. I waited through far longer wait times at doctors offices in the past!


Hoping you’re okay. Take care 💗.

I'm fine, thank you for caring. I'm trying to avoid this bug because I'm concerned about lingering problems, like I've had a few times in my life already. I had a bad case of mono when I was 15, and feel like it "turned on" some immune and fatigue issues, idk. If you read up on different strains of Epstein Barr, some say EBV can cause lifelong issues, some say it's harmless.

Then with this toxic mold business I dealt with at my grandmother's house, that kicked off years of symptoms and reactions, too. I've been slowly getting much better over the past 3 years I've been out of the house.

I'm not feeling too lucky about rolling the dice with covid, although it's overwhelmingly a mild illness, per stats.

I don't want to be a spreader if I have it, and want to get a jump on treating it if necessary. It's going to be a long winter if every time I get a symptoms then I'm concerned about covid. But, what's the alternative? I'm upping my vit C and zinc to boost immune.

I'll get results in a couple days.


You are smart to get tested! You are caring about others for not wanting to spread it. I applaud you.

Ali I do know that allergy symptoms can mimic COVID,, we have to do a check in every day we work,, and they are concerned that some with COVID may be coming to work thinking they have allergies,, or staying home thinking they have COVID,, its a mess! I have allergies, but as long as I don;t have a fever I convince myself that I am OK.. LOL I am part of a study for antibodies.., so far all is good. As for EBV, I work in a Neuro ICU, and deal with those pts. Take care of yourself. GBS is another thing we see alot of during flue shot season., I don;t care what they say it is real. I hate to have a flu shot, but it is mandatory at the hospital. I have never had the flu, sure don;t want to! But I make sure my Mom has her shot every year.

Pamz, I've thought about GBS before, but didn't know it was associated with flu shots, that's scary!

When I was caregiving, it was around the middle of 2012 and my muscles started getting really tight. I don't remember much from that year, and I missed Christmas for first time ever. I stayed in bed for months and I was having trouble walking and talking. And then all through 2013 was a very difficult year, and I didn't do much.

I'm not familiar with what GBS looks like in the body/brain. I used to say I thought I had some kind of nervous breakdown but I've wondered if it was GBS.

That's thankfully all in the past, but it seems I can get really severe and lingering reactions to things like EBV and mold. I really don't want to get any other virus, nothing else, ever!! lol I'm going to wrap myself in layers of bubble wrap, a moon walk suit. lol

But yeah, sigh, this winter is going to be interesting with the normal seasonal colds and allergies mixing in with covid cases. :-/

I had my flu shot already this year. I've never had a bad reaction to it, thankfully, but I know people who say it's made them ill.

Time to stock up in grocery store items. I grocery shop on-line and pick up curb-side, been doing that over 5 years now.

I am now seeing the grocery store website is starting to be out of food items that I like... bummer. Store still has a lot of toilet paper and paper towels. I haven't been able to buy Lysol spray since last year, so not surprised there. Stores well stocked with Lysol wipes and other brands that make such wipes.

I got plenty of masks, surgery type and home made cotton masks. I found a lady who makes the langyards to hold your mask around your neck so you don't drop them when taking them off when in a parking lot or in your car. My sig-other loves his. I bought some for the family, best thing since sliced bread :)

Family, which includes two teenagers, wants to visit for Thanksgiving.... No, Nada, Are your Crazy?.... if they insist, they can wave at us from the end of the driveway.

I am doing better but... Now my husband has problems with his job... Some of his colleagues and himself received a discipline letter for standing up for a foreign colleague whose Italian is not so good.
The letter was sent even to people who were not there! My husband didn't speak but was accused of being arrogant.

I got an email notice that I had a past due payment on a credit card, a card I very rarely use. I go to look and see that Microsoft has billed me for a subscription, seems like it was something that I purchased over a year ago, I had a pre-paid gift card for one year and then somehow it was set up to renew.

Big PITA, past due fees added on and everything.

I've tried to reach Microsoft to cancel the subscription. It says under my account that they CAN'T cancel it, it's been paid through October 8, 2021. lol I'm disputing the charges, and tried to contact a real live person today to help me, waited for 30 minutes with a blinking chat screen ("An agent will be with you shortly...") before I gave up and decided I'll wait to see what happens with the dispute.

And the cherry on this poop cake is that I looked up a phone number for Microsoft, and got one. I double checked it to make sure it wasn't a scammer pretending to be Microsoft because I had that experience before, where you search for tech support and it's all scammer numbers. And it was a scam number. I didn't call it but it makes me mad that this massively profitable corporation can't even have a way to call in and deal with an issue, it's all through chat applications, and...

I'm just annoyed with it. And I feel for all the people who will call that 800 number that comes up when you Google "Microsoft customer service."

FrequentFlyer, those are so awesome. Thank you for sharing.

I need something to keep my glasses from coming off with my mask. I have to use the ones that go around my head and oops, there goes another scratch. Have you seen anything cool like for keeping glasses off the ground?

I always drop my glasses too. I don’t think that I could do contact lenses though because of my allergies.

I remember those eyeglass chains that "mature women" use to wear to keep their reader glasses close by. When I was looking for lanyards, I remember seeing those.

Found some, go on Etsy and type in "lanyard eyeglass holder".

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