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eva - chilly here too but no snow so far.

cw - I'm so sorry about your sis's mil and the lack of planning. I guess there aren't a ton of choices now.

nacy -seems strange as she was so young but she must have been ill.

Golden, all I really know about her is she was a bad alcoholic, her husband didn't want anything to do with her , dumped her at a family owned farm , so they could claim ownership. Didn't work, sence she died, wasn't much left of the family farm house after she died anyways. I don't think anyone but the doctor new much about her health. And the doctor said on the phone that she was surprised she lived as long as she did

Luckily she died, and then hours later the furnace ran out of oil, she wasn't found for at least 3 days. But it's was cold inside. So that was good

Here I am.

I'm a man, taking care of my elderly sister. Haven't been online for a long time. I need to get something off my chest. It's not about my sister.

Have you ever wished for the destruction of someone? I have. Here I am (yup, that's my name!), right now wishing for it.

Some people really deserve it. I wish for their utter destruction, and I don't mean death. That's too easy. I mean, alive but suffering. Some people seriously deserve it. I have certain people in mind.

I woke up this morning, with this strong thought. Never happened to me before. I don't normally wake up like that. The thought: destroy, destruction, I wish for their destruction, they deserve it.

Please don't misunderstand: I'm not going to do anything. I just wish it.

Hereiam, you are understandable burnt out, and desperately need a break and answers how to get more help with your sister. My burnt out moment was the second time I drove home from moms , not caring if I lived.

Now I'm on this incredible journey, of self help. Please get some counseling, you are not the first or the last

Good luck Anxietynacy!
My post has nothing to do with my sister, nor with caring for her.

Sometimes here, we share our thoughts that have nothing to do with caregiving. I tried to make it clear in my post, by saying it’s not about my sister.

It’s about some people who do very bad things to other people, and who therefore deserve bad things to happen to them.

Here I am,
I am sorry to see you harbor feeling of revenge against someone. They old saying goes something about "When you seek revenge dig two graves" and it is so right. This level of anger destroys not the other person, but ourselves and it eats us from the inside out.
I recommend you seek help from a few visits to a cognitive therapist. It's normal to feel anger; it isn't normal to hang on to it over time.

Yes, any case of unexpected death at home is a coroner's case. However that will be VERY short and sweet in the case of a 90 year old. Almost always is. A trip to the medical examiner, autopsy, and likely listed as accidental death. I am sorry about this loss. It seems none were present, and likely they will be offered a simple cremation; it will just be determined who is the next of kin, who wishes to be listed administrator of the estate if no will is extant.
A good long life and one lived at home.

Not revenge.
I believe in karma.

I saw Venting’s quote, “You can’t do ugly things to people and expect to live a beautiful life.”

I totally agree, and I think it happens naturally. Karma happens naturally.

No one did anything against me, so the post isn’t about me. They did something to a friend of mine. Even the courts will go against what they did. It’s not revenge. Courts are not in the business of revenge. Bad acts have consequences. Through the law. And through karma.

Sorry at @hereiam there is no such thing as karma. It's a nice concept in theory but many a truly evil person has certainly not gone on the reap the reward for hurting others.

Dear Sp, I understand your skepticism. And maybe you're right. After all, none of us are omniscient and know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the universe. But, you might also be wrong. There might indeed be karma. I believe it.

"many a truly evil person has certainly not gone on to reap the reward for hurting others."

We don't know that for sure, Sp.
Maybe it only seems like that, in this life.
Maybe, not everything is as it seems.

The universe, life, is quite mysterious.
After all, if karma would so obviously exist, no one would dare to behave badly, and bad people would never reveal their true nature.

Here I Am

@hereiam I know that for sure. I have living proof, right now that karma does not exist. It is only natural to think that good people will somehow come out on top in this world when people intentionally harm them BUT that is the exception not the rule in this universe. In fact I have seen people who hurt people go on to have much success and protection from the universe and reap no consequences of their actions.

I totally understand what you're saying. And you might be right. But you might be wrong.

I wrote, in reply to what you said, "many a truly evil person has certainly not gone on to reap the reward for hurting others."

Maybe it only seems like that ----- in this life.
It depends also on one's view of what happens after this life.

Here I Am

Dear Sp, "In fact I have seen people who hurt people go on to have much success and protection from the universe and reap no consequences of their actions."

I like the reply I just saw of someone on the internet, about karma:

Perhaps right now. But Karma takes time and it's not over yet. :-).  And even if they're doing "better", they may have some things going on that you don't know about. Remember that you cannot know everything about someone's life.

Here I Am

So I quit a job once, because the boss was sexually harassing me. Didn't feel like going through the bs of no one believing me. Didn't like the job anyways.

Anyways I got a jod as a caregiver, took one of my clients to the library, guess who was homeless sitting in the library. The boss 🤗 He got his karma. I honestly new he would.

About bad people seemingly getting away with things:
"Just because we see them acting all powerful and fine in public doesn't mean they are peaceful and happy with themselves in private. You have to see the whole picture."

I think hereiam, that those people are more miserable and unhappy than most , that's why they want to try to make everyone else miserable

So true!

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