
I'm tired of cooking/preparing 3 meals a day. It's just the two of us but boy oh boy can that woman eat!! She stays slimish, I get fattish. It's bad enough I do everything here much less start making her one thing and me the other. At times I feel guilty when I buy her fast food cuz of the nutritional value....not to mention I eat it too.

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43 degrees Centigrade or Celsius is 109 degrees Farenheit?
So, it's very hot Margaret?

Llama, Yes, beware the little blue man.
I could not post on Aging Care for weeks awhile back.

The little blue man got me - ugh. Had to go to phone carrier and they got the accessibility menu off.

Our forecast here for tonight is 43 degrees, but Centigrade not Fahrenheit! Thank God we have no fires close to us.

Margaret, yeah it's been horrible to watch, the fires. Sendhelp is there someplace, posted a couple days ago. Haven't heard anything since.

Was just talking to my son in Texas, it's going to be 35 there tonight, which is super highly unusual. He sounds a little concerned that the power and heat will go out.

I've just been reading about the difficult weather and appalling fires in LA. I am so sorry for those poor people, and for the fire fighters. And indeed for all of us, in view of the impact that major disasters have on home insurance premiums. I don't know if any of our posters are affected, but all those affected have my hopes and best wishes.

Golden that sounds really nice actually. I'd give anything to feel sun and 35.

The weather isn't helping I'm sure!

Oh, hahahaha oops I just remembered, next week I will have sun 🚢🏝️, trying not to think about it much, so I don't get excited/stress, nervous belly, what ever you want to call it. 😆

Quite nice here - above freezing (35F today) these few days, but a wind sometimes. i was thinking of walking in the parkade. It's relatively safe and warm. But outside you do get the sun. Yeah, I might have a bit of cabin fever. Should wrap up and sit out on the balcony in the sun for a while. This is so much better than it was in the north.

Golden Is the weather cooperating to walk? Here it isn't. Like 10 with wind chill the last few days!

Sounds like winter is getting to you, like the rest of us northeners

My whine is my weird sleep habits. I was up in the night as usual then slept in till after 11 am. That is good. But waking up after a sleep like that gives me a degree of brain fog. It's after 2 pm and I am still not fully with it. I'll try some caffeine which I usually avoid. Going for a walk would be good too. Meanwhile it's playing around on the computer because I'm not good for much else.

ali - I think you will do fine. I suspect you are your own worst critic.

jenny10 - Good ideas. This thread started many years ago and the OP (original Poster) left some years ago. Generally this thread is used to let off steam, vent, whatever. It has become very useful for that and covers a wide range of topics.

cook one bigger portion and freeze it so you dont have to cook gain some days.
fast food is ok now and again. I think you need to cook and freeze and maybe some meals dont have be be elaborate - an omelette for example - break a couple eggs - whisk - a pinch salt/pepper in a small frying pan - put under grill to cook the top and sprinkle a little cheese on top - 10minutes. Serve with toast or salad. Who doesnt like some beans on toast at times - sprinkle cheese on top and you have a filling meal. Soup for lunch and a roll - boil your own veg with a stock cube or buy if money ok and just heat up. yogurt and banana for breakfast ? bran cereal? - 5 minutes? Serve a drink before dinner - that may regulate the appetite?
Yogurt after meals helps full up.
As for you - maybe time for a switch in meals - and include some healthier options which may be quicker to prepare - you'll have more energy end of day. Good luck. Its not easy but rewarding when you get a good system in place and the benefits to your health - even if its just for less work

Not recently but I have had days when it seems as though my post hasn't loaded, but it's just slow to show up - part of the bugs I mentioned on the thread pinned to the top of our news feed.

*I've noticed the past couple of days that everything is double posting, and I have to be careful not to hit "Enter" again and instead check and see if the comment is posted. That's a new bug for me. Anyone else? It could be my choice of browser, maybe.

Thank you, CW and Margaret.

If I'm posting about a paper on the whine thread late at night, that means I have two working brain cells, and the rest of my bandwidth is fried. I'm not thinking straight; my brain is on overload.

Great suggestion to check through the Parkinson's posts -- thank you! My goal is to get a more personalized feel for what neuroimaging means to patients. I'm not going to become a radiologist so for me, it's more about how imaging helps or doesn't help folks with PD.

I'm glad to be learning this stuff, indeed. It's just a bit to take in. And some of you are right nerds (i.e., very intelligent and have been around elder care and this forum for a long time).

My fritz-out level is down today. The paper is late; oh well. Thanks again.

Hi ABB, if you can't figure out this imaging stuff I doubt that any of us who would have been given the dumbed down version of a scan could be much help. I'm sure it's your perfectionism that is is stressing you out, trust yourself!

Hi! You probably know this, but just in case you don’t..

Click on Resources at the top of the screen, then on Caregiving Topics, then on P for Parkinsons. 63 professional articles, plus discussions and questions. Then N for Neuropathy, 8 articles plus d & q– no idea if that’s relevant.

In addition, click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen, type in any relevant term. It will come up with a long list of anything that has included that term. You asked for ‘anything’, and perhaps you aren’t used to searching the site!

Good luck with the paper, Margaret

I just need to vent into the void for a moment... :/

This paper I'm writing for school on neuroimaging techniques and their utility for Parkinson's is entirely outside my wheelhouse. It is very interesting, but this class is also chock full of terminology I've never encountered, and new info is overloaded weekly.

I can't even call it "writer's block" because I'd have to KNOW something about the topic to have a writing block. This is just... confusion. haha

Well, this stinks. The paper is due (it will be late, and that's not a huge deal), and I'm struggling. Even if I take extra time to do it, I still have to write the dang thing, and that's the problem. :(

*I'm sure some folks around here are familiar with PD, either experiencing it or witnessing it in a loved one. Care to share with me your experiences, anything specific around neuroimaging? Anything at all will do. It helps to have some relatability and relevance for this otherwise dry information. It's motivational to me; thanks for sharing anything that you care to.

A friend of mine who's husband died of liver disease, finally quit drinking. My whine is since I'm not a drinker, she is really clinging on to me. All I wanted to do was go to Hannaford by myself today. 🫤 Looks like I got company. Just a little whine, it's ok I'm just a little annoyed.

Peasup, Margaret and newbiewife.

Thanks I will leave the tree up till Three Kings day. In fact I may leave it up until Fat Tuesday to honor the people of New Orleans. It's one of my fave places and I have tons of beads. I always thought a Mardi Gras tree would be fun. I have to order my king cake!

Newbie it stinks that your usual inhaler wasn't available. I hope you feel better.

I've had a few call from "the ranch" today so not entirely peaceful, but as they say you can't give from an empty cup. Humans get sick. I feel bad for both of them, this threw off their day and mom has had lot thrown at her this week. She is very mentally fragile. We had gone to biweekly with her psych nurse, I think we need to go back to weekly for a while....

I'm joining Casole in having a cold, first I've had in what seems like years. Asthma too, which I sometimes get when I have a cold. Son and two granddaughters are visiting me for the week from out of town, so might have caught from the grand daughters or someone we were with on the 26th-27th, big crowd of family. I'm peeved because the pharmacy didn't have the steroid inhaler prescribed and they had to order it but it's not in yet; I do have the albuterol rescue inhaler, but the asthma is knocked out more quickly if I use both types of inhaler right from the start and don't wait. My tree and outdoor lights are still up, tree until the 6th, lights maybe longer. I'm in a small condo complex, and my place is at the entrance, so my neighbor across the way and I like to leave our lights up for well past Christmas as a cheerful welcome in these dark days.

I'm no longer a caregiver as my husband passed away a couple of years ago, so at least I don't have to worry about infecting a vulnerable person.

Peasuep, it’s right and proper to ‘enjoy your Christmas decorations for another week’. They should stay up until Twelfth Night, which is Epiphany or Jan 6. It’s the date that the Three Kings brought their gifts of Gold, Frankinsense and Myrrh, and I read that in the eastern church that is the ‘proper’ date for Christmas gift giving. My modest decorations will come down on Monday 6th, and yes I am still enjoying them now! My beautiful little pottery nativity set will then go away for another year, along with our small tree with lights and sparkle.

I hope that it will as a nice a Christmas next year for everyone, or if possible even better!

Peasuep, I wrote you something this morning with VERY much help from meta AI.

You are a gentle soul, a loving heart.

You have cared for him, from the start.

The road ahead, will be a bumpy ride, but your love will remain, a constant home.

May Monday's step, although hard to take , bring safety and love that will not break.

You are strong yet gentle, a guiding light, you will shine through the night.

Golden, Nacy, men with hobbies and talents are wonderful things! My man used to have some too. Last night our usually quiet street was full of traffic. I think something must have happened down on the highway and traffic was rerouted. Apparently my DH’s new hobby is counting cars. He sat on the edge of his chair for 45 minutes, waving his hand and saying “‘nother one; ‘nother one; ‘nother one.” Oh well, at least he wasn’t in despair like he so often is in the evening.
Now I’m glad I chose the room in the AL facility where he can see a semi busy street.

Casole, you’re sick - you need rest and comfort. Some people need to be shoved off the Merry-go-round with force or they’ll keep riding it, around and around, forever. It’s ok to enjoy your Christmas decorations for another week. A little sparkle is good when you’re feeling low.
Years ago I embroidered a sampler with the words ‘Dust is a protective covering for furniture’. I gave it to my sister bc I never thought I’d need it. Hah - the joke’s on me!

Golden, he does, in the winter I have to push him a little bit. He has been in the basement rebuilding what looks like a carburetor 😆 , he is starting to get back into being himself, after being sick. No heavy lifting till after the trip. Lol and yes he needs to find more hobbies that are not so physical in general. That awesome the painting!! My dad built violins after he retired, funny how as kids we othen don't appreciate things like that until they are gone, but also he was a difficult man.

I'm sure his paintings are amazing. I love other peoples artwork. Hubby definitely needs a more relaxed hobby.

Casole go ahead and whine! Sounds like you are in need of a self care day. Hope you can find it!

I have a cold, feel so run down, no energy, resolving parental issues non stop since nye and new years day. My own prescription got screwed up my hormone patch so been without for five days now and feeling it.

My tree is still up, house gathering dust, trying not to get husband sick, dried out from meds just feel like overall poop.

Lots to be grateful for but this thread is for whining so I'm gonna whine.

nacy - does your hub have any hobbies? Sounds like he needs some. If you give up something enjoyable you need to replace it with something else that's enjoyable to you. R got into painting again tonight. It's relaxing for him and maybe he can sell some. If not it's still worth it for him.

CM7 - welcome - pizza because you're tired is fine!!! We all need breaks. If you fill out your profile we'll have a better idea of what you are dealing with and can answer you more appropriately

I'm blown away by the Education Act. There is very little on teacher's responsibilities -even one section that was labelled that in the index is missing from the body of the document. Makes me wonder. I guess I will follow that up with the Ministry of Education.

Are we twins? I literally just ordered pizza b/c I'm tired. She also sometimes won't eat the healthy meals either because she's not hungry, or doesn't like it. :/

Golden, That definitely deserves a whine!!

As for hubby, will see... That's what's been so frustrating, I've been here so many times with him. So far I think he is doing well. He hasn't been going out to his garage much at all. 😆

Aaaargh - spent most of the day trying to help R with computer ordering issues. Not resolved yet but he has to tend to the colts. He has more troubles with stuff like this than anyone else I know. Not sure why, but he doesn't seem to understand that the details have to fit. Anyway he is out and I am using up my frustration energy cleaning the fridge. He has old outdated long gone cc info on accounts and these are causing a problem with paypal. Oh ,well. There has to be a solution somewhere. meanwhile my fridge is getting cleaned. lol

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