My wife of 73 yrs (moderate Alz) recently experienced the need for 20 to 30 trips to bathroom, during waking hours; about every 3 to 5 minutes ostensibly to have a B/M. Dr's exam showed no bowel blockage, or any other physical problem. Diagnosis was OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- a relative of Alz)). Dr. Prescribed "Fluvoxamine" (Luvox)..after 2nd day, all prior OCD symptoms disappeared. One caveat: Had to cease giving her Rozerem, a sleep med., with the Luvox, which doesn't allow total dissipation of Rozerem. She still has "fetish" of folding all tissues, toilet paper, napkins, into tiny squares, then saving them; that in itself harmless, albeit non-productive.