
I have been working for the retired veteran for 6 years now. He needed in home dialysis back in 2013 and I have worked for him ever since. During that time I met 1 daughter back in 2016 screaming at her father about a grandfather clock she claimed her mother said she could have, he was selling it to a friend I believe and she found out and was upset. When the gentleman hired me I was expecting family members to come by ask questions, ask me to do a background check I even had my resume on hand when they came by to keep and call references. Not 1 single soul came by. During the past 6 years their have not been anyone to come by, no calls, letters NOTHING until now due to his condition. They even blocked his number so he could not reach them in case of an emergency. My patient was financially drained due to having to pay me for care, he had to bury a daughter in 2016 and his savings was deminishing. So I started to help him with his VA disability and it slowly went from 10% to now in Feb, 2019 to 80% when he was suppose to receive back pay it was held back due to not paying taxes, his grandson stopped doing it back in 2014. The IRS and VA have been sending hints on my patient still having savings such as bonds, investments with his widowed wife last employer. He believes when his wife passed in 2012 the daughter took the paperwork for all those and he can not cash in what he and his wife have saved up. He was put into the hospital a week ago, I went to go visit and he was asleep, I left my number with the nurse's for him to call instead the daughter texted and told me to not come to see her father and that the nurses and Dr.s were informed about me?! I was in complete shock, I did nothing but help her father survive and I believe that was the problem she wanted to cash in the stocks but could not until he passed cause he was the beneficiary to all of it. I have an advance directive stating I am the rep who will speak on his behalf in care and also his guardian in the event anything were to happen, Should I fight this? or let it go? since she is the daughter even thought she has not been there at all for the past 6 years not only that I will not be receiving a check for the entire month that I worked, nor will I be reinbursed for all the months I worked way under our agreed payment for 24 hour care and that when his increase started he then would pay me my agreed pay and pay me back pay for all those months. Any suggestions? By the way I did not have my patient fight for the life savings having to go to court, get an attorney due to his health being on dialysis 3x week, he is 86 and does not need to be stressed out at his age, but I keep receiving threatning messages from his daughter for some reason, I am not in his WILL, nothing has changed she is 2nd in line to receive everything but being out of his life for 6 years I think she thinks that I may be getting something when he passes but I will not be. I just hate to see someone so evil, noncaring receive moneys that belongs to him and she will now get away with stealing her parents hard working money they saved for times he really needed when he was going through his daughters death, dialysis, extra care help.

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Were you LEGALLY appointed by the COURT as this man's guardian?  Or are you the Power of Attorney for Health Care and/or Finances for this man?

Do you have any Caregiver Contract that states that you are to receive back pay once the VA benefits are increased?

We need more information about the legal and business relationship between the veteran and yourself.
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If you have healthcare POA, I would exercise it now. Provide a copy to the hospital and start making good decisions in your client's best interests. I would limit the time the daughter spends alone with her father, particularly if she is adding to his stress during visits trying to obtain financial awards. Document the daughter's aggressive behavior but do not engage in similar aggression. If you client dies before he can pay your back wages, then after he dies file a claim against his estate. You cannot control the daughter's actions, you can only control your reactions.
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