
They are living on their social security only
no savings
they need help with meds
get them on Medicaid

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Many Senior Centers have Social Workers that can help with these things.
Local Area Agency on Aging.
Helpful Answer (3)
Sendhelp Oct 2022
This is true.
County welfare office can assign a social worker for her case. They also will have a Medicaid case worker.
Helpful Answer (3)

Start with Social Services. Sister may qualify for Supplimental Security Income (SSI). With that comes Medicaid for health care. In my State this includes prescriptions, vision and dental. Even if they are unable to get SSI, they maybe able to get Medicaid. They may get help with housing, utilities. Food stamps.
Helpful Answer (2)

"They"? Is there another person living with her? A spouse perhaps?

You can always call APS (social services) for their county and report her/them as vulnerable adults. If they don't have an assigned PoA then the county will eventually acquire guardianship of her and manage all her affairs and make all decisions. There won't be any access or transparency to her affairs/accouunts by the family once this happens.
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Isthisrealyreal Oct 2022
In AZ, calling APS doesn't necessarily get you any social services.

Calling the county counsel of aging is a better resource to get help for a situation like this. Or Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
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