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Hi Portday.. you will have to wait until someone responds to your question and then their response will show up. People don't always answer right away if they don't know what advice to give. Sometimes it takes awhile for the right person to see your question. It will be ok :-)
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Hi Portday. Welcome to AC. I'm currently downloading my printer update on my laptop and using my Kindle for now. I would like to send you some threads on this site that deals with spouses. Perhaps if you read it from beginning and got to know the different posters, you can then comment. Hopefully, this would make a great intro for you on this site.

When I read that a poster has something to say about their spouse/marriage, I usually bypass it...only because I'm caregiving a parent and not a spouse. Hopefully, someone will answer but...don't be surprise if it takes longer. I've noticed that few post during the weekends. You get more activity during the weekday. Plus depending on your time zone. It's my daytime and it would be most people's late evenings.
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Portday, I have read over and over this year of spouses coming on this site asking for other spouses' comments. I have mentioned that if you all get together and start a NEW thread with a title that would attract spouses. I mean all it takes is one person to start it, and other spouses to support it and keep it going. Something really simple and eye catching like....
Unique Situations We SPOUSES face in Caregiving. or....
Help! My Spouse still Tries to do Normal Things and Leaves it Unfinished
Help! Advice on how to Deal with Spouse' Behavior

Okay....with that said...I ran across these 2 threads dealing with spouses.

If this does not meet with your concept of a forum for spouses, I found online this one: wellspouse.

You will need to Google it because this site tends to erase .org, .net ..www...etc....
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