
After seven years of living Hell my mother has decided to sell her house and move into a seniors home. She has refused to pay me for my services during those years so I have nothing.

Her home care attendant informed me she can get me a contract as a live in caregiver very easy because the demand is so high and she believes I am a very good caregiver.

Both her doctor and the home care attendant have very high respect for me and informed me they would sign the letter. Needless to say they are very angry with her for throwing me out like yesterdays garbage.

The House is not sold yet but I am not waiting to be thrown out on the street penniless.

Does anybody know of where I can get a template for a letter of reference for her doctor and home care attendant to sign for a letter of reference?

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Do a Google search and then customize it for you.

Each one should be worded differently, you don't want a template for a reference.

I am so sorry that your mom is leaving you with no home after 7 years. But! It sounds like you will land on your feet and she lost her best advocate.
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Thank you for your advice.

I did as you suggested and will have her previous doctor and present one sign in ( they have already informed me they would ) as well as her personel support worker. Her P.S.W. has already informed me she can hook me up with many that would love to have a care giver like me.

I actually feel sorry for mom. The Lord promises to punish the wicked and just after the seven year period that I have been here she has been hit with one disaster after another. She is now in constant pain and has lost most of her friends because of this. She is suffering greatly.

God is a God of justice and He always pays back to others as they do to someone else. I have seen it happen many times and now with her.

Personally I do not think she can sell the house because of many severe problems with it. The first real estate agent informed me it will be almost inpossible to sell it so I may stay here till she dies but I do not sit around and wait.

Thank you for your kind compassion.
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C, you want the letters from the doctor and the csregiver to be completely different. I found some samples:,blessing%20to%20the%20entire%20family.
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Any letter if reference I have gotten has been from a former employer, on their letterhead. I don't see why the doctor can't do one. I think it would be nicer than a form that is filled out. He just needs to say that as a caregiver for your mother, he has witnessed that you are an exceptional caregiver. And as such, he would recommend you as a caregiver to anyone who would like to hire you. Now the aide, a form maybe OK for her but a letter would not hurt. Forms really are not personable.

I suggest you call your local unemployment office and see if they offer CNA training. Some States pay u while you train.
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A letter of reference should be written by the person giving the referral, not provided by you for a signature. It's their job to specify some things they've seen you do well and to give their impressions of your abilities. You aren't supposed to have anything to do with it or even see it. That would prevent any employer from thinking it's legitimate.

Employers want a contact number for references, so they can speak directly to the person. Actual letters aren't really much of a thing anymore.
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