
He was seriously constipated for about two weeks then saw doctor who recommended Dulcolax and Senna. After 3 days on this he started having diarrhea.

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I wouldn't want to start the pendulum swinging between one or the other, stop the laxatives and add some psyllium (metamucil) to his diet. As always do not use fiber supplements without also ensuring he is getting enough fluids, and speak to his doctor first.
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I would be careful not to fall into the trap of giving something to counteract the laxative effects. It can be a vicious cycle. Talk to his doctor and maybe start by simply reducing (or eliminating) the Dulcolax and Senokot, both of which are stimulating laxatives.

As an aside, IMO, diarrhea is generally preferred over constipation, since the last thing anyone wants is an obstructed bowel. Do make sure he gets plenty of fluids.

Also, I've found a daily glass (just 4-8 oz) of prune juice works well to keep constipation away.
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P.S. No need to shout. ;-)
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I imagine this can vary from person to person.

For my son and myself, Pepto works great on an upset tummy and gas pain but Imodium works best when diarrhea hits.

But - as others have said, you’re risking swinging back and forth if you keep treating in an alternating pattern.

If at all possible - I’d let the diarrhea run it’s course hydrating with lots of water and perhaps Gatorade. Just as long as it doesn’t go on for days...
Then stick to some mild, bland foods to let the irritation in the digestive tract settle down.

No fun, that’s for sure. You have my sympathy! Shout all you want here. We can take it.
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