
Unhealthy & unsafe environment, & lack of nutrition. My friend and I were best of friends in our school days. We have stayed in touch. I don't live near enough to check in daily. Both my friend and her husband are alcoholics, & chain smokers. Friend uses walker and was hospitalized with pneumonia 6 mos ago. Almost died. Currenly she receives meals on wheels. Husband won't eat them. Friend eats them but not enough throuout the day. Both are under weight and have balance issues. Friend can't go outside without assistance so stays indoors in filth. Plus stairs to front door are too step for her to use. Very steep for most people. They both barely survive on social security. My friend depends on her husband to do most. She is also incontinent. House smells, carpet is wet with urine. Papers, garbage in piles & clothes in piles hinder movement and make it difficult to get to kitchen. Her husband has some dementia. Neither drive. Husband walks blocks to store on occasion usually when in need of wine or cigs. They need someone to take care of them but will deny their need. Very frustrating. They have no family left. All deceased. One cousin lives a few cities away but commutes to Frisco for work therefore visits are infrequent. She helps when she can. What is available for this couple who have sunk to the bottom in despair. They not only need assistance physically & emotionally but need to willfully make some changes in regards to alcohol abuse. Who can I contact for help? Would I call adult protective services?

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Yes, Call Adult Protective Services as they can evaluate the situation and do what is necessary for your friends. The Area Agency on Aging might be able to help, but since your friends are in such poor health and have no family to help them and have a history of alcohol abuse, they need more than just advise. They need action.

Your friends are very lucky to have a friend like you who cares and loves them so much that you are willing to reach out for help for them. God Bless!
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Since I answered your post late last night, I am going to write something this morning so that your post will be listed with the "Most Recent" postings. That way other people will see your post and give you some other suggestions.
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They must not be that bad off if they still drink and smoke. That being said it appears that they don't care if they live or or not. 
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Yes call aging protective service if they are really bad alcoholics you may can look into getting them into a live in program i don't know how your state work but here in ga you can go to probate and they would bello
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