
Looking for contact information to provide to client who volunteers at the Advancement Foundation in Roanoke, VA. They have an aging parent they are providing assistance and care in the areas of bathing, cooking, cleaning and running errands. It has become time consuming and they have not been able to work.

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You can google the Dept of Social Services Virginia and click on Adult Services to get information - or, click on:
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Look up VA state gov internet page. Listings should be under elder support/affairs.
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yes they do but its in the form of state government commodities - corn liquor , hardtack and eggpone..
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I live in VA and I've been caretaking since 2000. Never heard of being reimbursed for it . . . and both my parents are veterans!
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You are able to receive payment from your parent, if you chose to charge and they can pay. This is allowed as an expense in Medicare look back, it needs to be reasonable and documented.

Government does not pay parents to raise children, nor children to care for parents. Caregiving is a lot of work, but it is not a government payroll job.

Low income individuals, regardless of care giving status are eligible for government assistance programs.
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