
Any home remedy

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A UTI in an elderly person can rapidly turn to sepsis. Get her treated with the proper antibiotic; having a urine culture done will tell the doctors which antibiotic will work.

For prevention, try D-Manoose.
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Agree with BarbBrooklyn - sepsis a real concern so take her to Urgent Care of ER if LO shows sudden change in behavior (confusion, hallucinations, delusions, etc.)
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As an RN I don't really believe in supplements (unless you have a deficiency and a doctor suggests one) and vitamins and such. The ONE thing I DO believe in because it has worked for me, is D-Mannose. As it is very inexpensive (about 30 for 120 capsules, one a day) it is worth a try. It is easy to take and if the elder has any swallow problems the capsule is tasteless, can be dumped in anything once opened. It prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall much like cranberry but without the acidity and more certainly. I had upwards of 4 bladder infections a year a decade plus ago, with some moving up into kidney, one almost causing sepsis and shock. I was being threatened with taking cipro daily prophylactically. I tried D-Mannose not thinking it would work for me. I have not had a single bladder infection in over a decade. I would leave my atenolol at home before I didn't carry THIS med with me.I use Source Natural from Amazon but I suspect they are all about the same if a trusted company. I have recommended to a friend and a dog park buddy. Both had the same result of relief. I believe one person here did NOT. Good luck. Worth a try.
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Sendhelp Nov 2022
D-Mannose works.
Walmart has Spring Valley D-Mannose capsules for $12.88
500 mg.
120 capsules.

I use Now brand D-Mannose Veg. Capsules
500 mg.
120 capsules.

This is a preventative, not necessarily a cure.
I believe once you have a UTI infection, it needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Then use D-Mannose.
Four suggestions to use D-Mannose. Yay!
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Yup, I have used D-mannose myself chronic UTIs and it was amazing. I did find though that for an acute UTI I had to use a higher dose and at a higher frequency than it recommended on the jar. Also got relief from cranberry pills and top-quality colloidal silver. Also avoiding sugar, alcohol and very acidic coffee helped.
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