
My mom often gets UTIs, but she's 74 now and she's in the hospital for a UTI. Okay, so here's a bit of a summary for the last 2 weeks. She's pretty much bed/wheelchair bound.

Middle of August: My mom is her normal self. She goes to the pain doctor and wants her prescription to change because it's not working. She was taking Oxycodone and the Dr was throwing out ideas and landed on "Morphine" and my mom said, yes, she'll try that. I did not want her to go on Morphine. My mom is/was mentally stable to make her own choices, so I didn't argue too much.

The next week: Somewhat mental confusion, and I think it might be a UTI. Or is it the Morphine? I ask her if she wants to go to the hospital, but she flat out refuses. I make sure she drinks tons of water and she seems alright. I also try taking her off the Morphine on some days so I can gauge if it's the medicine or a UTI.

The next week: She seems more confused and sleeping more. But I can still have a conversation with her alright and she seems to know where she is/who I am, etc.

Same week: She has a doctor's appointment and the Dr says she doesn't look right and should go to the hospital. So she goes. Her mental state seems to decline even more.

So, she's been in the hospital since Wednesday. And the doctor wants to discharge her tomorrow. Only problem is SHE'S STILL CONFUSED! I was just at the hospital trying to see if she can answer my questions. She remembers what we talked about yesterday, she can talk to me okay, but then she will repeat things and say strange things that don't make sense.

My mom has had UTIs in the past where she gets confused but it has not lasted this long. I am seriously worried and SAD. I'm so sad. I'm wondering if it's the UTI still at work. I talked to the Dr about it, and he said it's delirium, which matches with stuff I have Googled about.

I just have never seen it last this long before. Has anyone else experienced this and does the delirium start to go away? Or should I be concerned that it's dementia happening at the exact same time as the UTI?

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I just read this article and it put me a bit at ease:
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If the hospital/clinic tested her for a UTI and said she had one, didn't they give her antibiotics? If so, that should clear up the symptoms. Did you let them know she is also on other medications?

Sometimes, antibiotics do weird things to seniors, so this may need to be considered.

Is it possible she had a stroke and the docs missed it?

You don't really say why your mom is taking pain meds. ANYONE can easily become addicted to them. I'm not a medical professional but...morphine? Her dosage may be wrong. And saying "she doesn't look right" as a diagnosis? I've never heard of a doctor sending someone to the hospital because they "don't look right". It would be helpful if you gave more precise information.

If your mom has dementia, sudden onset is not how it normally shows up. I think based on the info you provided, if I were in your shoes I would get a second opinion from a new doctor, preferably a geriatric specialist or an internist or even a neurologist. Good luck!
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I am an old retired RN and as a Western Medicine gal I don't really believe in vitamins and supplements, but the one I DO believe in is D-Mannose capsules, one a day. Works in much the same way cranberry pills do, in that it keeps bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls. I had so many UTIs, more than four a year, a decade ago that they were threatening me with daily prophylactic antibiotics as they were going up into the kidney with pyelonephritis. I was pretty desperate so tried this stuff and I have not had a single infection in more than a decade. The current UTIs are really bad and very resistant to treatment. The New York Times about a month ago had Sunday first page article about them and the dangers of them now that they are so resistant to treatment.
D-Mannose is made by many manufacturers. I use Source Natural brand and it costs me about 30.00 for 120. Taken once a day they last forever. A large capsule so be careful if there is a swallow deficit, can be broken and taken in food.
The dementia connection fascinates me. I wonder why and what it is. I haven't researched that one, and should.
Do give this a try. I have recommended to two friends, one I see often at my dog park with the same results I had.
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Alva, you and I are opposites!   I'm a natural medicine person, don't take pills unless I have an infection, and rely on natural foods.    It's good that we can share different perspectives and offer different options for Daughter to consider.

Daughter23, I've only had one UTI that I know of, coincident with a ruptured appendix.    But when I do think I might be getting one, I drink cranberry juice.

During my father's last rehab, the dietician also gave him cranberry juice (thickened for dysphagia).
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A UTI was my mother’s downfall. She and I had hair appointments in 2013 and when I came to pick her up, I found her asleep in her chair. When I woke her up, she was confused and nonsensical, I had her 911-ed and she was evaluated at the hospital. She was nasty and combative and remained confused. The social worker told me she was no longer capable of living alone.

During her three year stay in the skilled nursing facility, she had continual UTIs and became combative with each one. I spoke with the Director of Nursing and she told me they’d realized they’d have to pay special attention to Mom’s personal hygiene as poor hygiene is the #1 cause of UTI’s. They also began testing her monthly to see if she was “brewing” an infection. After that, things settled down and she stopped having infections almost entirely.
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