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Midkid, you are so supportive and caring to others here, it is an honour to hold you close in my heart as you deal with this challenging time.

When my step mil had cancer she cut her hair quite short right after her hair started to fall out. It was less distressing than finding clumps of shoulder length hair on her pillow. When she got a different cancer 10 years later, she took the clippers to her head right away.

She had a wonderful time playing with wigs, one day she was blond, another a red head.

She was at stage 4 Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma and today is a well, happy granny.

Wishing you well on Canada Day.
Helpful Answer (7)

I hope today went ok for you. Sending healing vibes your way and {{{hugs}}}

Rest and heal this evening if you can.
Helpful Answer (3)

Of course you've got all the support you need on here. I'll be adding you to my prayers.

Midkid, if you have to barf, barf. On your husband's leather seats or whereever.

I wish you all the best.
Helpful Answer (4)

Good luck on the treatment and best wishes on a speedy recovery.
Helpful Answer (3)

Midkid you are strong willed and will be on the other side of this battle in no time.

Prayers, strength & comfort sent your way.
Helpful Answer (8)

Just thinking of you, Mid, sending hugs and prayers your way.

In the words of a furry sage... :)

”... remember: you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

I know you don’t feel very strong right now, and terrified is probably an understatement. Physical pain and the anguish of fear is a crappy combination. But, you can DO this. You can. I hope you have a couple of close friends nearby to sit with you, joke with you, and cry with you. If not, know that SO many people are pulling for you. And remember that hope wants to come to the surface; it just needs a chance to float up.
Helpful Answer (6)

(((Hugs))), Midkid, and praying for you. I pray for His peace and comfort the whole way through, and for a speedy recovery. And of course, we're all here for you too for support. Much love.
Helpful Answer (3)


Shoot, I came in to update y'all right after I got home from chemo and couldn't find the link (sometimes these little boogers just hide) and I didn't feel like searching...

Things could NOT have gone better. (Well, this could all be free, but that's dream) The infusion center was lovely, actually, my cancer clinic sits on a high hill in SLC and you can see the entire valley for miles and miles. (Think of the 2002 Olympics and the mountains circling the valley--Huntsman is on the east side of the valley)

The IV went right in--the infusion nurse was absolutely amazing.....what was 'planned' to take up to 9 hrs was done and we were out in the door in 5. Yes, the were side effects but they were on top of everything and so, nothing more than nausea and it was quickly handled.

Every drug was talked about, all the effects I might feel, etc before they were administered. It was so creepy to watch those IV bags running what amounts to poison into your body.

Anyhow--Dh stayed there, he was going to go to work, but ended up working from the chair next to me--and by the time he felt he could leave me, it was over.

I had not been 'prepped' mentally, hadn't had a pre-TX tour of the infusion center nor any pre-chemo education, which I think would have been nice, and they were profoundly sorry about that--but since I had talked this therapy out with Dr Joe, I felt pretty OK about it.

Not much appetite and I have to take a huge dose of Prednisone every morning for the rest of the first week--then I have 2 weeks off. I'm a little wired.

It was really OK.

wow, I sure felt the support and prayers. I was trying to visualize all the prayers and good thoughts wafting to heaven...really, having so much love and support is wonderful.

So--really, if all the infusions are as 'easy' as this one (And I am not naïve enough to think that this will always be pretty easy)...I think I can do this.

DH is trying--this is SO out of his wheelhouse. we came home Monday and his norm when he is home is to sleep--all day, whatever. I guess some of the guys in the neighborhood had offered to mow own lawn and fix some stuff and he was deeply offended and asked why they'd DO that--well, my answer was that he hadn't ever done that and they were thinking of me. He requires some prompting, and that's OK. It's a whole new thing for him. He stepped up and spent the rest of the day working on broken sprinklers (I would normally be doing that) He watered the gardens and actually pulled a few weeds--remembered to take out the trash (with a little sticky not reminder) steps.

Not too worried about the hair. As I have gone through this I realize I have had a lot of symptoms prior to actually being dxed. My eyelashes have all but fallen out, I am bloated as much as a 6 months pregnant woman--all signs that I either ignored or just didn't 'get'. My hair already is pretty short and I will mourn losing it, I'm sure, but it gets into the 100's here in the summer and well, I can go au naturel or wear a hat or something. Dr Joe wanted me to try the cooling cap but it wasn't even really talked about nor offered. I think that if you're going to lose your hair (and that's one thing that they are SURE will happen) I may as well roll with it.

By Christmas--and it will roll around fast...I should have hair as long as I have now. Truly, if losing your hair is the worst thing you can think of with cancer, you need to get a reality tune up. I am going to beat this and then live as long a life as God gives me.

I know there are things that both DH and I need to learn from this. We have been married forever-and he is hopefully going to learn how to be nicer and I am going to learn to not expect him to be something he cannot be.

Our son and family drove down from Washington yesterday to hang out with the family. I know my son is worried and it will be good to see him.

SO MANY THANKS~!~You are all my cyber angels!
Helpful Answer (26)
AnnReid Jul 2019
Your post HAS MADE MY DAY, SugarCookie!!!!

ONE TREATMENT OVER, keep up the good work. We’re all standing here applauding for you!!!!
Hi MidKid - So happy to see things went well with your first treatment. Prayers that the rest play out just as well. Many of us are dealing with our own health issues while caring for elder relatives. I know it is easy for me to say, but I wanted to mention that it is ok for you to make yourself a priority now and do the things that bring you peace and nourish your mind and soul. I know it is terrifying. It seems like you are handling the challenge well. We will be here for you through the journey.
Helpful Answer (6)

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am sorry you are going through all this. You are not alone, God is with you. He will help you through all this. I had serious health problems about two years ago and my faith got me through it. I was also primary caregiver for my 96 year old mother and still am. I was able to resume my caregiver duties in a month. I hope you do well during and after treatment and wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (5)

So very glad things went well.
Helpful Answer (2)

Hearing that attitude is everything Midkid, you have a great one,!
Helpful Answer (6)

So glad to hear that treatment went well, and that the treatment center is located in such a beautiful place with inspiring views. I think that is worth something in facilitating one's healing. To be able to enjoy the beauty of nature is such a gift.
Helpful Answer (6)

Day 4, essentially and I am feeling fairly hopeful---I've had some nausea, a little puking which I hate, but not the kind that leaves you 'hugging' the porcelain hatred of throwing up heartens back to those many months of morning sickness--5 kids @ 4 months per. Ick.

Only one more day with the prednisone. It truly is the one bugaboo in this. I am really, really wired, and then when I crash, I CRASH. This is one thing that will get worse, so it's good I can see what I can and cannot do. I have been waking up at 4 am to take it--so I can doze for a few hours and then I'm not anxiety ridden for hours and hours. The half life is not that long, and I know that it will start to taper on it's own in 8 hrs or so.

And the all important talent of being able to say 'no, I'm sorry I can't do that'.

Taking care of me has never been a priority and I can see that right now. DH is doing the best he can to make me feel good--and I'm not abusing him by throwing him in the deep end of the pool. He is getting tired and I know that Sundays will be a complete day off for him. I'm not 'allowed' to do the yard work, which he doesn't love, but he can do a lot and I can putter.

Well-son and family are in town. The g-kids were all so sweet. The youngest (5) asked me if I was very sick...and I told him, yes, I was very sick but I was going to be fine. I think the family came into town basically so my son could lay eyes on me and give me a hug and golf with his dad. And that's fine.

Thank you all so, so, so much. I do know this will be harder than it is right now--hair loss, some other s/e that can't be 'fixed' but so good.

And for now, that's fine with me.

Happy 4th of July. Let's celebrate our independence by blowing up a bunch of stuff. (I'm sure our forefathers are befuddled by that tradition).

{{Hugs to all of you!}}
Helpful Answer (10)
Sendhelp Jul 2019
Our forefathers might have understood the tradition of blowing things up!
"And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there".
MI'd, Om so glad to hear you sounding to chipper and positive and glad to know that DH is TRYING!!!!! That's awesome news. ((((((([[[[[<<<<<hugs>>>>>]]]]])))))
Helpful Answer (4)

Continued prayers 🙏🏼and good health, Midkid💕
Helpful Answer (4)

Had a crummy day yesterday--but honestly? It was not that bad.

My son and his family had driven from WA to spend the 4th with us. I did as much and no more than I felt I could do. Yesterday I had not gotten an hour of sleep (prednisone!!) in almost 30 hours and all the drugs they give you during chemo and afterwards are massively constipating--so, well, no need for the gruesome details.

DH went to golf and play with the family in Park City (yep, Sundance is held there in the winters) it's only about 1/2 hr away. He went JOYOUSLY and I was glad to see him go. I needed to be 'sick' on my own.

So he got 12 hours of playing with the kids and I got to sort out my intestines. A lovely day was had by all.

There's a learning curve here, and I wasn't educated well enough for some of the side effects, but spent the day reading, researching and today, after a pretty good night of sleep--I am better.

I really only saw my son for about an hour, he is a hyper-driven Type A person, but that's OK. Invited myself and DH to Thanksgiving at their place this year (we do alternate years, but somehow I always end up cooking!)--so that is something to look forward to. I should be feeling a lot better 7 weeks post final infusion. My DIL and I got along swimmingly, and that's not always the case. So glad we're on good terms.

Trying to set my bar pretty low for DH's help. He's been great, actually, fixed my car, which should have taken an hour and took 8. I cleaned house a little, did his laundry so he can travel this week...rested when I needed to and APPRECIATED that the prednisone is slowly leaving my system. I'll know better next infusion to prep for the s/e. And to take the pred at about 3 am so I can sleep through part of the 'rage period'.

Heading out to do a couple small errands and I am going to color my hair---it will fall out in a month or so, and looks awful---might as well do it once more :)

So---now I have about 2 weeks to rest and recoup before we do this all over.
I'm no naïve enough to think I will always be able to handle all the moods and stuff, but I am heartened each day that is 'good'.

And for all of you. I do feel the prayers and the kindness. I hate FB but I really love coming here.

It's my birthday in a couple of days--sure not what I had planned, but, well, what you gonna do? Hope I feel like eating out, if not, won't be the end of the world. Last year's birthday had DH coming home from his 2nd massive heart attack. About anything will be a step up from that.
Helpful Answer (10)

Still praying for you and sending you positive energy. Lots of hugs! 🙏💕💗
Helpful Answer (2)

you're awesome, Mid
Helpful Answer (4)

I love you MidKid. May your journey be swift and fleeting.
Helpful Answer (4)

Best Vibes winging their way from California!
Helpful Answer (2)

Midkid, you have an awesome, look-it-in-the-eye attitude.

Let that big heart of yours receive as swiftly as it gives. 🧡

Love and support from cyberspace!
Helpful Answer (3)
Riverdale Jul 2019
She really does have all that.
Thinking about you and sending good vibes. Hair is over rated.
Helpful Answer (2)

SO sorry I haven’t wished you well yet but I’ve been off site due to moving (again).
You will be in my prayers for a fast and easy recovery.

Are you aware that people who are prayed for, whether they know it or not, recover faster and with less problems than people who are not prayed for? Yup, it’s an actual double blind scientific study. Given that, I’d say, with all those on here who love and care for you as they do, you’ll be in perfect health in no time! 😊

Isn't Prednisone the worst drug in the world? Horrible side effects but it really does the job. Thankfully, this too, shall pass. Great you’ve found a way to get around the major problems with it.

Try to take each day as a new experience. It’s hard to not think of your experiences collectively, but every day holds something new.

And just think, you won’t have anymore “bad hair days”. 🤔
You could try a turban 👳🏻‍♀️. And I’ve seen baseball caps with fake hair hanging on the bottom too.

We’re all pulling for you. Remember the caring vibes when you’re at your lowest point. When you think you can’t take it anymore, reach out to God. The 23 rd psalm is my favorite. I love the imagery.

Remember, what you send out into the universe is what you receive back. Make it positive.

God bless you in your difficult struggle.
Helpful Answer (7)

I'm new to this site, as Deacon I was telling someone earlier today who is having an operation tomorrow to 'Put on your whole Armor of God and the Breastplate of Righteousness' and you'll be able to go through it well! If your hair falls out, no big thing as it's the style these days. If you want shave it now if you don't like it get one of those wings for cancer patients.
I will be praying for you and may the God or your higher power be with the talented doctors.
Helpful Answer (6)

Today I am 63. Not the way I would have chosen to spend the day--but better than last year when DH had a 2nd massive heart attack!

Many calls from friends and my kids. Dh has forgotten and is going to feel really stupid when he walks in the door from work in an hour.

Learning slowly what I can and can't do---it's a new norm, for sure.

Grateful today for good friends and family who care. Thankful for all of you!!
Helpful Answer (6)
lealonnie1 Jul 2019
Happy Birthday! I spent my 62nd bday in the hospital with DH who needed an emergency pacemaker.
Feeling my age today--as some of the yuckier s/e are starting to rear their heads. Every day is a new norm. My mouth broke out in started taking Acyclovir for the rest of the TX....not a big deal.

Still super bloated, cannot figure that out, but it must be something with how the liver stores the 'dead' leukocytes and slowly releases them--time for a text to Dr Joe. This is his specialty, the guts, esp the liver, so he probably really will be able to help me. Doubtful there's much ti do but ride it out. I read somewhere that after the constipation, the diarrhea sets in. Well. Funsies.

Dh did in fact totally forget my birthday and somehow that was my fault? I don't care, I ordered Olive Garden (hankering for it, weirdly) and he ran and got it. Didn't apologize or anything, which I don't expect. Said he had a lousy day at work and whatever. Don't care. I know he felt bad and I wish he could just say :"Oh, honey, I am so sorry I completely forgot. No excuse. I am a dummy!" But instead he sits and complains about the fact that there were a few dishes to wash. Poor baby. If we had gone out, we wouldn't have had to clean up. Well, it was 8:30 pm and I was hangry and tired.

I had to laugh. I have 3 of these 'dressy' cotton muu muus, which last week he deemed 'too casual' for chemotherapy, but last night thought looked 'just fine' to go out to eat. I just laughed at him and the way his old man brain works. Time for him to go out of town--thank goodness. My daughter was here and he was fussing that, like I haven't pretty much been 100% caring for myself, and she looked at him and said "Well, do I need to come stay here? How many times a night do you get up and check on Mom?" Um, never.

I may spend one or two nights at her house with the kids. My 8 yo Trevor was sad last night b/c there wasn't time to go and have me pitch balls to him. He'd brought me a mitt, cause I can't find mine. Sweet boy---hugs me to pieces and asks if I am well enough to toss a ball around.

So--in spite of DH being a jerk, There are tender mercies in each and every day.

And no, I do not expect DH to have some kind of epiphany and suddenly realize he truly loves and adores me. I think he will come out the other end exactly the same as he is now. Just mad at the world and completely self-absorbed. Whether I live or die is not a part of his thinking process. (although, with the cancer, I pretty much know how this is going to end, in 20+ years. It's actually kind of comforting, in a very weird way.)
Helpful Answer (4)

A visit with daughter sounds like a good plan.
Your dH really cannot deal, can he. Your expectations are realistic, and you still have a great attitude that will help you get through each day.

Helpful Answer (3)

HI Midkid, thinking of you and hoping that all is going well or at least not as bad as it could be! Happy belated birthday! Take care of you! HUGS and Prayers! 😍😉❤
Helpful Answer (5)

Had a rough day yesterday--well, not really, I slept through it! A friend came to visit and I was so enjoying her--but 3 hrs in, I crashed, visibly, in front of her. She is close enough to have noticed and said "I'm leaving and you're going to bed!" Which I did, at 4 pm. Got up at 6, took a pain pill and went back to bed. At about 10 pm I woke b/c I smelled ROSES...and DH had brought home a gorgeous bouquet. Guilt did eat at him, I am sure. They're lovely!

I texted him at about 3 am and he apologized and all is well for now. I have these huge sores in my mouth and only ice chips and a Tylenol 3 every 4 hours is keeping me OK. One more s/e to add to the bunch.

On a funny note: mother doesn't usually remember my b-day, but about 8 pm on my birthday, I get a delivery of 'Incredible Edibles' one of those fruit bouquets. Not to be rude, but it looked like the poor thing had been bouncing around the delivery truck all day. It was not cold, not even close and it was mostly fallen apart, Mother had sent it, and she called to see if her 'thoughtful and expensive gift' had made it'. (At that point, it hadn't come, so I had no idea what she was talking about). I couldn't eat any of that bruised fruit---but my grands were here and I let them have at it.

I didn't want mother to feel bad, but I kind of feel like the store needs to know what shape the thing was in. Don't know how I can do that w/o mom getting upset and I don't want her to be so. It must have taken her corralling one of the family members she lives with to order it, she can't use the phone w/o help.

I did take a pic of it and maybe I'll call the store that sent it, b/c if mine was 6 hrs late and pretty much unedible--others were also. (A real first world problem...but they are expensive).

Mom is sure I am dying and so she is doing these weird daughter looked at this fruit thing and said "Mother, do NOT eat this. It look so sketchy". I didn't, not a single piece.

So--a weird and different day. I guess each day will be it's own 'norm'. I don't know. I'm making dinner early today and leaving DH a note so he can microwave it if I do the 'crash and burn' in the early afternoon. Finding the equilibrium that is my life right now is a real challenge.

AS always--thank you for the positive karma that all of you send to the universe each day, even on the worst days, I feel the love.
Helpful Answer (7)
BarbBrooklyn Jul 2019
Mid!!!!! Big (((hugs)))) to you and thank you for keeping your amazing sense of humor!

Glad you didn't eat any of the fruit; funny story--a bunch of years back, DH was discovered, completely by accident to have an aortic aneurysm, the kind that kills you in an instant. Had a crick in his neck, PCP sent him to see a cardio guy "just in case" and we got him to the hospital in time for surgery.

His ex sent one of those lovely Harry and David fruit things, all Pear stuff, because he loves pears. two of the pears were mushy. I sent them an email and they sent an entire replacement. I don't believe that the original sender ever knew anything about it; this is between the merchant and the recipient. So email away! Feel better, honey.
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