

I’m a currently a design student working to design a better way to support caregivers in organizing medication, and reminding/helping their loved ones take medication. This project strikes a chord with me because I'm also a current caregiver for someone and I would like some advice personally as well.

How do you currently keep track of medications and what methods do you have for remembering to help a loved one take them?

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It would depend on the number of meds and frequency

I made up daily note sheets, double sided, with the two pills and two vitamins across the top and meal times listed on the left in grid fashion

I typed a check mark in the relevant grid which mom would circle when she took them

the sheet of paper, a pen and the pill bottles were kept on the kitchen counter

this worked well as long as mom had the cognitive ability to do it
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Just google medication management systems - There are so many currently available (from low tech to smart tech) that there is already likely to be something that meets the needs of almost everyone.
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