
I'm 64, live alone and have only shared the news with a sibling and a cousin. Is there a community of EOD sufferers who meet and support each other in the greater L.A. area?

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Are you the recently diagnosed or someone else?
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I think it might be you per re reading your post. What are your fears? What are your concerns? Are you ok?do you have advocate? Yes, there are people here who have dealt with. Stay with us.

I ask the questions I do because I wished I asked them of my own mom. I did not. I wish I did.

Hang tight,ok?

Op so many of us could be in your shoes tomorrow. We don't know.whatever you share with us is helpful. This is the best most active, most helpful forum. Hands down.
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What type of Dementia
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I am sorry for your diagnosis.
I would assume there is a support group, or actually several, in LA, it’s such a large city. Your doctors should be able to help you find one.
I have seen other posters here from time to time over the years who shared that they were dealing with their own diagnosis.
You might also call the Area Agency on Aging for your County and see if they can direct you. Additionally the Alzheimers website is said to be very helpful.
Come back and use this forum often. We may not have the answers but we care and will do our best to listen and be supportive of your journey.
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I found a site by googling early onset dementia support groups

If you have a Facebook account there are also groups there. Search on their site. One group on their site "Memory People" was started by Rick Phelps, diagnosed with early onset himself. He has also contributed to this site on occasion.

FB memory people has become many, many caregivers..

National Institute of Health has a resources page.

My thoughts get your documents in place. Powers of Attorney, Last Wishes, DNR, etc while you are still able to. If you have a long term care policy designate someone that will be responsible for assuring that payments continue to be made.
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