
My partner is constantly tired. Is dementia tiring?

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Your profile says your LO has a sleep disorder, in addition to dementia. I'd discuss being tired with her doctor. Dementia can cause a lot of physical problems, but, it could be something else too. Before her diagnosis, my LO was very tired and slept most of the day. However, once she went on medication for depression, she got better and regained her energy. So, in that case, I suspect it was her depression that was making my LO so tired all the time. Does she have a balanced diet? Does her blood sugar and blood pressure run normal? Also, she may not be getting her sleep and rest at night. A sleep aid, might help her rest better. Her doctor should be able to rule out certain things. I hope you can find some answers.
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Imagine perpetual confusion. Just thinking about how that would be 24/7 makes me tired.
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My Mom has days where she requires much more sleep. I was told by her doctor that her dementia is exhausting her on these days and that she needs the extra sleep. That being said, she is not tired all the time / every day. As Sunnygirl1 suggested, an appt with her doctor is in order with some blood labs done. Could be a deficiency easily corrected, could be a med that needs adjusting, could be depression that can be treated, etc... Best of luck.
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The thing about dementia is, that while it may not seem like it impacts a person much physically, it does take a mental toll. There is a lot of stress that can translate to being tired. For someone with dementia, the daily tasks that we do such as eating and maintaining hygiene can be extremely exhausting. I would recommend that you try to be patient with your partner. Give them time and allow them the space to live a good with their condition. You can try physically helping their tiredness by maybe getting them massages. I used to take my gran on drives so that she would get some fresh air. We were also recommended these grape seed extract supplements that help patients with dementia with tiredness and helping their condition in general. I used to get them from and theyre called 'OPC supplements'.

You'll have to figure out ways to make this better for both you and husband, physically and mentally.

I wish you the best of luck with care giving!
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