
My mom has trouble breathing out her nose saying it's always dry and nothing comes out and will not stop saying she's scared bc it's uncomfortable and nothing will come out. I try to explain blowing and blowing will not help and she will just keep complaining and getting upset. she's also asking the same question over like if we go to store she's asks when we'll get there the whole way. No matter how nicely you explain anything she just keeps asking. One day she'll actually listen and try to help herself and couple days later it's non stop complaining and whining I think it's dementia but not sure... Anyone else experiencing this with a parent also??

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With the dementia, it's difficult to know just how much is actually happening, but, I'd treat it like it is. Saline nasal mist helped me a lot, but, you still might check with her doctor first. Also, breathing steam. You could sit in bathroom with her and let her breath while hot shower runs or explore a humidifier.
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Humidifier !!! That's what I was thinking, but vaporizer blurted out... :)

No Vaping ? not so good... that's somein else.
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Have you tried Saline Solution to rinse her nose?
It's uncomfortable, but when I used to go to the ocean, that salt water would clear everything out of my sinus, just like the first day I met my true love in the water.. WE are still together snot n all.. I didn't realize it til I dipped down and whoosh... Embarassing moments in life..

Benedryl, but that may make it more dry, and her sleepy.

Use a warm wet wash cloth and place it over her face for the steam to get in..
Use a pot of warm warm water and place her face over the steam with a towel over her head may give her some relief.
give her a bit more vitamin C, Hot tea with lemon
Homemade chicken soup with a bit of hot pepper for taste, and perhaps enough to get the sinuses clearing.
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I have allergies and asthma and you took the words out of my mouth. Excellent suggestions!
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MAYDAY Apr 2020
thank you !
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a vaporizer. with menthol solution, Vicks vapor.
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I got her saline solution and have her taking hot shower to help its temporary help and she goes right back to being upset she expects it to all work fast I keep explaining to her what helps and what doesn't but she won't listen
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Keeran6x Apr 2020
I also have humidifier
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