
My mom falls down at the nursing home one two three times a month. Luckily she hasn't broken any bones. What can I do?

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Facilities are not allowed to use restraints for patient's safety. If she is cared for at home, restraints are allowed. That's the way it is in this screwed up LTC world.
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Jeanne is right. My mom spent a lot of time on the floor at the SNF too. She tripped over a lot of stuff. She had macular degeneration so was visually impaired. The only way to prevent it is to put a motion alarm on her. But even then, by the time the aides get there is could be too late. My hubby fell off the Hoyer Sit to Stand lift when he passed out at rehab last year and since he was a 3 Assist, there were three aides right there. Has Mom been seen by a doctor lately? Is it possible she’s passing out, even for a second?

The SNF finally moved Mom’s room to right across from the Nurse’s Station.
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Sigh. This is a tough one. And it is common.

What are the circumstances of her falls? Does she fall out of bed? Fall while transferring? Is she supposed to use a walker? Does she?

My husband once fell into the (empty) bath tub with his daughter just inches from him. Another time he fell in a hospital room with a nurse and me right there! Even 24-hour surveillance can't prevent all falls.

Does the NH have a physical therapy department? They may be able to evaluate Mom and make suggestions to improve her safety.

My husband was happier and safer in a wheelchair. He could scoot it around with his feet and not fear falling.
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