
He is on the walker and he has to get up to go to the bathroom at night. He needs more physical therapy and is only getting 2 days of physical therapy . How do I handle this?

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When my husband was a fall risk and getting up every hour on the hour to pee, I often would use a urinal, so he wouldn't have to keep getting out of bed. Now in my husbands case he was paralyzed on his right side, so I would have to get up to hold it for him, but it was much quicker than helping him to the bathroom every hour. You may want to try that.
And if by chance he does fall, just call 911, and the EMT's will come free of charge(if he doesn't have to be transported to the hospital)to get him up and back in bed.
Best wishes.
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LavenderBear Dec 2021
It costs $174 for an EMT Lift Assist where we live. Heaven knows, I've paid it often enough.

It definitely depends on where you live. It may be free (best case scenario) or it may cost quite a bit. Something to research before the need arises.
Sadly, what our LO's WANT and what's BEST for them is often a total 180.

My mom's falls have ALL been b/c she has either gotten up during the night to use the bathroom or has gotten too far away from her walker and tries to walk to it.

She lives with family. Even so, and with the fall pendant and having 6 completely capable adults in the house, she has still fallen, unable to get up, unable to awaken anyone to help her and the EMT's show up.

That happened about 6 times last year, that I KNOW of...she likely fell many more times and was able to be helped up. But the point is: she cannot get up on her own. You have every right to be concerned.

Is dad living with you? Hiring a night aide might be an idea. if he's in a NH then it's up to them to keep tabs on him as per his walking w/o the walker. Can you ask for more PT? Most places want their people to be as independent as possible, but at a safe level. How involved do you want to be in this? (I know my efforts at helping mom with exercises was futile.) But maybe if family gets involved in some of the exercises, he'll strengthen better and quicker. 2 days a week seems like the absolute bare minimum as far as PT. I KNOW patients are supposed to work daily on their own--some do, most don't.

How would he feel about wearing incontinence briefs just at night? I know that's a HUGE step 'downward' for many people, who look upon that as giving up.

The concern over falling despite the presence of a walker is real and scary. I'm amazed that neither my mom nor my MIL have broken a leg, arm or shoulder from falling 'out' of their walkers.
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Geaton777 Dec 2021
All, Shirley has asked and re-asked this same question in different forms about 6 or more times and never responds to updates. One forum participant even went so far as to contact the social worker at the husband's facility because she had put that info in her profile. No need for anyone to respond to any more posts by Shirley until she actually acknowledges that she's reading the responses. There are many pressing posts by others who are in dire need of our time and energy. It's hard.
Hi Shirley, have you contacted the social worker regarding this question?
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Can he use a urinal on his own?
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