
I will say mom you don't want to talk, & she will lift her head and talk. Why is she doing this?

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How old is Mom? Does she have other chronic conditions? What were you told to expect after the surgery? Were you given any prognosis for how long complete recovery would take?

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She is 80 yrs old and other wise healthy except arthritis. She is on a lot more mess than she's use too and hates it. I keep telling her this is not for ever. I have read the side effects of these meds and she has a few, but not the head hanging. She tells my dad she does this cuz she doesn't like what's on tv and can't read.
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Meds not mess sorry I should have checked before I hit send...
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And thank you so much for trying to help here.
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A twisted stomach operation sounds major. You may be seeing the after-effects of her being anesthetized during the surgery. May be temporary. Could be permanent. Ask her physician. Maybe she's tired . . . Bored . . . Since she's lifting her head and talking when you prompt her, it may be nothing at all to be concerned about.
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Muttilou, please make note that for every hour someone is anesthetized for surgery, it will take at least one month for the brain fog to clear.... thus if surgery was 2 hours, it will take 2 months to clear. Plus your Mom is 80 years old, huge difference compared if say she had this surgery when she was 40. Plus, is your Mom still in any pain from the surgery? Pain will exhaust a person.
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Thank you so much for your info. I had no idea about 2 hrs vs 2 months. No she is in no pain. Only pain she had was her legs from the knees down to her feet got so swollen she struggled standing. Hurt very bad too. They gave her a water pill to help and it has, she has always had issues with insomnia and I think she is sleeping in her chair during the day, then battling sleep at night. I will tell her about brain fog, she will be happy about that. She said her vision is fussy so reading and playing games on computer are out. That is a side effect of a couple of meds they have her on. So she is bored... Thank you again, you have helped me and it's a relief.
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Maybe you can get her audio books at your library or a radio to help her pass the time.

Is her doctor (either surgeon or her regular doctor) aware of her drooping head and general listlessness? Is she able to get up and about when she needs to? How much longer will she be on the meds?
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No doc's don't know. She just had surgery one month ago. Goes back to doc in three weeks. I'm calling them about taking her off some of the meds. She is unable to walk without a walker. She has always had issues when it comes to walking, so she has a walker now. At night she is wearing a nappy due to her not being able to get up in time to go to bathroom without assist. A helper lives in to help her and my dad.
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Well when you call them, ask them if her behavior is normal this far out from surgery. They may want to see her again...good luck and keep us posted on how she's doing.
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If she is having unclear vision and it's listed as a side effect of one of her meds, CALL THE PRESCRIBING DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!
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Go to your library and check out Books On Tape. The have all sorts of books on tape, Find something that she may like to listen to. Can she sit in a walker? Can you transport her from chair to car? Maybe get her out to the library or something different. maybe she can go to adult day care once a week.
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If your mother is having double vision or other visual disturbances, please call your mom's doctor. Double vision might be a side effect from one of the meds OR it could be a very serious symptom. Please call and talk with her doctor.
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I did call her doc today and they still need to get back with me. She called me today YEAH and said she was feeling good, but still foggy. I'm seeing some improvement and also told her about one hr surgery one month for fog to clear. Thanks so much, so glad I found this form, you all have helped me a lot.
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