
I have let myself be guilted into loaning her money for 10+ years but now the gambling seems like it’s escalating (several thousands to her this year) and now I’m retired and can’t keep doing this. I’m worried about her and also afraid to call (she lives in another state about 500 miles away) since she gets very mean. I’ve called help lines and gone to counseling and know that I need to stop covering her gambling debts but still very worried. Nothing I say seems to really make a difference and really my mom is only satisfied if I give her money and doesn’t want to hear anything. She didn’t used to be like this but now is lonely and doesn’t have any friends and won’t reach out. She doesn’t like my suggestions and honestly doesn’t like me so I don’t know how to help but I know I’ve got to stop covering gambling losses. I am ordering food for her from her grocery store which she appreciates but says I’m treating her like a child by not putting the money she wants in her account. She won’t be able to pay her bills this month but could catch up in a couple of months if she stopped gambling. Sometimes she’s saying things did or didn’t happen that aren’t accurate so I don’t know if that’s just wishful thinking or she’s starting to get confused. There aren’t any other immediate family members. Any ideas would be welcome.

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First, realize you are an enabler. If she were a meth addict would you be giving her money to kill herself because she bullies you?

You are 500 miles away and you allow her to have power over you. You say you have been to counseling so have you heard of co-dependency? Stop giving her YOUR money -- you're gonna need it for yourself! Stop filling her account so that you don't drown along with her.

Are you her durable Power of Attorney for her finances (and/or medical)? You say her addiction is worse and this may be a result of cognitive decline, so not sure any intervention is going to be effective (except literally physically putting her someplace where she can't gamble).

If I were in your shoes I would tell her the new rules: you will not be filling her account with cash for any reason, period. She will start thrashing about and screaming and you will hang up. Hanging up is a real attention-getter. Do it every time she launches into a tirade. She will either give up on calling you or eventually get the message that you're not taking her abusive toxic noise anymore.

You may end up calling social services on her as a vulnerable adult. You can contact her county and talk to a social worker there for advice which may help you. She can become a ward of the state and they will find a facility for her and take care of her basic needs but she won't be starving and on the streets. It's not going to be easy to break the pattern you have voluntarily established, but you need to see that your mom will be an anchor around your neck and she won't care that you both drown. Wishing you find the inner strength and wisdom to deal with the challenges ahead. It's your only real path forward.
Helpful Answer (17)
cherokeegrrl54 Aug 2019
Very wise words!! Hope the OP listens to them.......
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You have become an enabler to her problem. You just have to STOP. She will never be satisfied. I am sorry that this has gone on so long. Her demands are beyond reason. This is a terrible situation for you but no good will come with her continuing to gamble.

My mother was for many years going to move to Paris,lose weight,write books that no one had any interest in. I simply ignore all of this but none of the above was costing untold amounts of money. The stroke she suffered put an end to trying to actively get a book published.

She is now nearly 89 years old,lives in AL and has adapted. Her weight is nearly at its highest but I simply accept this is what she is doing to herself. This behavior does not directly affect my life. That is not your situation at all. You need to look out for yourself. I hope you find the strength to do so. You should not in the least let her guilt absorb you any further. This addiction of hers has already robbed you of so much.

There are so many here who wish for different mothers or wish the negative aspects of their personality were not there. It affects us greatly but at some point we have to put what is important first. The well being we need for ourselves and those we share a life or relationship with comes before any negative behaviors trying to destroy that.
Helpful Answer (11)

You have enabled her for years. It is now a habit, or YOUR addiction, if you will. Would you give her money for heroin?
I feel that you are the one needing help here, because I seriously doubt that she will get help. There is always help, but addiction is a very tough one. Please go to Gamblers Anonymous and read all you can; off to Amazon to see the books.

Guilt is an interesting word, and I think I see it more than any other word on the Forum. You feel guilt for stopping your enabling her to throw money away on her addiction? That's a tough one, really. Or are you just honestly afraid to hear what she has to say when she doesn't get her way? Because there is an answer to that. It is called a door. Just "You have a good day and give me a ring when you are in a better mood, won't you" and then off you go.
Please seek some counseling for yourself if you cannot access Gamblers anonymous. Even a visit to your local AA would help. They will be glad to listen to why you are there. And they may have some stellar advice, as they live their lives around what addictions do to us.
Helpful Answer (12)

First off these are not loans. You will never be repaid. You have enabled her for 10+ years. This is money you have not saved for your own retirement or had to use to enjoy your life now.

Are you paying for her food delivery too? If yes, stop that too. She will not starve, unless she chooses to do so.

You need to back off completely.

You may worry about her, but she is not worried about anything other than gambling, so why should you worry?

Guilt? For what? Not enabling an addict?

How is she gambling? If she gets to casinos, she can get to grocery stores or the food bank.

Have you reported her to her local agency on aging as a vulnerable adult?
Helpful Answer (14)

She complains that you're treating her like a child. On the contrary, you are treating her like a gambling addict. Whether or not to tell her that, bluntly, in so many words, I'm not sure. If you think it would pull her up short, do.

if you think the gambling is escalating, and on top of that you're losing confidence in her clarity, her judgement, her thinking, whatever you want to call it - is it possible for you to go and see her? I know 500 miles is a heck of a journey, but I think it's the only way to get a clear view of what's going on with her.
Helpful Answer (7)
csoward Aug 2019
I have been going to visit about every 3 months for the last couple of years because it seems like she needs help around her place and isn't cooking, but every suggestion I make is turned down. I was planning on going in a couple of weeks for her birthday, but honestly don't want any more tirades, but on the other hand, she does seems to need help. when I go and is appreciative. But then she calls for money and blows up when I resist, but this time I said I can't do this anymore and now we haven't spoken for a week, which is actually about normal, although in July it was more frequent when she realized how much in the hole she was. Thanks for your note.
csoward, time for "therapeutic fibs" and remember you are doing this in her and your best interest. Stand in front of a mirror and say "Sorry, Mom, I don't have the money to send to you", say this over and over until it becomes second nature.

When Mom persists on asking for money, just remember that sentence and say it. Don't go into any discussion as Mom could eventually convince you to continue to be her ATM machine.

What type of gambling is Mom doing? Lottery tickets? Going to the horse races? Going to the casino? Does she drive there? If yes, are you paying for her gas, car insurance, repairs?

As for groceries, time to cut back to the very basics. Mom can live on pasta, sauces, cereal/milk, soup. Tell Mom you are also cutting back, as you no longer have the cash to pay for two separate grocery bills. As that can be very expensive.

Sometimes those who gamble need a wake-up call. Unfortunately, gambling is an addition, and only Mom can choose to get help.

Your profile doesn't say how old your Mom is, or what are her medical issues, if any. If you can provide that, it would be helpful :)
Helpful Answer (2)
csoward Aug 2019
My mom will be 84 in a couple of weeks and is generally just slowing down a lot and having a hard time getting around. She can still drive though and has a favorite casino and loses money on slots. She is lonely and acknowledges that. I have suggested counseling but she brushed that off, saying she couldn't afford it, and honestly I didn't want to spring for any more expenses.
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Addicts don’t stop without help. Very few people succeed cold turkey so believing she will stop on her own is futile. Accept that she needs help in stopping.

I would say that you could go with her to gambling anonymous meetings to offer support (if they allow it, some groups are open and some closed) but that’s too hard from 500 miles away.

I know an elderly woman just like your mom. It’s getting worse. She lives next door to her daughter. Her daughter is very sweet. Her daughter and son in law no longer feed her money due to being aware that her gambling turned from recreational to addictive behavior.

This lady eats dinner with her daughter every evening because they live next door to her.

You have a tough situation here.

She started borrowing money. Writing checks to friends to cash. They settled this by having just a small spending account for her. She can’t get her hands on the balance of her money.

She does suffer withdrawal from gambling and makes them miserable but they are no longer supporting her habit.

She is lonely and looks at gambling as a social outlet, which it isn’t. She refuses to go to senior center for activities or church senior groups.

I say it gets worse because somehow someone got ahold of her checking information and has been using her account. The family is investigating. She found out because of bounced checks. She saw on her bank statement that charges had been made that she did not make. They used her routing number to order online. This woman is 80 years old and doesn’t even own a computer. Someone somehow got into her personal business.

The family thinks it’s a stranger from the casino that she had asked to drive her to the bank to get money. She takes taxis to the casino because she no longer drives.

She has written bad checks to the casino and they no longer cash her checks. It’s terribly sad this happens to lonely elderly people.
Helpful Answer (5)

Have you read Co-dependent No More by Melody Beattie, you are an enabler, and she will never stop doing what she is doing, until you stop doing what you are doing. What is your pay off in continuing to do this, does it make you feel better? You have an addiction too, you are addicted to her.
Helpful Answer (13)
csoward Aug 2019
Your reply really pulled me up short and made me think of many things that have gone on for decades. Thank you for being frank.
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I understand, it's hard to explain why we feel obligated to appease their every whim. (It's likely ingrained in us from childhood). It's automatic that you "should give her money", or anything else she demands. I never recovered...(it didn't seem like an option)...but do feel better & safer, since my mother died. Good luck to you:)
Helpful Answer (3)

Sending an elder for I have heard it all.

I have never so much as put a nickle in a slot machine--my dad taught us about gambling like this: "you want to gamble $5? Here's $5..wait a second", and he rips the money to shreds. THAT'S GAMBLING.

Why are casinos so over the top? Not b/c people are winning at gambling!

You wouldn't go score her some meth or pot would you? Same idea.

Food, I'd cover if necessary, but if a person can of heaven, why would you support that and WHY would you feel in the LEAST responsible for their behavior?!
Helpful Answer (7)

I know it makes the idea of visiting even less attractive, but do bear in mind that her angry demands, outbursts, tirades and her rejection of help would all fit within the pattern of mental deterioration - in which case she needs your help all the more.

Are you in touch with anybody local to her at all?
Helpful Answer (5)
csoward Aug 2019
No, her few remaining living friends are older than her and not in a position to help. She occasionally laments not having friends. I was not aware that her behavior as you mentioned would fit within a pattern of mental deterioration; I just thought she was very unhappy, although she likes her apartment and feels comfortable there. I was planning to go visit in a week or 10 days and at this point am planning to see what, if anything, happens before then.
csoward, as long as she knows that you will step in and pay she will continue to gamble.

My mom has been a gambler my entire life, I believe that is why I was raised in Las Vegas, so she had easy access to a casino.

I finally had to explain to her that I would not be bailing her out because she chooses to gamble every penny with no thought for the repercussions. She has always behaved like your mom when her actions were questioned or she didn't get her way. It is what everyone that is doing whatever they want without care for anything or anyone but themselves does. They lash out and blame, it moves the focus off their behavior that they don't want to change. If you persist you get the silent treatment as a way of punishing you for your bad behavior. It's a nasty circular cycle. Step away from giving her any money and let it shake out. 8 or 84 our actions have consequences and she needs to learn the hard way. I have seen my mom spend 25k in one week end. I wasn't even earning that annually at that point, so it can get worse. The more you give the more she will spend on gambling.

She won't get counseling because she doesn't want to change. When it hurts enough she may be willing to look at getting help.

Best of luck, it's a sucky situation for sure.
Helpful Answer (9)

I bet it would help you to consult your finance guy, or attorney. Cuz I didn't wake up to the 'fiancial truth' until my neighbor informed me that I was giving WAY too much money to my kids, (which I wud need for retirement). Neighbor's a broker & bank guy, &I'm glad for his candor. (It's sad that I feel the need to buy my kids affection), but they live with their dad, & it's hard not to miss them & want to make up for the past. Hope you will take care of your own future, & save the money for your needs, not your thoughtless mother. Just sayin'...
Helpful Answer (8)

I just want to say that you need to let go of your guilt. You are looking out for her by buying her food.

I am sure that you know that the only reason that she wants money in her account is for gambling, not groceries, not bills, not anything other than gambling.

Addicts have a one track mind.

You are already helping her by not giving her money. Banish your guilt because you have nothing to feel guilty about.

I did the same as you, stopped giving cash to an addict. My brother was addicted to drugs. I bought him groceries but didn’t give him cash. I took him to the store to buy groceries. He would get cash from my mom but not me.

You know she can’t be trusted. The truth is that addicts lie. They are liars so they can get cash. Gamblers who are addicted never come out ahead because even if they win they put it all back into more gambling. It’s a horrible mind game.
Helpful Answer (7)

Sometimes in a Situation like This, Don't get Pissed..Taake the Bull by the Horns and Rule the Rough Roost with your moo Cow Somehow...You have to. Often our Parents become like Children, You have to Treat them in this Mannerly Manner Here, dear.
Helpful Answer (0)

My mom is like that but with buying things: "retail therapy", as it were. Well, she would still be like that, but she doesn't have control over her money other than an allowance I give her for snacks and beauty products. I have the benefit of having her POA and having her in my home, though. When we moved her up here she had a double fridge, a mini fridge and a full size freezer full of frozen dinners and a closet with a number of brand new, still tagged clothes that she didn't really even remember buying but knew she must have liked the pieces at the time....

I don't think I have any real solutions for you but one thing I do know: scrub that guilt out of you thoughts. You are not responsible for your mom's personality, her habits, her addictions (and gambling is most certainly an addiction) or her debt. If you are worried about her making ends meet, you could provide her with store specific gift cards, like Kroger's for groceries, or offer to pay a specific bill a month, but do not provide her with cash in her account because it will go toward gambling, not what she needs.

At this point you are a source of money for gambling to her and nothing more. It's hard to comprehend what chemical changes happen to the brain of an addict, but it's almost impossible for them to change their habit unless they really want to. You can't make her change.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
Yes, you are right. Look at the old people who sit home and buy off of QVC.

I’m really fortunate because my mom lived through the depression and is a penny pincher. I have had to tell her to buy something new for herself if she likes. When I buy gifts for her she tells me not to waste money on her. My mom has only ordered a few things off of QVC in all the years it has been on the air. It is a good service for those who no longer drive and need to shop but some people go overboard. I’m glad that my mom never did.

Plus my mom is not one of those old people that speak on the airwaves. She is only interested in what she is buying and tells me to order online for her or just gives them her credit card number off air, not a QVC card. She has one Visa card from Chase and that is only used once in a blue moon and she has never carried a balance. From day one she has paid in full when bill arrives. Some of those old ladies are lonely and need friends, not a new blouse.
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This may not be helpful at all, but we recently went to a casino for a concert. Though I’d been to a few of them before , for some reason this time I really saw it through different eyes. The crowd was huge, a lot of seniors, many of them in what I’d describe as almost transfixed by the place, maybe zombie like. The staff without fail was overly solicitous, super friendly with everyone, constantly asking if anyone needed anything. The place was beautiful inside, decorated luxuriously, we noticed the seats for gambling looked far more comfortable than the seats for the concert. On the casino floor fountain drinks were free, snack foods circulated. Not to stereotype, but it was obvious that many of the people didn’t have money, their clothes, lack of personal care, such as bad teeth reflected it (not a criticism, just noticeable) The huge thing for me was realizing the casino may be the best many people are treated in their lives, the prettiest place they come, the friendliest place, the tastiest, all one big fantasy not related to real life. No wonder it’s addicting. I left sad.
I agree with the advice you’ve been given. It’s great you’re doing grocery delivery for your mom, great peace of mind knowing she’ll have food. But no more money. I genuinely hope she’ll be able to break away from her addiction and find a new outlet for belonging
Helpful Answer (10)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019

You nailed it! Who do you think paid for all of the glitz and glam? The customers! It is a business. House always wins. The few that do win are lucky. The addicts put all the money back!
Why have you been enabling your mother for 10+ years? Gambling is an addiction and your mother needs help, not money. And if you're feeling guilty, you might also need to see a counselor about what has been going on for so long.

There's a difference between paying your mother's bills and handing her money. You should have only been helping her with her bills; not supporting her gambling habit.

Good luck to you. It saddens me that you are feeling guilty now.
Helpful Answer (5)

1 - giving her money is enabling her gambling habit/addiction so you are right to stop doing it

2 - congrats for thinking of direct grocery help - what a great idea

3 - if you ever feel you need to give her money then don't give her all she asks - tell her you can't afford to support her as you are a retiree with limited means at your disposal - so if she asks for $500 then send $75 - always do this by cheque with a notation 'loan' on it so that you might be able to recover this if she dies - keep track of how much you have given her plus what you give her from now on - when/if she dies you then can be a creditor for any assets

4 - you say you have sought councelling but check out Gamblers Anonymous or something similar as they might have further help designed by specialists for family members
Helpful Answer (1)

If calling her is a problem, maybe writing a letter would help you express your feelings. Keep a copy.

Tell her she may be at risk of losing her home if her bills are unpaid. You might try getting her phone or utility bills sent to you if you can help with that. If she promises to repay you, get it in writing.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
Great idea.
First of all, helping someone over a bump in the road because they are responsible and doing the best they can but perhaps had unexpected expenses that they weren’t prepared for us is one thing. Bailing someone out due to gambling is quite a different story.

Gambling in and of itself isn’t an immoral issue for me. It’s a legal activity, unlike before when the mafia controlled, still it isn’t something to be done on a regular basis or at all if someone cannot afford it.

Casinos do seem to attract people who are desperate. Lord help them if they win because they continue to think that they will always win. Simply not true.

It’s a business that is designed to make a profit. It may start out as recreation for some, but sadly some, do become addicted. Hate to say it but the casinos are designed to become addictive. Who is most likely to become addicted? The poor! Just so sad.

The best you can do if you absolutely feel that you should help financially is have her send you the bills of what she owes and you pay them directly! Do not let her have access to any cash or credit/debit cards.
Helpful Answer (1)

There are 12 step programs called Gamblers Anonymous. I would suggest you steer your mom to attending so she can recover. She will get a sponsor to help. Now for you, get into a support group or join Gam-Anon or Al Anon which will help you understand her and your own behavior as well as how to interact in a healthy way. You can go to this and it is free. Go to their website to find one in her state and your state.
You obviously are wanting your mother's approval by continuing to enable. But news flash....addicts only care about themselves so you will never please her. Get out and get your life in order before you end up in the ranks of poor elderly women.
Helpful Answer (2)

Where does her income come from? If it's Social Security, you might want to call them to find out what it takes to become Payee for the money. It goes to you to pay bills and then give her what is left for whatever her misc needs might be - in her case a limit on the amt she has to gamble. They may refer you to an attorney.

If that's not possible, rally the troops - siblings if any plus you - for a family meeting. Preferably in person. Go over the bills with her to let her see how much she really has left after paying them each month. She needs a budget of some kind.

If she is not willing to budget her money, then let her know how much she runs short each month and explain the utilities and house may go away when she can no longer juggle it. Perhaps seeing in writing, she may realize how much she is tossing out the door each month.

Paying you back is never going to happen. It's an addiction, like drugs, and when the next check comes in you can be sure none of it will go your way. It will feed the addiction and pay only what she thinks she has to pay. Basically, you have provided more for the addiction by spending your own money on food. It's common for families to do things like that, but it's also called enabling. Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (3)

If you have the money and want to help, continue to buy her groceries and pay her utilities and that’s it. It doesn’t matter what she wants. Does she own her own home because the taxes need to be paid and upkeep. I was lucky because my mother just went to the senior citizens center for entertainment. They ate lunch, played cards, played pool and talked. They also took the seniors on day trips. Check out if there is a place like that where your mom lives. They came and got my mom. People gamble because they don’t have to think about their life just the spin of the wheel.
Helpful Answer (0)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
Some of the assisted living facilities take day trips to the casinos. Fine for those that can handle it but for those who become hooked it is very sad. I think it’s a once a month deal. Thank God they don’t go more often than that.
Please, please do NOT give her money for an addiction that could cause tremendous harm down the road. First to spend money so foolishly is just wrong and stupid. She must keep that money for herself. If you pay her bills, with YOUR funds, then keep detailed records and get the bills sent to you, not to her. YOU must control the money. Under no circumstances should you feel guilty or sad that you can't (and shouldn't) give her gambling money. DO NOT DO IT. I have a feeling she is acting out in anger to you because she can't mooch off you forever and also I think she is beginning to get dementia. You cannot reason with these people. If I were in your shoes, besides ME controlling all of her bills and pocket money, I would sit and explain to her the new rules. Let her rant and rave and get angry. Be tough - do NOT give in. And if she starts in on you, then very FIRMLY AND STRONGLY tell her enough is enough and if she does not start cooperating, you won't even pay the requied monthly bills. In the meantime, start thinking that you may have to put her in a facility one day - DO NOT TAKE HER INTO YOUR HOME.
Helpful Answer (4)

Please seek help here through this program as a gambling addiction is no less serious than alcohol over use, drug addiction, overspending, over eating, etc. It is just as hard to stop!!
Call Us Today! 866.733.6768 |
If the link does not pull up for you here, simply go to the internet and type in Reformers It is a faith based stubborn habit program, which meets every Friday night at churches all over the world. How does it differ from a 12-step program? It is faith based and it works. There is also a ladies' group home, if someone chooses to go to the home for 6-month treatment, located in Rockford, Illinois.
And good luck as you will need it!

And you, as the enabler, are a big part of her problem. You must cease enabling her gambling habit. For those who start gambling, they CANNOT stop WITHOUT HELP because they are sure with that one more pull of the one-armed bandit, one more card game, one more roulette wheel spin that they will hit it BIG! THEY WON'T BECAUSE CASINOS ARE A BUSINESS AND AS SUCH, THEY MONITOR WINNINGS!! Good grief - stop the enabling by any and all means necessary!!!
I.e. I know one man very well and is a an addict - that's right - HE IS A GAMBLING ADDICT!!!! Several years ago without his late wife's knowledge, he was draining their bank accounts dry of funds to go to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Well, he got lucky and hit it big on a slot machine and won one million 9 thousand dollars. But guess what - he lost his townhouse because he was still hooked on gambling and he spent that money foolishly. He ended up as a homeless person!!
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019

Some people have won those automobiles in the casino only to have it seized due to not paying their child support money. Why did they not pay child support? All of it went to gambling! They should seize the vehicle and give the money to his children for back child support. It’s just sad.
Does she also have early stages of dementia? Before it's too late if she is willing, try to get an attorney to execute a Power of Attorney for you to handle her financial and medical decisions. Remember that people with dementia often do not make good financial decisions. It may be more than a gambling addiction.
Helpful Answer (1)

My friends sister is a lottery ticket addict. She’s in her 60s. Her husband, in his 80s was working until he dropped dead. He had been working to subsidize their ss and the lottery habit while she sat home with her cat waiting for the winning lottery numbers.
When he died she almost lost her home to a supposed social worker. My friend used a wellness check from the Area Agency on Aging who got in touch with the sisters health insurance. They got her medical treatment (diabetic) and communicated with my friend who lives 1000 miles away. Finally my friend was allowed by her sister to visit. She was appalled at how her sister was living. She tried everything she knew to do to get her sister’s financial situation sorted and her house cleaned. She was able to get her on food stamps. Finally what they have settled on is my friend pays the mortgage on her sisters condo. It was the least expensive living option they could find for her in exchange for the sister going to therapy. She is also on her bank account and should her sister try to sell the condo she would know as the bank and mortgage holder have been given permission to work with my friend. She also has some sort of legal document to claim her interest in the property should her sister die or be scammed. She monitors that the association dues are paid.
After almost three years the sister does seem better as she has kept her bills paid and actually flew to a family gathering last Thanksgiving.
Due to my friend knowing her sister was an addict she would not just give her money. Yet, she couldn’t stand the idea that her sister would be homeless so she worked this out. She knows the sister is still playing the lottery but not as bad as before and the sister freely admits what she is and isn’t doing to the therapist and my friend. She won’t go for a walk or look for a job or mingle with her neighbors.
This addict has two siblings and both have learned the hard way not to just give her money. They love their sister but hardly know her as she isolated herself for many years. Both siblings are very successful. Even the addict was successful at one time, educated, very intelligent, working for Fortune 500 companies. She lives alone. The cat has died. The therapist says she suffers from “learned helplessness” and just wants someone to take care of her. Her siblings know the addiction rules their sisters life. My friend had spent money visiting and helping her get her home in order and the flight home during the holidays but she will probably do all right (or her estate will) on the condo investment and her sister isn’t living under a bridge.
So you might consider helping your mom with lots of strings attached. Otherwise you are just waiting for the bottom to fall out.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
What a sad situation
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While it hurts or makes you feel guilty to stop paying for food or services she needs, EVERY penny you pay means more for her to waste (and less for you in your own retirement needs.)

First questions is: Do you have any kind of POA?

Without POA, your hands are tied. You won't be able to get information from her doctor(s) as to what her medical status is. Clearly she has an addiction to gambling, but are there any underlying conditions that might allow you to take over her finances, etc.

A call to the local SS office (you can call your own local, to get information - I processed becoming rep-payee through MY local office, not mom's.) It might be possible to become rep-payee given the situation. It never hurts to ask. IF there is a way to get this, you can use it to pay her bills, including the food you order for her. You'll have to keep records on how her funds are used, you cannot use any for yourself and must report to them when requested. Once it's in place, it's fairly easy to have bills forwarded to you or use e-billing and pay via a bill-payer system. Billers don't care where they send the bills, so long as they get paid! DON'T use your money to pay her bills! If you can gain control, work with anyone she owes back payments to so you can set up a payment plan to get caught up.

If she has other sources of income, it might take some research on your part. Having POA would help in many cases. For SS and mom's pension, the POA we had made no difference - both were federal and they do not honor any kind of POA. Free initial consult with EC atty might be a place to start.

Absolutely stop enabling. It isn't easy, but it's necessary. DON'T let anything she says or does influence you. DON'T offer less than what she asks for, she is still "winning" when she gets ANYTHING from you!! You wouldn't pay anyone else to "like" you, so it should make no difference that this is your mother. She is blackmailing you by behaving the way she does when you say no. As many have said on other threads, NO is a complete sentence. You don't have to explain why, just no. If she starts a tirade, you politely tell her you'll talk to her later and hang up.

If you have no POA and suspect any cognitive issues, you might be able to obtain guardianship, but this is time consuming and expensive (her assets should pay for this, but it seems pretty clear she doesn't have any.)

Anytime she might be more accepting of non-monetary help, try to convince her to set up POA, so that you can ensure her bills are paid and she won't lose her residence. Whatever is left over after covering the necessities (rent/electric/heat/phone/insurance, etc) could be given to her for whatever she wants to use it for, but perhaps it should be metered out weekly, so she has gas money (use a refillable card?), and some for other necessities? If she complains and wants more, she needs to be told NO - X amount was used to cover your bills and supplies, this is ALL you have left.

When you are there, be sure to check her car for things like minor damages, current registration and inspection, maintenance, etc. Mom forgot to keep up with these things and was having some minor damage issues, so we had to take it away before she killed herself or someone else!

Worst case is you stop all assistance and let the cards fall where they may. She's an adult and can make stupid decisions all day every day. Even in the MC place mom is in, they tell me they can't force dementia patients to do what they don't want to - they have to get creative and coax/cajole the person into agreement! I know this is true, because our EC attorney told us we couldn't force mom to move to MC, despite having POA (I repeat often, doesn't hurt to reiterate: POA does not give anyone ultimate authority over anyone, it merely allows you to make financial and some medical decisions based on a pre-set condition or circumstance.)
Draw a line in the sand and stand by that line - mom isn't allowed to cross it!!!
Helpful Answer (4)
cherokeegrrl54 Aug 2019
Wise words spoken!
See 1 more reply
NeedHelp: Autos? Perhaps some may win an auto at a casino, though I never knew of any who did. Yes, I agree - some individuals who are hooked on gambling do not pay their owed child support because their mind is in an altered state - ADDICTION - and they cannot stop without help. Many try and fail to stop on their own.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019

Isn’t it funny how people who don’t need to win, win things? My friend has a friend who is wealthy and she and her husband gamble on the weekends for fun. They can afford to gamble and they do set a limit on the casino spending.

Anyway...this woman won a very expensive car. She was excited that she won but already drove a ‘very expensive’ car that she loved!

She ended up keeping the car that she won for a few weeks, then went to a dealership to sell it. She sold it for $80,000!

Of course, she did pay a hefty tax on that ‘free’ car that she won but she still came out way ahead and did not really need two ‘expensive’ cars! Smart solution to sell the one that she won.

When my friend was telling me about her friend winning the car, all I could say was, well, if a poor person won that car they couldn’t even afford the tax on it.
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