
Mom is in the early stages of dementia, doesn't remember anything and only remembers her mealtimes. She is not acknowledging the poop right in front of her...she is generally stubborn. So is not acknowledging part of the stubborness or she really is not seeing it? She kept shouting at me that's its not poop, she doesn't smell anything etc. I had to yell at her to get out of poopy clothes. She hasn't showered in days and only changes when I "yell" at her.

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I doubt it is from the vaccine.

Call a pharmacist if you are concerned. They have all of the information on the side effects.

So sorry that you are struggling with this. Caregiving is very challenging.

Tell her doctor or nurse about the issues that you are struggling with. They may have some suggestions for you that could help.

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I doubt your mother is in 'the early stages of dementia' based on your description of her behaviors, truthfully. She sounds quite advanced, in reality.

As far as side effects of the Covid vaccine are concerned, your guess is as good as anyone else's. There are TONS of side effects and most haven't even been reported. Not showering in days is a definite symptom of dementia, as is losing one's sense of smell. Bowel incontinence means she's overdue for disposable briefs now, which is also a sign of advanced dementia.

I'd give her doctor a call and get his or her take on the developments.

Good luck!
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There is no clinical or medical way to determine what caused your mom's accident. You should discount other things that are treatable, like a UTI, which can amplify dementia-like behaviors and have no other symptoms. A UTI can cause a "sudden" change in behavior and can be tested and treated. THey are extremely common in senior women and are caused by physiological changes in her body, not just bad hygiene. You might want to consider taking your mom in to get checked.
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This morning my DH aunt, 94, with dementia, didn’t want to get her shower BECAUSE she said she had poopy pants. Lol.
Thought that would dissuade her bather. I told both aunt and bather about poster Beatty’s patient see below. So aunt started laughing and off she went with the bather, having completely forgotten her resistance to getting her bath.
She had NOT pooped her pants. Dementia doesn’t make them dumb or deaf. She just didn’t want to get up.
Your mom may think denial is the easiest way out of the situation at this point. Denial may be a reflex. I doubt it was the shot but as others have said, who truly knows. If she was up and about more yesterday than usual, the exercise could have helped her bowels empty. Pull-ups really help and of course, always get checked for the UTI when suspected as it will increase dementia symptoms and can be toxic.

Beatty’s post

”If anyone wants a laugh at this 'dear' I met today... 

Get me to the toilet NOW! While I'm sitting here, get me a coffee, make it a strong one, so it will help me go. Yes I want to drink the coffee right HERE in the bathroom!! To help me S#!T!!!

I live on my own so I know what I want!

(Wonder who normally brings the coffee...)”

I read this aloud to aunt with my best English accent. The laugh was all she needed to be up and away to the shower.
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I found that the second shot was pretty hard on me. I was down with fever, chills, aches, and a dreadfully sore arm, but it didn't last long. Two days I would say; many friends with similar. She might be feeling quite unwell in general. If this is flu related it should be over with in three days at most.
She truly sounds as though she might be having more symptoms of UTI and of course coincidental incidents can happen with more than one thing going on at the same time, so keep an eye on things.
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If she didn't smell it, by the way, I'd suspect she's had Covid at some point. You lose your sense of smell for ages - over six weeks for me and still not back to normal. You can have the vaccine (and clothe yourself head to foot in PPE and observe all protocols and not see anything of anyone outside work) and still get the sodding virus. Again, I bear witness. I can't tell you how demoralised I am.

It also comes back to me, though thank God it didn't happen so I'd forgotten, that during my final call from the Track & Trace people before I was cleared to return to work they did include vomiting and diarrhoea among the symptoms I must report. Has your mother had a PCR and/or lateral flow test lately?
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AlvaDeer Mar 2021
Sense of smell can be side effect with dementia, as well, and with Lewy's is quite common.
Thank you all! I called her health insurance nurse practitioner and she said diarrhea could be a side effect in the 72 hrs after the vaccine.

I will make a Dr appointment next. Im pretty sure mom has UTI since she doesn't shower at all but she also generally has been stubborn all her life and and a Meh attitude re: a clean house, personal hygiene, really everything
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I had some very loose stools about 48 hours post second COVID vaccine. Totally agree with CM about the loss of smell sense and definately get her checked for a UTI.
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I’m glad that everyone is discussing their side effects. So others will be prepared for what may happen. Diarrhea wasn’t mentioned to me either time I got my vaccine. I can’t remember if it was listed on the paperwork either.

I had my second shot last Wednesday and my only side effect has been the same as the first, a slight sore arm, nothing more.

My husband felt a little funky though. We are all different so some people will experience different side effects and some will be like me and won’t experience anything more than a sore arm.

I never get sick from my flu shot either but some people get sick every time.

No reaction to the pneumonia shot either.

I think the weirdest effect that I ever had was at the dentist. I decided to try the laughing gas. Well, I wasn’t laughing! I felt like I was flying all around the room! 😂 LOL

I actually hated the feeling and the dentist told me that if I had a strange reaction and some people do, to let him know immediately and he could stop it at any point. I asked him to stop it and haven’t tried it again.
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