
My 94 year old mum lives with me and for the last year has had awful trouble with acid reflux which turned out to be caused by a Hiatus Hernia. It got progressively worse and the doctors said it was almost certain that she had cancer of the osphegus. She was vomiting daily, had an awful cough and reflux and couldn't eat as everything got stuck in her throat. She lost lots of weight and could only manage Fortisips or a bit of soup. On to a couple of weeks ago when she was so bad I almost called 911 but she recovered enough to stay home. That evening I thought she might not make it through the night. Anyway, the next day she was as right as rain. And since then it's like the past year never happened. No reflux, no vomiting, and she has started eating small amounts again. Last night she even had Pizza!!!! What on earth has happened? I just can't comprehend it and am baffled by this miraculous recovery. Has anybody else experienced this???

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I don't want to alarm you but people often have an inexplicable rally at the end of life, in the days preceding her death my own mother who had advanced dementia and was almost completely non verbal was "talking up a storm" according to the staff at her nursing home. Enjoy this time with her.
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I don't think the end of life rally includes physical symptoms going completely away. My mom had a hernia that came and went. Is it possible the the hiatal hernia went back into place?

Whatever happened, I'm glad she's more comfortable for the present!
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W/O a dr's scoping her esophagus, you do not know that the hernia has self repaired.

Not trying to be a downer, but I think you should just enjoy this respite and let her have whatever she wants.

If you want confirmation she's truly 'healed' you need to take her to the dr.
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Praise God for her healing!
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Enjoy the moment, not sure how long it will last. Watched my dad go through that after a stroke, he was good for about 6 weeks, after that a relapse occurred with worse symptoms and he did not last too long. So enjoy that special moment.
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Sounds to me like she may have been healed. Have you asked her is she has had a recent Faith experience? This may be an opportunity for Jesus to show himself as "real" to all involved. Praise His name!
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