
My dad is on hospice with many terminal chronic illnesses. He’s been having bouts of muscle and joint pain one after another. Lately he’s been having vivid dreams and hallucinations. He sees thing and saying someone talking to him in his dreams. Is that a sign death is about near?

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Nikki, only your Dad's hospice nurse can give you a ballpark time frame, as the nurses have been down this road many times.

I know for my own parents, time seem to be getting closer when they were in bed reaching up with their hands like they were seeing someone from the other side, and wanted to join them, calling out that person's name. For other patients, it could be something different.
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I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I know it must be so concerning to go through something like that with a parent. I hope that the Hospice workers can help you get some answers. Please let us know how things are going, if you have time.
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